Chapter 662 Definitely a trap

Chen Ming could only shook his head. He already knew what Nyx and the Nameless Emperor were planning. but even though the two had planned He believed that those plans would only benefit him.

What she wanted was to turn this lower world into a higher world, the same level as the afterlife. She wanted to do that in order to protect his only weakness.

His only weakness right now was his family. Whether his father and mother Or even his grandmother, who used to be considered a very strong martial practitioner.

but compared to him now Everyone is weak Even with all of his lovers who were at the DaoOriginRealm level.

Chen Ming now thought. He'll let Nyx's plans go first. Now there are more important things to do.

Right now, he had to discuss with Dongfang Qiu how to deal with the matter of the Dimensional Rift first.

He was able to close the dimensional rift. But he was sure it was a solution to the root cause. Sooner or later, another dimensional rift will definitely appear.