Moha, in a foul mood, after he argues with Ndeye, could not last more than half the day and went to the Pink Lake to be alone. As he ruminated alone against himself and Ndeye for hours, he was interrupted by Aras.
_ Stop brooding. I have good news for you, he said.
_ I hope for your sake that this is the case.
_ How can you doubt my word like that? I am offended!
_ Stop acting and start talking! It's not like I I don't have to do anything but listen to you!
_ How cruel! Well, I'll go ahead. I found a way for Ndeye to give birth.
_ What? You're not joking, are you?
_ I'm deadly serious. I've had time to do a lot of research since the day we found out about her infertility and I finally found the solution. Behave yourself. We must call in a sorcerer.
_ A witch doctor? Are there any?
_ Yes, though they are hidden and no longer a myth. I've met one.
_ When? How?