Chapter 758 Emil's choice

Mega Cybertron Or call it short. Cyber right now is looking at how things are going on the field.

He didn't have any regrets whatsoever. However, he felt that the war that took place was worthless and useless.

“Why are you fighting so foolishly? Although we are able to evolve together Why would you want to take what is ours?"

Cybers only do it in order to protect their own empire. The resources in the colony began to diminish.

and because of that The Dorfs want Elves to invade the Robot Kingdom. In order to get the resources to build what they want.

The elves would also benefit from the fact that the Dorfs lived with the elves. if they develop forward The elves would benefit from that too.

Cyber has ordered a nuclear launch. Nuclear weapons may seem highly effective, but

Although it is a weapon of mass destruction. But the high level magic of the elves could block it. Even if there is a lot of damage, but