Chapter 787 The enemy of a mortal enemy is a worthy friend.

Anubis tries to find a god hiding in the desert. But no matter how hard he tried to use his power, he couldn't find it.

“Where exactly is that House God? Why can't I feel it at all?”

Anubis desperately wanted to hunt Bast and Hestia. before he had a chance to hunt the two He could feel his Divinity violently shaking. He even had to stop.

If he didn't stop and chose to chase Bast and Hestia, then His divinity must have been greatly damaged. And soon it will be absorbed by Amunrah's Divinity. He was no longer able to rule over the desert lands he had seized from Amunrah.

“Damn it, it's like I'm at a disadvantage.”

It was exactly what this dog-faced deity thought. He was really at a disadvantage. It became a horn that was attacked from two directions. not the other party

“Zeus, Poseidon and Hades, what are you doing? Why didn't you just destroy Athens? Prolonging time like this will only waste and waste.”