Chapter 706

after having finished lunch Chen Ming, along with everyone, returned to the sect. Chen Ning and Su Lan Jia still had to study while Sun Lin and Xia Lin were there to serve Chen Ming.

The two knew that sooner or later Chen Ming would return to where he left. They wanted to serve Chen Ming to the best of their ability.

At the same time Hua Lin was currently reading a picture book. she liked it very much Chen Ming was teaching her.

“Brother, what is this thing?”

Hua Lin could talk to Chen Ming normally. She asked Chen Ming what was in the picture book. she is not mute She's just shy. However, with Chen Ming, she had the same feelings towards him as she had with Hua Lan.

“This is it? It's a dinosaur. It's long gone extinct. At least in your world. By the way, in this world, there are demonic beasts that resemble dinosaurs.”

Hua Lin's eyes shone brightly. She seems to like dinosaurs. Is there any kid who doesn't like dinosaurs…probably some?