"From now on, this is all a secret." Dova looked at me.

I nodded. "Right. No one must know our identity, including everyone in this house."

Dova kept saying, as if he didn't believe me. "Don't tell anyone we're spies."

I nodded after millionth times. That conversation was probably one of the things I missed the most about my best friend, Dova. Since he was busy with school matters, Dova and I rarely spoke we used to. Dova was turned colder.

Until one day, when the last day of school break came, I got some shocking news. And slowly for some reason, Dova started getting close to me again.

"Miss Suri, I have someone who wants to see you tomorrow," shouted Mr. Tomi on breakfast.

At this great circular table it was just me, Fia, and also Dova. They were both friends who lived here with me. Even though my mom and dad were passed away, I didn't feel lonely because of them.

"They want to meet me, really?" I asked Mr. Tomi, who just got into the dining room. "I think you use to handle every business that relate to me."

Mr. Tomi was my late father's most trusted man. "Sorry. This is not an ordinary business."

I looked at that old man more seriously. "So, what's the deal?"

"This is your groom," Mr. Tomi answered.


Everyone sitting around the table suddenly choked and eared after hearing the news.

Fia laughed. "Is this serious, Sir? Are you kidding me?"

"But I just started high school," I protested.

Dova laughed along and just shook his head.

"It's serious," admitted Mr. Tomi. "Miss Suri's appearance in the media during the time of the attempted murder, sparked the curiosity of many business associates who used to be your late father's closest friends."

"Are they really curious about me?" I wondered.

"Most of them say that you're very smart for someone in your age," admitted Mr. Tomi. "And the businessmen want to make you as their daughter-in-law."

"Wait a minute." I was holding my head that got dizzy. "So it's not only one candidate, then?"

Mr. Tomi nodded. "Many want to propose Ms. Suri, so please choose by yourself."

I stole a glance at Dova right in front of me. Even if he was also in my age, he'd be wiser than me. Dova and I had a secret. Maybe I could ask him for advice later.

"What if I don't want to pick one of them?"

Mr. Tomi smiled slightly. "We certainly would not want prolonged business relationships to fall apart. The result can be fatal."

I sighed. This is really bad. I couldn't just jump to conclusions.


At night, I went to the family's private library by sneaking out of my room. Fia's room was right next to mine, so I had to tread as calmly as I could, so she wouldn't know it.

Inside the library, I saw Dova sitting on the chair, reading a book. When he saw me coming, he quickly closed the book and stood up. I realized he had gotten taller than I was.

"I don't care if you get married or not." Dova looked away. "But tomorrow I will still go to EMA."

People generally think that The Elite Mastermind Academy or EMA is an elite, expensive, respectable school and also the tests were so difficult. But I never took the test, either. We could both go there without a test. It just happened. Suddenly, there were emails from the principal because both of us were suddenly became famous for exposing a criminal case in the past. Actually, it was a spy school.

"I want to be in there too. Who wants homeschooling anymore? Boring," I blurted out a little. "I told Mr. Tomi for a delay."

"Postpone it? You wouldn't dare to say no, Suri." Dova looked out the window. There was disappointment on his face.

"That's why I'm here, can I ask you for advice? You're my friend."

Dova's been quiet for a while.

"Whatever. Postpone it as long as possible," he replied. "I'm sorry I couldn't help you any more," he said it while yawning, and then just left.

I was still standing there, confused with my own problems.


This morning, Dova and I sat in the car, while Mr. Tomi drove ahead. We both waved to Fia who leaned against the gate.

"Wait for me until I graduate from junior high, okay?" she shouted with a frown. Fia wanted to be in EMA, but she was still very young.

I still waved, while Dova keeping his eyes on me. Sometimes I felt unconfident when Dova watched me this near.

"Why did you tie your hair?" asked Dova, as if he knew that I realized his gaze on me.

I shrugged. "To tidy up,"

Dova head on. "I think it's better to see you in your old style."

I wonder since when was this guy care so much about my appearance. This cold guy had just created an awkward momment between us. I didn't know what to say. "Hey," I said. "Are you ... sick?"
