
Leonard went home with all of the people in the orphanage. When he got back to the mansion he took all of the kids in the annex along with Certhac, once his business was finished there he immediately went towards the Knights barracks. 

The Vice-captain of the Knights, Jacob went ahead and welcomed Leonard. However, Leonard wanted to meet Rens. 

"Where's that old man!?"

Markus who was behind him just stood there unmoving. He seemed to be worried but just stood still instead of doing something. 

"Old man Rens! Old man Rens are you senile?!"


Suddenly an old man with grey hair slammed the door open in the barracks, seeing Leonard instead of bowing down he went over and gave Leonard the knuckle in the head. 


"You're being noisy you fucking brat!"

"Old man you're going senile!"

"I know who you are! What the fuck do you want!"

Leonard rubbed his head then looked at Markus. 

"He'll explain it."

Markus was befuddled, why would he? He just went in here because his magic is the one tracking the car!

"Go on. Explain."

Rens's glare was suffocating. He was getting more irritated the more he aged but that didn't hinder his work. 

"Ahem. Kids were being kidnapped."


Rens became serious after hearing such a notion. The idea of kidnappings still exists and the fact it's on the Marchen fief as well. Which was labelled as the top 10 safest places to be in the Empire, after Richard took over the territory. 

"Young master's intuition kicked in and we saw three individuals dragging two boys in a van, by the young master's order I placed a tracking spell."

"How far are they?"

Rens started asking questions related to the kidnappings, he wanted to deal with this sooner as possible. 

"About 2-3km from here. I think they are mostly in a… remote. No…"

Marcus's complexion turned grim and he took out his phone to look at a map. 

"I need a picture of the whole fief."

Markus was led deeper into the barracks. Leonard pitched in and saw where Markus pointed to in the map and his face turned grim as well. 

Leonard as the successor knows how big the territory is. The territory has two cities that produce the most capital for the family. 

Out of every noble territory, the Duchy of the Marchen family is the only one that successfully developed two cities other than the Royal family. 

The two cities are named Wolfheim and Roshen in which Wolfheim is the biggest city in the Duchy territory. 

Roshen, on the other hand, is surrounded by the most mountainous terrain. To get there you have to cross one of the three main roads that lead to Roshen. 

And those are mainly hours to cross. Especially when it's surrounded by hills and mountains. 

What Markus was pointing to, however. Is a non-existent pathway that continues to move as there was a path there in the first place. 

And it kept moving and moving. Everyone in the room looked at each other and was filled with silence. 

"They made a new road or is it an underground path?"

Leonard was the first to break the silence, a new road is probable but an underground path is incomprehensible. Richard was in rule of the territory for 10 years, he had dug up every place for possible trafficking grounds and dens. 

In those two years, it was impossible to dig an underground path when Richard was turning the entire territory upside down. 

It's either already completed or someone continued to make an underground path while others aren't watching. 

The situation was serious. 

"Should we tell father?"

"It's best we should."

"Yeah, it's possible they also have mages so raiding that place soon is the best thing we should do."

The more time they waste the more lives are in danger, they should act quickly. 

"Surround the city, it's possible they also built tunnels out of there to other territories."

Turns out the situation got worse because this might be a big-scale operation. Leonard was planning to let the Knights and the Marchen's personal Army deal with it but it seems that his intuition was screaming at him. 

Leonard left the scene since he's not going to be of any help but he won't just go along with them to that secret location. If he did he would be scolded and be told to stay in the mansion, he had to be discreet. 

He went back to the mansion which was only a stroll away. Once again he was greeted with the cutest little sister he could ask for. 

Lorraine came running towards Leonard. 

"Oof! Oh, golly you're getting heavier!"

Leonard lifted Lorraine. She was smiling happily from ear to ear. Leonard looked behind her just to see Lorraine was alone. 

"B-brother… i-i w-w-wanted to g-greet you."

Leonard learned that due to trauma Lorraine's speech is affected to some degree. But the physician told him that Lorraine would get better after several rehabilitation programs. 

Lorraine was healing, although slowly, her dark red hair was emerging from her scalp, just like Leonard, who had fiery red hair. 

"Oh how cute~ Lorraine is really adorable~"

Leonard started giving Lorraine pecks on the cheek, she was simply too adorable for Leonard. After that Leonard held Lorraine hand in hand and walked towards the kitchen. He was starving and he had to go and greet Certhac in the annex as well. 

"Did Lorraine already eat?"

Lorraine nodded

"B-b-big s-sister a-ate with m-me!"

"Oh, that's nice. Did you have fun?"

Lorraine nodded, she then proceeded to listen to her story. Her stuttering could be annoying but Leonard knew that it couldn't be helped. Besides, listening to her speak would heal her, so he had to be a patient brother. 

"A-a-and Sister also t-t-told me, I-I have t-talent in m-magic!"

"Oh! Did she tell you which element or what you can conjure?"

Lorraine shook her head "S-she o-o-only t-told me t-that I h-have an h-h-high p-potential b-b-b-because o-of my a-affinity to mana!"

Leonard nodded his head, both he and Lorraine had fairy blood, and Lorraine had thicker blood than him. So naturally, her talent would be much more than him. 

Leonard was eating while talking with Lorraine as well, but to be a proper role model he chewed his food, maintained etiquette, and only answered after his mouth was empty. 

He listened to Lorraine's ramblings, Leonard was glad that Lorraine was open to him. He wanted the best for this child. 

After Leonard's meal, he then proceeded to accompany Lorraine for a walk, this time he was the one talking. 

"You know about the house near this Mansion, Lorraine?"

Lorraine nodded, wondering why this subject was brought up. 

"There's going to be some kids your age."

Lorraine tilted her head. 

"You can play with them if you want to."

Then, Lorraine's eyes lit up, she finally understood what her brother meant. She could make friends! 

But Lorraine still worried herself. What If she couldn't make friends after being given the opportunity?

What if the other kids thought of her as weird? Would they understand her stuttering as her brother does?

These questions filled her head but she shook it off, she had to do it, it's her chance given by her brother after all!

Leonard couldn't help but smile at the courage of his tiny little sister. She isn't the best as of yet but she will try her best. 

When they came back from their little walk Leonard parted with Lorraine, although he didn't want to, he had things to do. 

First things first, he went to the annex and greeted the kids. 

"How was it? The place."

Leonard asked with a smile. 

"It's a very good place, the beds are warm and it's barely cold."

"Yeah, it's quite the first time I'm going to sleep separately from them though."

"I like it here! The food is delicious!"

He heard a few comments that made him smile, these kids are diamonds in the rough, he'll be the one making them shine. 

Though Leonard worried that if the Royal family caught wind of this they would use excuses to have them work for the Royal family. Which he couldn't afford to happen. 

"Haha, that's good to hear. Well, Certhac is also here isn't it?"


Leonard didn't fail to notice the sullen looks of the kids, he shrugged it off and said. 

"I'll go talk to him."

He left the room they were in and then went to find Certhac's room, when he got there he was laying down on a bed. Unlike a week ago, Certhac became noticeably weak. The only reason why he still could move is because of sheer will at this point. 

"Hey…. Leo."

"God, you look awful."

Leo sat down at the side of the bed. 

"The Physician who walked in… and checked me said that I might have a week left at most. I'm about to prove him wrong."

"Certhac please."

"Hahaha… a day is all I need. Please call the kids. It's my time to say goodbye."


Leonard frowned, he knew he'd go someday but he couldn't help but frown, he only met him twice in his whole life but he couldn't help but feel attached somehow. 

Is this the effect of being near someone good with children?

Leonard shook his head and instead respected Certhac's wishes. He rang a bell and a maid came in. 

"Go call the kids in this room, all of them."

The maid bowed and left. 

"We have two lakes in the territory. Which one do you like?"

Leonard asked Certhac. 

"Which one looks mystique?"

"Hmm… the Wolfheim National Lake, I think?"

"Wouldn't that mean there will be people there?"

"Yeah… there would be…"

Leonard pondered. 

"The lake itself looks beautiful and it's a good place to go, but the other one is foggy all day long."

"Let's go with the foggy one."

"You sure?"


Then a knock could be heard, Leonard looked at the door and the kids could be seen there. He placed his gaze on Certhac once again. 

"Take your time."

"Thank you."

Leonard got up and walked off, the kids went in and walked towards Certhac. 

It's time to say their goodbyes.