Chapter nine

Following the discovery the day before that Amy, the previous Chosen One, was alive and at Saliou's side as his wife, which put an end to the discussion that might otherwise have gone awry, the next morning Fa'Bintou and Ibra wasted no time in flying to Senegal after receiving advice on what to do and how to do it well.

On arrival, they were picked up at the airport by Ma'Fatou, whom she and Moha's parents had asked to take to his house for the duration of their stay. They hoped that Fa'Bintou and Ibra could convince Moha to pull himself together, accept things and move on.

But Fa'Bintou had more than that in mind, and barely made it into the house when she saw Ma'Khady passing by.

_ But who do I see there? Could it be our dearest usurper of Luna? asked Fa'Bintou.

_ ...... (She pretended not to have seen or heard him and continued on her way)

_ Where do you think you are going after ignoring me like this?

_ What a question! To my room, of course.