
Leonard took a rest in his room, after completing the creation of his mana eyes it took a toll on his energy and made him especially tired.

On the other hand, Lenneza was fuming. She didn't reply to a tea party not even once, she only had the invitations just in case she answered them.

"Who in the hell!"

Her handwriting is unique, so it would be pretty hard for someone to copy it and even if someone did copy it, it would be sloppy.

She had to ask the tea party host about her reply and when she saw the reply she was shocked to learn that it was actually her hand writing, it was so perfect anyone could mistake it for hers.

Now that begged the question, who in the hell managed to copy her unique handwriting? She couldn't think of anyone till finally she placed the suspicion to Leonard.

"hahaha… No way, right?"

Then she remembered about the diary, Leonard could literally buy something that could imitate someone's handwriting for a fair exchange.

This made Lenneza sad instead of angry, why does Leonard even push her away? She was pretty sure that the Overlord wouldn't bother Leonard after receiving a lot of damage.

They wanted the overlord to be killed when they killed the demon King. But it turns out if the Overlord dies so does the world.

So they have to bite their nails and go for a compromise. She wished to be back for 10 years so she could have a headstart with Leonard and fix his behavior but all her effort is getting destroyed by the very same person she is trying to get close to.

Lenneza still couldn't help but question why she was sent away though. Leonard could've made her run an errand or make her life stricter by hiring tutors.

But then she realized she was also 10 as well, she might be older than Leonard but that's only for a few months!


Girls her age would be going to tea parties as well, although she managed to solve who managed to make her go away to a tea party, she still doesn't know Leonard's motive.

Was she that clingy? Lenneza shook her head. She wanted to go and burst inside Leonard's room to ask him a question but she refrained, after all if she did she might get hated.

"But how do I…"

Leonard could clearly feel her presence and even pinpoint it. While she could also cultivate her mana to the point she could do such techniques, it would take long.

Unlike Leonard, Lenneza doesn't have a system. But what Lenneza didn't know is that Leonard is just built different as he didn't need the points to buy them at this time.

Leonard only bought things that needed requirements to be used, like Shadow Arts. Leonard could absolutely relearn everything he had previously bought from the system.

But he chose to earn them without the use of the system, that way he'll save more points for something actually needed. The plot starts two years from now on anyway.

"Nu… anyway!"

Lenneza sprinted across the hall and towards Leonard's room once again. She wanted to know why he had sent her far on a tea party.

But before Lenneza even burst into Leonard's room she was met with a familiar figure.

"How is such a child of commoner origins even in this house?!"

Elizabeth, a one hateful woman. Ever since she got talked down to and was shown the scariest scene by Leonard she still wouldn't change after that day, especially when Lenneza was the one who even saved her.


"What? What kind of look is that on your face?! Do you want me to send you to the academy all alone?!"


A sudden surge of killing intent roused behind Elizabeth, Lenneza knows who this is from.


She would have screamed how disrespectful Leonard is, but considering that the 10-year-old boy is emitting a killing intent that only a selected few people could do made her collapse on her knees.

"If you're going to make a mess in front of my room I'm not going to be merciful."

Lenneza collapsed on her knees as well, since she is young she couldn't take this much pressure. Noticing that Lenneza is suffering Leonard stopped emitting his killing intent.

"Go away from my room."

Leonard walked toward his room and closed the doors, Lenneza noticed Leonard's reaction and she was quite shook.

'He noticed that I couldn't take his killing intent right? Right??'

Lenneza was glad, at least Leonard cared for her even if it was subtle. Leonard on the other hand was annoyed. He was annoyed with how Elizabeth is acting.

Elizabeth was the 4th Princess of the previous King, Einmoure. She married Richard solely because she likes him, but Richard doesn't like her at all.

But one day Elizabeth caught Richard with Leonard's mother and the fact that she was a fairy made it a good blackmailing material.

Fairies are considered properties of the Empire, that reason alone made every fairy die to the last one which is Leonard's mother.

While that was the law. Nobody really bothered to uphold it after all there are almost no fairies in this world, but the fact that there is a court in this world and laws can be used against you, Richard couldn't do anything about it.

"Hmm… is Father really the one… wait. Does Father even use Lorraine's tears and blood?"

Leonard is aware of the family businesses and knows that they are never short on money. So how come that something like Lorraine's tears and blood was being used anyways?

"This doesn't make sense…"

Leonard then placed his attention to his stepmother. Since she was of Royal blood he couldn't help but be slightly enraged towards her.

In the first run, Leonard also met with a Royal, they're so annoying he couldn't help but make a prank of the century that eventually led to the tightening of the security in the Empire.

"Meh, I won't do that again. Shit just made it harder for me."

His movements were severely restrained after that prank. Well no matter, he was also embarrassed that he didn't write it down in his diary.


Leonard had to investigate his stepmother, and the first thing he had to do was survey her movements starting now.

"Leo what are you doing?"

Leonard flinched, Lenneza was on the door of his room but the door wasn't opened, how come he didn't feel Lenneza barging in?

"What the… that's creepy."

"I knocked you know?"

"Still doesn't change the fact that you came in without my consent, sister."

"Argh! Anyways! I'm going to have my banquet in two weeks! You better attend!" Lenneza yelled

"ha… fine"


Lenneza was excited, did her efforts finally get through her indifferent younger brother?

"Only on the condition that sister never enters my room again, sure."


Then his reaction broke her expectations, whilst that was a good deal it would only benefit Leonard.

"What, did sister back off from her invitation?" Leonard sneered


"Then get out, I want this time for myself."

Lenneza left Leonard's room sullenly, she really did want to spend time with Leonard so she could get close to him. One of the wishes after they defeated the demon King was to release Leonard from his shackles too!

Meaning Leonard could get along with the heroines as the villain with no consequences, but of course Leonard is not aware of that wish.

After Lenneza left Leonard sighed.

"She needs to go to another tea party."

Leonard opened his drawer, he took two invitations after looking at his sister's unopened invitation.

'By now Lenneza probably rejected all invitations thanks to me.'

The tea Party is about a day from now on, just How Leonard wanted it. Leonard chose this invitation carefully because he needed the time.

"Oh well she'll take another ride from now on."

Leonard sent the letter via Butler to the mail transportation services. Only nobles would want that kind of service even though they have phones.


He couldn't care less though, since the MTS are a luxurious service that somehow still find a way to live in the modern world. Although Leonard knows the real reason why the MTS still exists today he just shrugged it off, he doesn't need to bother about right now.

"Ah right, Elizabeth."

Leonard looked at the time, he only visits Lorraine at night as not to be caught by others. But since there is still daylight he decided to use the two techniques to make him a bit stronger.

The mana filter technique, in the later stages could actually benefit Leonard more, this removes impurities and makes them layered, if the mana was pure enough he could unknowingly make a mana core.

He did have a mana core in the first run, he had a core in the size of 1mm yet it was tiny but Leonard thinks it's average.

Probably has a good personality.

Anyways, the mana core is quite rare to appear in a human, whilst Magic beasts or monsters and Demons have them, a human having them is quite a rare thing.

Even Archmages don't know the condition to have a mana core. Even Leonard is quite unsure why a mana core can occur to a human.

Having a mana core could also bring a few benefits for a human, for example. Even if you drain your entire mana pool the mana fore could provide more mana to you considering its size. The bigger the more the mana reserves left. Also, casting spells could be shorter; this has no concrete study as of yet since having a mana core is rare but sooner or later it would be discussed in finer detail.

Leonard took that topic down for now, his training was done and he had to spy on a certain woman.