
Leonard walked towards his room, he couldn't help but be anxious at the constant stalking of his sister.

He's running out of time, for a child called in distress and he couldn't forget the sheer dread it entailed.

"ha... What is father doing in that place?"

He couldn't help but be suspicious of his father, why would a child scream of pain calling for help?

He decided to put off his suspicion for now. What he needed to do is to have his sister lost and make a tiny hole in the wall.

He needed to investigate the distress calls. and he can't afford to waste time, what if the space behind the wall was a place where sewers are maintained and the distressed calls are of a kid drowning?

What if it was connected to the outside world and it's a place where others get bullied? Leonard wouldn't be able to sleep if he didn't get answers.

"Now this is getting annoying."

He felt a presence just outside his door. He couldn't be bothered so he ignored it because it was easy to know who the presence belonged.

'Why is Lenneza even doing this? Just ignore me like you used to!'

Leonard pleaded. He needed to do something discreet right now and she isn't helping.

Lenneza, however, wanted to invite her brother to play, but she doesn't have any experience with other people, In the first run. Lenneza's cold attitude was thanks to her environment, she wasn't at fault. She had to ignore people that weren't worth her time and she only felt cared for when Walter "helped" her on the first run.

Well, Leonard helped her more than Walter could count.

Lenneza took a deep breath, she was about to barge into Leonard's room, unlike the first run, Leonard of this time was cold, just like her. It seems their positions switched.


She barged into the room, but Leonard wasn't there, instead the window was opened and the air's breeze came in with no resistance.

Lenneza gasped, he knew! He knows that she was at his door!

Lenneza ran, she could care less what others think of her, she was a child it could be justified.

What she didn't know is that Leonard just opened the window, and he was hiding under his bed.

"I didn't expect sister to be such a klutz"

He chuckled. This is the first time he has ever seen Lenneza be such a fussy child. He didn't know what prompted her to try and get close to Leonard but Leonard pushed the thought away.

"I... I still have to be a villain."

Leonard solemnly smiled.

"What is a ten-year-old me thinking, I should cherish the fact I have some freedom here."

Leonard shook his head and waited a few minutes till he went back under the stairs so his somehow, overly energetic sister won't find him.

He used the corkscrew forcefully to make a hole and he succeeded, the thin wall was 1cm thick. So he easily made a hole. By then he used Shadow Arts and made it to the other side.

It... Looking like a labyrinth, he looked back at the supposedly wooden wall. It... It was clear that there was no wall in the first place, he could see the other side.

"So it was both, a wooden wall and a magically engineered door."

It probably requires an identification item to pass through but they made it to a thin wall to save time. In his first run, he just passed by this wooden wall.

He probably didn't even notice at all. Leonard continued to wall the halls, it looked ancient but it was well maintained. He walked down the stairs that were a few meters away from the wooden door.

He saw a Roomba cleaning the floor below and just pursed his mouth 'I forgot that this world is also modern with magic'. He sighed and continued walking down.

What was next is that there's a hall left and right that stretches up to 20 meters. It was probably a corridor and it was filled with cells.

"If this is a sex dungeon and I found that child I will fucking hang my father with my own hands."

He looked left and right, taking him to decide where to go first. He decided to go left first and go a long way to the right.

It was the right decision as just the cell from the second to the last in the left hall he saw movements in the cell. The lighting was dim but was enough for Leonard to see.

He looked carefully inside the cell, the bed had a mountain covered in a blanket. He scratched his head.


The blanket mountain flinched, I couldn't help but be wary. Till then I saw it, Gray-ish hair and Blue eyes, looking at me from the little peephole that portrayed the child's face.


The child then started trembling, I conjured a light ball to illuminate the surroundings and the ball floated inside the cell with no obstruction.

Since the cell door is locked I went inside using the shadow art. When I walked in without using the door the child got more scared and tears started to form at the edge of her eyes.

"Sniff... Sniff..."

Leonard seemed distraught, he panicked for a bit and then started doing magic tricks to calm the child.

"Hey! Hey! It's okay! Look, look!"

He flicked his hand and a tiny emblem of fire appeared on his finger, the child just watched but instead of being wary, the child was confused.

"look! Look!"

Leonard, eager to please the child, snapped his finger and clapped his hand and the fire became a snowflake. The level of mana control in his hands is the Labor of hard work he had in the first run.

"See? See?"

The child stopped trembling but it was still wary. Leonard, thinking of a way to approach the child, decided to use the system. He bought some candies, they were not ordinary candies but it was something he could make.

[Dexterity candies{20Points}{Temporary}] x2

"Here, some candy, do you want some?"

The child is quite confused, but the child decided to get out of her blanket cover and reached for the candy Leonard was offering.

The child is a young girl, she looks like she is seven. But Leonard saw made him seethe with anger.

He saw the child with some gashes and they were new. The child reached for the candy and placed it in her mouth.

"Hey, What's your name?"

Leonard said in a gentle tone making sure the child isn't startled.

"L... Lowaine... "


He couldn't help but stare blankly, the kid's tongue was half cut. He blinked a couple of times before a vein popped up on his forehead, but he kept his cool, careful not to scare the child.

"Can I sit with you?"

The young girl was silent. She seems to be contemplating, she is still wary but considering the wound marks on her, Leonard couldn't help but have that justified.

For a few moments when the young girl didn't answer, Leonard decided to sit on the floor, not further pressuring the child.

The child noticed this and became further confused.

"Lowaine... Lorraine isn't?"

Lorraine nodded, Leonard carefully threaded his actions and held Lorraine's hand and he couldn't help but felt guilty.

'I missed this place in my first run... How miserable she would have been...'

Good thing he acted in such a way, or he would have missed his father going out of the mysterious space.

"Lorraine... "

Leonard looked at her Blue eyes and slightly red brows.

"I'm Leonard, Call me Leo, or brother okay? I'm here to help you... "


"Do your wounds still hurt?"

She shook her head, but she seemed to remember her bad times here as she started to cry.

"Oh, it's okay I'm here, I'm here..."

Leonard tried to comfort the child by patting her head. However, Leonard was in utter shock, when Lorraine's tear fell it turned into a crystal, one that resembled diamonds.

"No... No way... "

Leonard was in shock, he inherited the Fairy bloodline, but he only had a single drop of its power, he only got the power of hearing thoughts, but only limited to negative things.

However, the child before him completely inherited the power to turn liquids into gems. He now understands why she has gashes.

He could only grit his teeth.


Lorraine, who was sensitive to the changes, saw Leonard's teeth grit, so she was scared of getting hit.

But when she looked again, he was tearing up, he sat beside Lorraine and embraced her with warmth.

Lorraine could only be scared and confused about such a manner because she never had it in the first place.

"Brother is here... "

He finally understands that the child before him was his actual sister. Leonard's birth mother died 4 years ago, So the child must be between 4-5.


"Yes... Brother..."

The confused child hugged back, this is the first time for her that someone came here and didn't hit her.

So she was confused and scared but she didn't push it away, she welcomed it in hopes of being liberated from the pain.

She cried in Leonard's embrace finally having someone to lean on, her pent-up stress all going out in one go.

"Bwother! Bwother!!"

She doesn't understand those words just yet, but she seems to welcome them. She doesn't want to let go of Leonard as she clung tight.

Leonard stood still till Lorraine fainted. She was holding too much for a young child.

"Tsk, just because she can make gems means you should use this kind of method."

Leonard cursed at the stupid way they tried harvesting diamonds and Ruby from the child, they could have used onions or anything that would make her subtly cry.

They were mostly greedy so they wouldn't see that method.

Leonard sighed and laid the sleeping child on the bed and covered her with a blanket, he had no way to convey that he'll be back so he hoped the child wouldn't take it for betrayal.

"I'm sorry, Lorraine. But I'll get you out of here..."

Leonard then devised a plan to utterly destroy the people who used his blood-related sister for their benefit.