Chapter 752 Don't have to do anything

The alarm sounded. High-level Angar's signal was detected by the security system now.

The readings that come out of the security system go through the ceiling. There is a catastrophic Angar within the city.

“What the hell is going on here? Stop the alarm now."

A high-ranking security officer spoke after he had read Angar's value detected by the system. The obtained value was too high to be true.

Disaster-level Angars were in the city. Jokingly speaking, Angars of that level must be as big as a mountain. If such a large Angar appeared in the city Everyone had to see it from every corner of the city.

“But sir, the system has never malfunctioned before. Even an underground and low-level Angar could be examined. This might be a new breed of angar."

Another officer spoke to a higher official, his name was Thermel.

Thermail is a staff member who takes care of the maintenance of the security system. He knew that the system was definitely not messed up or broken.