State of Emergency

5:50 A.M

5 hours have passed after the horrible storm ruined the celebration, The whole country of Barandia has issued an Emergency on its population to stay indoors and wait until further notice, The Electricity had not yet returned, all malls and stores have to be closed during the lockdown, major city streets have been flooded with rainwater that other drivers are stuck on major highways that they end up waiting on the side of the road until it drains, there were no civilian casualties but most of them got injured during the storm and have to be sent to the hospital

All international Airliners that were heading to America or Australia have been disappeared from the radar screen, But the worst part was that the HQ cannot contact America, Australia, or any other countries their line of communications has been offline during the storm

The Prime Minister Palace, 8:00 A.M

the prime minister has issued the situation at the conference room with the secretaries, chief of staff, and government officials to address the situation

Turner: "So, what the hell is going on here?"

Chief of Staff Mason Hernandez spoke up

Mason: "Sir, we have lost all communications of our trusted ally and other countries during the storm and we don't have any satellites to know what is going on, but what I can tell is that there are no civilian casualties only most are injured, But what I'm gonna tell you next may shocked all of you"

Turned and the others listened to Mason

Mason: "At 7:00 A.M they have reports of strange land up north near the City of Severny, The Severny Police Department are sent to investigate this unknown land and what they saw is shocking to see."

Mason turned on the T.V and show the picture that the police officer had taken during the investigation

Turner was in shock to see what he saw, instead of the beautiful sunny beach it was a grassy land covered in multiple forests around it, as Mason scroll more pictures, there was a small dirt road leading in further through the unknown land, The Police Department have surrounded the area and swat teams are on guard for any random trespassers entering their land.

When Mason turned off the T.V, Prime Minister Turner Bradley spoke up

Turner: "why is there land up north?"

Mason: "I don't know sir but all I can tell is that... we might be in another world"

Turner: "..." (In Another World?.... But all those things are from sci-fi movies and novels... why does this shit happen to us... How will I say to the people of Barandia!?)

Turner has been silent for a few moments then he spoke

Turner: "Well since that's the issue, but our concerns are our daily needs, we need to figure out how we can survive this new world we've been in. Lewis, can we sustain our population with our products?"

Secretary of Agriculture Lewis Cooper: "Yes sir, since Barandia can grow 100% self-sufficient fruits, wheat and vegetables but it would be hard for any imported ones."

Turner: "That's great. Henry and Westley, our companies wouldn't like this, especially the ones that are from America, and their businesses would be slow by the lack of workers, I need you two to sort it out."

Secretary of Commerce Henry Collin and Secretary of Labor Westley Travis: "Yes Sir!"

Turner: "Now Charlie, what about our Oil usage and production?"

Secretary of Energy Charlie Jaxon: "Unlike America, We have consumed 13 million barrels per day from both civilian and military use even some are driving electric cars, and we produce about 500,000 barrels per day, we greatly need to restrict the population on oil use until we find a new source in the new world"

Turner: "Good I think that's about it, what about the new world Mason?"

Mason: "Our deepest concerns is that whatever that land leads to might be hostiles"

Turner: "Then we need to secure that area and we need to find out about it!"

Mason: "Should we send an E3 Sentry to the new world sir?"

Turner: "Sure, I'll accept on sending the E3 Sentry to the north to know the uncharted land in there"

Mason: "Yes sir"

Turner: "Alright everyone dismisses this meeting I'm going to bed"

Turner get up from his seat and went off to his room

Severny Air Force Base, 9:00 A.M

An E3 Sentry is taxing through to the runway

"Ghosteye to Air traffic control, requesting permmision to take off over" Pilot said to the

"Air traffic control to Ghosteye, you are clear for takeoff"

The E3 Sentry "Ghosteye" speeds up through the runway and it takes off to the north side of Barandia towards the uncharted land

as they fly further the place is so cloudy that it is hard to see further ahead, the operators are scanning the area to find smaller towns and villages.

as the pilots go further north they suddenly spot something above the clouds, the pilots are wondering what it was so they ascended to see what it is, as they are above the clouds they were wide-eyed on what they saw

on the sky was a huge squadron of bomber planes heading west to somewhere out to sea, as the AWACS got closer a single bomber plane came from behind and there were side by side looking at each other

the bomber plane appearance is a Russian Petlyakov Pe-8 bomber plane and its emblem is similar to a soviet red star but its different

the emblem is a star like the soviet red star but its colored blue and the circle that the star was in it was colored red on the side of the bomber plane, the pilots of the bomber aircraft were overwhelmed by the E3 Sentry

They pilots try to communicate with them but as they do so they went off with the others leaving them dumbfounded

"Command this is Ghosteye" The Pilot said to Command

"Command to Ghosteye, Go ahead" The Command said

"We have made visual contact with the aircraft that is simillar to a russian ww2 bomber, We tried to communicate with the pilots but they went off with the others over" The pilot said to Command

"Copy that Ghosteye, return to base" The Command replied to The Pilot

"Roger" The Pilot answered to Command

"Well that is weird, Let's head back to base" The Pilot said

"But can we observed them a little longer" The co-pilot said to him

"Negative, we need to get back were running low on fuel we need to retreat for now"

The AWACS turn right and decended below to head back

For the bomber pilots

"Did you take a photo of that strange plane?" The Pilot said

"Afirmative, that aircraft is weird as hell, where are the propellers, and what's is that weird rotating circular thing on top of it?" The co-pilot said

The bomber pilots are still questioning on that strange aircraft while on a mission

Severny Military Base, 9:00 A.M

Leopard 2pl gunner named Hans Garcia and the loader James Anderson were eating their breakfast in the dining hall with the others, the two chatting about animes and random kinds of stuff until a random private joins them and he started talking

Private: "Hey! have you guys heard the news recently!?"

Hans: "About the typhoon that nearly killed us and that we have done our exercise early in the morning?"

Private: "No not that, I heard in the news that the beach near the city of severny was replaced with grassy lands and forests!"

James: "Really?"

Hans: "You serious aren't you?"

Private: "Yup"

Hans: "well then let us see it to make us believe that crap"

The Private grabs his phone and show them the news, the newscaster has said that there was a new land that replaced the beach of the state, the police and swat teams are closing the area to prevent anyone from trespass and going over it

Hans and James couldn't believe it and they were wide eye to the Private

James: "Hans could this mean we-"

Hans: "-we have been"

James: "sent!"

Hans: "into!"


As they shouted out loud everyone in the dining hall stared at them blank face, they imidietly sit down and they talk quietly

James: "I can't believe it we are in another world"

Hans:" I thought some retards could think it would happen, but it happened now. so, what do we do?"

Private: "Well-considered you two are weebs, you should keep this by yourselves until you were in the battlefield through the new land, c'mon let's finish our breakfast before the sergeant would call us"

the others finished eating and then went to their posts, both of them were mixed with excitement about what's going to happen next