Chapter 862 Meet again

In the land of timeless time and space.

Chronos, who thought that his plan would work flawlessly, looked at what had happened. He couldn't believe that his sword would be stolen just like that.

He gritted his teeth in frustration, realizing that his meticulously crafted plan had been foiled. And his sword was completely stolen. He couldn't feel the connection to his most prized possession anymore, as if it had vanished into thin air.

"Nyx, It's you again!"

He exclaimed, realizing that it was Nyx, the goddess of night, who had managed to outsmart him once more.

Chronos knew he had underestimated her cunning, even after what had happened to her. She could still stand up like it was nothing.

"I underestimated her and paid the price."

Chronos thought to himself, his frustration growing. He had spent countless years devising the perfect plan, only to have it crumble in front of him.