part - 3 (1)


hey guys this is animerd. i have started to draw a webcomic name "tough being an overpowered" a comedy series. and practice for drawing this work in the near future. please do support the work and do subscribe to it. it is available in both webtoon and tapas. thank you


A town where people lived in peace and harmony despite outside of the island being in chaos is now completely wreaked. The houses are broken down. There are some people who died with their bodies completely dried up. The living ones are evacuating the town. The entire town is in chaos. And in the midst of that chaos—


There is a being that looks similar to the one that killed katsu back on the surface but this one has only one tail and its eyes are of a different color compared to before. It is going towards the ones that are evacuating and absorbing them. Which resulted in the dried-up bodies that are lying down there.

“Run run evacuate fast”

“Everybody into the formation, do not go close to the creature and stop it with your life if it is targeting the civilians. No matter what do not die and let it absorb you and do not engage in battle with it. We are no match for it.”

“Yes sir”

A person with a burly body gives an order to the group of people who are evacuating the civilians and rescuing the people and trying to stop the celestial creature.

They are called the fighters. They are the guards that protect the border sites with their life on the line. And the one that is giving orders to them is one of the highest ranks in the fighters ‘The commander’.

On the orders of the commander, the fighters surrounding the monster get in the defense formation.




They hit the monster with long-range magic spells on the orders of the commander.

Due to the release of continuous long-range spells, a dust cloud was formed and the celestial was covered in it.

“....did that do it?”

As the dust cloud started to settle down. The monster silhouette is still standing. The fighters who were anxious about the damage made a complicated expression as the creature was unfazed.

“No time for backing down. Keep attacking.”

As they were all backing down in fear the commanders yell words of encouragement.

As they all heard it they all attacked once again as the attacks were targeted towards the celestial–




The celestial vanished all of a sudden. And the attacks that were targeted at it hit each other and kicked off the dust.

The creature is not visible and the others were masked off due to the smoke everybody was in a panic

“All of you calm down do not panic—”


As the commander was trying to calm the fighters down there was a scream and as the dust cleared out everybody seen in that direction and there was—

“Commander….help ”

There was a fighter that was caught by the celestial and was its hand has made a hole in the fighter's stomach.

As everybody was terrified by that scene the celestial creature just absorbed his body as his body dried up. and turned to skinny bones.


Everybody was terrified by that except for one

“Tch…..damn youuuuuuuuu!!!!!”

The commander who saw his subordinate death had rushed towards the celestial who was still holding the body of the dead fighter.

The celestial which had seen the commander rushing towards it threw the body towards the commander.


As soon as the celestial threw the body the commander caught the body with care and stopped in his tracks. The celestial used this chance to get invisible again

“Everybody, protect the civilians!!!”

As he said that in midst of the battle everybody was trying to protect the civilians who were evacuating the commander saw the fallen soldier in his hands and said this while closing his eyes

“Rest in peace. We will avenge your death”

As he said that and laid down his body



There was another scream like last time and the commander saw in that direction there was another soldier who was hanging while his face was caught by the celestial creature. It raised its hand as if to punch a hole in the stomach of the fighter

“No, you don't!!!!!”

The commander said that while rushing towards the celestial creature. As he was rushing towards the celestial his hand started to glow

“attack barrier - drive-through”

The glow changed into the shape of a giant shield and traveled towards the celestial and hit it.

The creature was startled due to the hit and sent a few steps back while leaving the fighter. The commander used this chance and caught the fighter and fell a few steps back.

The magic commander used was ‘the barrier magic - shapeshifting barrier top user rank’. He can shift the barrier into attack type or defense type.

As he took the fighter and fell back he saw towards the celestial and it was standing there unfazed

“Tch…. that was my strongest attack. It did not even faze by that.”

“Your kidding…even the direct servant of one of the 10 aristocrat’s attacks did not do a thing.”

The commander let down the fighter and gave his orders.

“No matter what, do not let that attack any of the civilians. We cannot let that creature into the city anymore. We need to stall it until the demon kings or the 5 prodigies ”

“Commander it is doing something”


As he looked at it the creature which was standing until then bent as if it was standing on four legs and opened its mouth wide open and as its mouth was wide and clearly a light ball started to appear infront of its open mouth. The light ball started as a minute ball but as the time passed by the light started to gather and get mixed in that ball.

“What is that?”

“Everybody fall back!!!!”


“Just get back and avoid it no matter what? Evacuate anybody near the attack direction the creature is targetting”

“Yes sir”

As everybody was listened to the orders of the commander and were doing so one of them asked the commander

“Do you know what that is commander?”

“No, I don't know what that is….. but all I can say is…… that is not a good thing”

When they were all doing so the celestial launched the attack and it came as a beam towards the commander and others the beam crossed the commander and the others and caused destruction after traveling some distance after crossing the commander the beam was so strong that its destruction formed a huge crater and the rubble that was present at that place was turned to dust.

When the fighters saw that attack everybody fell down in despair

“What the hell is that power?”

“We are done for!!!”

“It is not a high level celestial for nothing. As expected either the demon kings or the 5 prodigies are the only ones that can deal with”

“.....The rubble has become dust……imagine it targeting that light towards the evacuation side”

They were all sweating and some are shaking their body in fear.

“Do not fear. Fight back. Fight even if it means losing your lives. If you step back now, the entire village will be mopped down to ruin. Every single fighter is important right now.”

The commander was encouraging the fighters and they stood back up on their feet but were still afraid to fight. As they were like that the celestial creature took the same pose as before and was charging the same attack in the direction of the evacuation.

“Oh no, it is targeting the evacuation. Everyone who can use barrier magic stands behind me and support me using you barrier fighters who cannot use barrier magic stand behind the barrier users and support them”

They all move on to the direction the celestial was targeting and the commander stood in the front and the others stood behind him

“Body barrier - protection”

As he said that, making his body as the center a barrier appeared around him and supporting him the barrier users use their magic and support the barrier made by the commander the non-barrier users use their body and support the barrier users as they were helping them withstand the impact.

As they prepared a barrier the celestial creature has completed charging its attack and shot at the commander and the others

“Prepare for the impact!!!!!”


The beam hit the barrier


Everyone is holding their best against the attack. They were being pushed back due to the impact but they were holding it in

“Don't flinch, use every inch of the power inside your body. No matter what you do not relax any of your muscles. Do everything you can to stop the attack.”

“““Yes sir!!!!”””

Due to the light hitting the barrier the side effect had blinded them but they hung in there with everything they got and as the impact got reduced and the light dimmed and it resulted in a dust cloud. The shield broke at the end due to the continuous impact. All the fighters fell on their knees and backs and were breathing heavily. The commander was also exhausted.

The dust cloud was clearing and as it completely cleared their eyes were wide open because the celestial creature was preparing another round of the same attack.

“This is bad. I don't have enough magic”

“Commander what should we do nobody has any magic left. They are all exhausted.”

The commander who was conflicted breathed out a single time as he remembered these words

(the entire hell, no the entire world’s fate depends—)

“ ‘– on the survival of this island. And this island’s survival is in your hands that is what the demon kings said before we joined in the border security. We cannot despair now and we cannot down now either.”

When he said that everybody listened to him with a serious expression as he stood up and said

“Everybody falls back and nobody stays here. wait until the help arrives.”

“Then commander, what about you?”

“This is my final order as your commander”

He said that and stood up and extended his hands as if he was using his own body as a meat shield

“I will buy you time with my remaining magic and body. No matter what you guys must survive”


“Now leave….”

As he said that everybody who was still down stood up as the commander was standing infront of the celestial while using his body as a shield

(i am coming to you guys my children and my wives)

“Huh? You guys what are you doing?”

As he was about to take the hit from the celestial the others instead of turning back they stood beside him and stood in the same position as that of the commander

“We are the border security we might be weaker than you but we have the same responsibility as you commander. If we are going down then we all are going down together”

As the fighter said that the commander looked at the others they all are smiling and nodding at him

“...thank you guys, this is our last stand to the enemy, lets gooooo”

“““Yes sir!!!!!”””

Some are crying in fear, some are shaking with fear, some are happy with no regrets, some are frustrated with regrets but all they can do right now is to save the island with their lives. And they were ready to take it. The celestial whose attack has completed its charging and was ready to shoot



As the attack was about to be launched a red-colored ball came and hot the celestial right at the light was being gathered. The impact of two magic collisions created a huge dust cloud. The commander and the others who saw in the direction where the attack came—

“You guys did great holding it up. Now leave the rest to us”

The one who said that was lucifer who landed beside the commander and the others along with katsu and right behind him was yugina whose hand was glowing in red the same color as the magic that hit the celestial creature. It was clearly her magic.

When the fighters saw them they all fell on the ground and

“““We made ittttttt”””

“The 5 prodigies and the demon king is hereeeeee.”

Everybody collapsed onto the ground with tears. Their fears were worse than anybody could imagine and it can be identified by their tears alone.

Following yugina, lucifer, and katsu the other 5 prodigies landed, and as hiro was about to land he lands a punch on the celestial and it was sent back quite a bit of distance, and the celestial who was hit by the magic and the punch—


Was enraged the 5 prodigies have taken a battle stance except for katsu. He was clearly shaking and sweating as he remembered the traumatic death that he faced on the surface.

Lucifer turns towards the commander and says

“The 5 prodigies along with this man will engage with the celestial and in the meantime, we will erect a barrier right at the end of this town to help with the evacuation and move all civilians beyond the town and into the forest and prioritize their safety no matter what.”

“““Yes sir!!!!”””

“But before that—”

He said to them with a proud smile

“Great job”

As they heard this praise their entire hard work made it worth it as their eyes were filled with tears

“““......thank you, sir!!!!”””

As they said that they all left while smiling

“Alright then shall we do this?”


When Lucifer asks that everybody replies with confidence except katsu. He was breathing heavily. Lucifer observes that

“Katsu? you alright?”

He did not answer and katsu continued to breathe heavily. Lucifer understood that his traumatic memory had reminisced

“Hey, katsu!!!”

When lucifer calls out to him he turns towards him with a fearful face and teary-eyed as if he woke up from his worst nightmare.

“This is not the time—”

“Look out!!!”

As he was about to say something to katsu a warning came out from yugina. When they looked in that direction a light ball was coming towards them. When katsu was about to be hit by that directly, lucifer pushes him and the light which was about to hit him directly only graced him but the attack power was so strong that katsu was sent back flying with a huge injury on his stomach.