Chapter 832 Can't be compare

The complexion of Susanoo's face had become very wan at this point. On the other hand, there was a supreme deity that Izanami and Izanagi were the only ones who could defeat.

despite the fact that they were all on the same level as the Supreme God, all three of them. Nux, on the other hand, was born a very long time ago. Even if they work together to overwhelm Nux with more enemies, neither of them has a chance of winning against him on their own.

Now Susanoo has found the genuine article.

"Mother of All That Is Evil" Ever since I was a little kid, I've been hearing a lot of people talk about you. I hold a high regard for you in my heart. Because no one but you can defeat my parents, especially my mom. But you've been absent for a very considerable period of time. Because of this, you have come back in such a manner."

Following the conflict, Susanoo and the other gods are in the dark about what became of Nux.