Chapter 760 Almost broken

Fuelel was currently heading to the elf capital with his army. At first he thought that the elves would not welcome them again.

However, it seemed to come to their aid in times of danger. will result in less suspicion of them

"Going according to plan. Hmm. The elves aren't that smart."

Fitel was certain that he would pull Emil to his side. During the fight He contacted his capital. and find out about Emil.

Everyone's information is in the system. No matter how many years he died If ever registered anything with different cities Those data will be stored permanently. I don't know when that information will come in handy.

“If we threaten that kid with someone similar to his own brother, That kid will definitely agree to come with us. Then plan to try to try all the data from that kid. and kill it later, it's not too late."

Fitel has a lot of plans in his head. However, he didn't know that all of his plans had been figured out.