Chapter 685

Both arrived at Chen Ming and Chen Ning. Their eyes were sparkling.

Chen Ning is not too light. That she has always been interested in men, because her standards are very high

"Mother, elder Win, are there anything like that? Come to me here."

Chen Ning spoke with a smile.

Zhang Lin looked at her daughter. Her daughter looks strange. As if she was thinking of a plan to cover something

It's bad that she can't conceal this mother. She smiled at her daughter before speaking.

"Mother just wants to see your well -being. You haven't been to your mother for many days. Mother just thinks of you, but this man is "

Zhang Lin inspected the young man that her daughter took into the house. She now feels like Chen Wu Jing feels. She felt like meeting him anywhere before. In addition, she feels that she can trust this young man.

Chen Ming smiled at Zhang Lin. He knows what she thinks. She seems to not be very different from his mother.