a meeting room of a building which was heavily guarded by the fighters and with the interior of a luxurious place and there is a round table and there is a meeting going on with 11 shadow silhouettes around the table.


at that meeting there is a person among the silhouettes hit the table and with a serious expression and said

"you better not be joking lucifer"

"what do you mean by the miracle sphere is gone"

"explain yourselves"

"yes we will explain everything"

the elders were furious just as the demon kings had expected and Solomon and the other demon kings answered like that while looking apologetic as they started to explain.

the elders are the people who lived over 100 million years. their knowledge is top-notch in the entire hell due to their age. each island consists of at least 1 elder but this island which is the base of the demons has 6 elders. among the 6 elders, one of elders is katsuro. katsu's master. it was their advice to hold up the miracle sphere as a last resort. their future sight is unbearably the best on the entire island. their power level is said to be on the level of the demon kings. at the present time, they are only a bit weaker than the 2nd strongest generation. it is the case for everyone except for katsuro since he is the strongest of all underworld history. they are like guardians of the island.

now those 6 people have gathered in the meeting room and are asking the demon kings for an explanation

the demon kings have given their explanation on the entire situation. after hearing that–


the elders have enraged except for katsuro

"y-y-you used up the miracle sphere!!!!!? the last hope of the underworld!!!!?"

"and on top of that, you used it to bring a human back to life."

"are you insane!!!?"

"you used up something way too precious lucifer. you will be punished for this crime."


as soon as he said that to Solomon he just accepted it but the other demon kings refuted

"Please wait. it is my responsibility"

"no, it was me who proposed it"

"no, no if anybody is going to be punished it has to be me"

"you guys what are you saying!!!"

as the demon kings were talking like that—

"ho ho ho"

there was a similar peculiar laugh among the 6 elders. it was katsuro. as soon as all of them heard that laugh all of them looked at him as he said

"I was just joking before that you might need to use the miracle sphere to bring him back but to think he was brought back to life by the miracle sphere. ho ho ho"

"do you think this a funny matter? they used the last line of hope for the survival of our people–"

"don't you think he had a reason?"


"you guys believed so much in them. they fought countless impossible battles at a very young age and returned back alive and they even lost so many important people for them in those battles that they even lost their will to fight yet they became the demon kings just for us. don't you think they are concerned about the underworld as well? there must be a reason for doing that. don't you all think so too?"


when katsuro said that the angry elders became silent and looked down with frustration while katsuro continued



"the one you reincarnated into a demon using the miracle sphere is it the boy that you showed me?"

when he asked that to Solomon he replied with a serious expression


"ho ho ho, I see… no wonder you suddenly asked me to be his teacher"

when he said that with a smile one of the elders asked with a shocked expression

"you met him?"

"yes, he is quite a good youngster. he was only one other than maria to take on 2 of my serious blows and stand up again. he might even surpass her if he was trained properly"


as soon as they heard that they were all shocked

"maria you say. you gotta be kidding me. that kid has that much potential?"

"yes, but that is only half of the reason, there is still another half of the reason."

as he said that he looked towards Solomon and asked

"Solomon, what was that power that he wielded? it felt like I have sensed it before. you told me that you would tell everything in this meeting."

when he asked that all the elders also looked at him and–

"lucifer tell us the reason why you reincarnated him?"

asked him as they were convinced from the situation of losing the miracle sphere

when everybody asked with a serious face, Solomon sighed as if he was ready and answered

"the first and foremost reason is that he died because of us. we were not able to stop a low-level celestial from killing him. that kid has lost so much from his life much like us four and in the end, he even lost his life. so I wanted to help him—"

"that is ridiculous!!!"

as he was about to continue one of the six elders intervened in his talk and along with him other elders also shouted:

"for something like that!!?"

"you did that out of your selfishness!!?"


then as if katsuro could not endure the interferences any longer he placed both his hands on the table and released a wave of intimidation as soon as everybody felt that they all became silent and a cold sweat ran through their face. as everybody became silent he said with a cold voice

"shut up. just let him finish his reasonings"

when he said that everybody fell silent and sat down in their seats and listened and as Solomon thought to himself with a terrified expression

(sensei's chi is as terrifying as always)

as he thought that he continued his talk

"my second reason is that kid is the reason that we experienced a tremor a while back"


when he said that everybody looked confused along with katsuro then katsuro asked

"Could you elaborate?"

"That kid is the host of one of the heavenly dragons, the red dragon the child of the sun and he used its power to cause that tremor even though it is unconsciously"

when he said that everybody's expression turned into surprise even katsuro could not hold his surprise. they were all sweating cold.

Solomon continued to explain

"that kid, even if he does not save the underworld but he could at least save this island until the zodiac guardians are all back"

when he said that everybody who was tense and angry until then was relieved as if they got an item that was worth the huge amount of money they spent in an auction

then katsuro who recovered from the shock suddenly turned exi=cited and said

"to think that one of the heavenly dragons who could fight head to head with the god himself has a master that it listens to and moreover it is on our side."

as he continued he was clearly shaking out of excitement

"Solomon, when you first told me to take him as a student I was a bit hesitant but after sparring with him I thought I would take him just like any other student that I have ever taken until. but right now I am very excited to take him"

when he said that while shaking with the excitement Solomon said while smiling.

"sensei, please take care of the hope of the underworld. he does not even know the basics like celestial creatures power level division, power ranks, zodiac guardians, and zodiac guardian magic"

when he said that katsuro talked in a highly energetic voice.

"Leave everything to me. I will take care of him and make him capable of fighting all the celestials that exist."

"yes, I will leave him to you"

as they both were talking to each other one of the elders also talked in an excited manner

"yeah, if you teach him, he might even be able to save the entire mythological world by himself."

"if only we would seek out the other heavenly dragon then it may not be a dream anymore to save the mythological world"

"it is impossible. you know that don't you? even if he cannot save the world all he needs to do is hold out until all the guardians are reborn. if only the strongest demon king were alive we wouldn't be in this situation"

as they were all a little bit down as if to divert the topic one of the elders said

"speaking of which it is almost 'that' time of cycle right?"

then katsuro speaks with to the elder who says that while watching towards the ceiling

"yeah, it is almost that time. anytime it may happen we must be prepared"


the room became silent as if to break the silence an elder asks

"Anyway, where is this kid you reincarnated?"

when an elder asks that Solomon replies

"Yeah, after the sparring match with sensei, he was heavily injured and passed out. right now my servants are taking care of him and healing him"

after that, they all talked a little more and ended the meeting


after the meeting was over all the people left while Solomon was standing beside the window and looking towards the moon as Dante comes and says

"you really are lucky that you were not executed"


then aoi asks

"by the way was is the first reason the real reason you brought him back to life?"


"you really are an idiot you know that?"

".... I know"

when he said that Alphonse asks

"so after his treatment was over our new friend will be trained by sensei from morning right?"


after he said that Solomon looks towards the moon and smiles and says to the demon kings



"Today we made a new friend for us"

when he said that everybody smiled back at him and replies with a happy smile in unison


when they replied they all looked towards the moon. and right under that moonlight that passed through a room window. in that room, there was a bed with katsu lying on it unconsciously.