Chapter 790 Old friend

Olympus Temple of Zeus

Zeus was sitting comfortably in his seat drinking Abbrocia. There were many beautiful angels serving him.

They were even disgusted by Zeus. But they could not resist him. His divinity was very strong. If they resisted Not only would their bodies be destroyed. But their souls and souls will also be destroyed and disappeared.

That was the true death of a god. Therefore, they still had to bow their heads and serve the Zeus that they hated.

Zeus knew they hated him but kept them by his side. Because he felt it was more fun to play against the non-conformist than the non-conformist.

However, it seemed that these goddesses had begun to catch up with him. When he wanted to approach which goddess They would try their best to serve him.

And that made him feel bad. It wasn't fun at all. Realizing it, he was no longer interested in the goddesses on Mount Olympus. and began to go down to the ground more