Confrontation 2

Yin Gu slashed his elongated nails towards Lenneza, but Rens used his sword to block the attack, however, the attack was heavy and pushed Rens a few meters away. 



Markus dashed forward, his figure became a blur and in Yin Gu's leg, a gash appeared. 

"You fast one!"

Yin Gu turned around to face Markus, but to his disappointment, he couldn't catch him, Markus was simply too fast. 

"an assassin aren't we?"

Yin Gu chuckled and continued chasing, however, it wasn't simple as Lenneza continued giving support. Rens as well, he went back and fought along Markus. 

"You're really getting on my nerves!"

Yin Gu slashed his claw sideways scraping off the concrete wall and floor, a dim glow of the light emitted from Rens' sword and it glowed bluish before stopping Yin Gu's attack. 

"A swordmaster… tsk."


Rens clenched the handle of his sword before dashing forward Yin Gu, Yin Gu who was aware of the threat of Rens' sword clawed upwards. 

However, Yin Gu's effort to deter Rens was in vain, as Markus already dashed behind Yin gu and slashed his Achilles tendon, making him fall to his knees. 

"You Fucking—"

Yin Gu didn't manage to finish his swords as Rens sliced him into two. Rens, Markus, and Lenneza didn't even manage to sweat during this battle. 

"Tsk, what was that?"

Lenneza was annoyed, she was delayed going to her brother, especially in this urgent situation. 

"Let's go, we can't waste more time—"

As Rens' was moving he pulled his sword and blocked a claw out of nowhere. 

"What the?!"

Markus pulled Rens away by the back of his collar. But, it left Rens with a small gash on his cheek. 

Clicking his tongue, Rens held up his sword once again. 

"kekeke… don't think you could get rid of me that easily!"

"How is this fucker still alive?!"

Lenneza, who was closely observing since earlier squinted her eyes, though it was already weird that Yin Gu came back after being scorched it turns out her suspicion was correct. 

"Yin Gu was it?"

"Asking for mercy will get you nowhere—"

Whilst dashing Yin Gu's body was enveloped with severe coldness, His body was wrapped in ice. He couldn't move, he could only breathe. 

"Your magical cultivation is unique, I'll give you that."

Lenneza looked back to Rens' and Markus, who was preparing for the worst. 

"Your magical cultivation is simple right? The moment of your death everyone must be looking at you to activate a certain event."

"What are you—"

"First and second death we're all looking at you."

Lenneza's glare was cold and as she sneered at Yin Gu she continued to explain. 

"If this keeps going we're the ones who are doomed since your body and your energy refreshes as well."


Lenneza just scoffed at Yin Gu who she thought was predictable, she saw better strategies in the academy on the first run. 

As her gaze fell on Yin Gu who was slowly feeling the icy cold on his head she then looked at Markus and Rens and told them to turn in different directions. 


Lenneza fully wrapped Yin Gu's body in ice, and as she suspected. There isn't anyone coming at them anymore. 

"How did you know that young lady?"

"Know what?"

"His ability?"

"I didn't, I just assumed it would be and I got a reaction."

Lenneza then continued to the stairs, downwards towards Leonard's location. 


"Wait for real?"

"Not just for real, they really fucked me up."

"Damn those greedy bastards."

On the underground, 3rd floor. Leonard and Osbourne started speaking as if their fight were nothing. 

"I only wanted to make a very efficient power source, they laughed at me at first but when I'm showing signs of progress they stole it away from me."

Osbourne sighed. 

"So they framed me of using unethical practices and to make sure the Imperial family kills me, my colleagues placed me in prison, made a plan to have my escape and get the highest degree of crime—"

"Wait wait wait— they placed you in prison, and planned your escape?!"

"Yep! So I could be fucking charged with a heavier crime."

"What happened then?"

"I escaped, and the Zurtin Brites found me. I have to go with the story they made up so I could survive."

"You had it hard man."

Leonard patted Osbourne's back. They just sat next to the doorframe, Leonard just placed out orange juice and crackers since he's not allowed to drink alcohol. 

"Anyways, you said about having a grudge on a Royal?"

"Yep, she's supposed to be my stepmother."

"A Royal as your stepmother?!"

Osbourne is befuddled, after all, who would accept a man with kids in aristocracy if not a political marriage. 

"Yep, she was hellbent on becoming father's favorite but it made her become the No. 1 hated instead."

"What— those kinds of developments still happen?"

"I know right?"

The two continued to chatter until Leonard's eyes leaned towards the very end of the hall where the cell of specific kids was located. 

"By the way…"


"Those kids at the end of the hall… I heard something specific from three different people earlier."


Osbourne scratched his head. He looked at the end of the hall with a sigh. 

"Those kids were found in the slums just like the others here right now. However, something was found amongst them that made their value soar high."

Osbourne continued to explain calmly and seriously. 

"They can control mana freely and instantaneously cast without effort."

"What the fuck!?"

Leonard can bend mana to his will thanks to his fairy blood, Lenneza was blessed by mana and she can instantaneously cast, however for children to do both?!

"Both of them had the same attribute and they're twins."

"Hoo… if other houses heard of their talent shit would go down."

Osbourne nodded at Leonard's words, there are at least a dozen kids in this hall alone, all of them being special in a specific department in magic. 

This made Leonard think, did he just hit a goldmine? But then he realized his thought process is being demoralized so he just shook his head. 

"I'm taking them all with me."

"You better, if the imperial family knew of this I cannot even fathom what those kids will go through."

Leonard looked at Osbourne once again and had his brow raised. 

"Aren't the only thing you have a grudge upon is your ex-colleagues?"

Leonard genuinely asked. 

"No, the Imperial family as well."

"Why is that?"

"You know Alexander?"

"Alexander? Yeah, he's my uncle… well on paper."

"He was 21 at the time and he's the reason why I went to prison in the first place, he betrayed me."

"Oh…. Damn, we both have grudges on a specific Royal huh."

They both nodded. In a short time, Leonard learned a lot of things that he could be hunted for. Well not like he would leak those things... Without a measure. 

"Anyway, How long do we have to stay here?"

"The raid team will be here soon, they just have to deal with the resistance."

As Leonard was speaking with Osbourne, familiar faces entered the hall. They were, of course, Lenneza, Rens, and Markus. 


The first to talk was Lenneza, who seemed to be surprised despite her cold gaze. The others of course had a similar feeling—surprised. 

"What took you so long?" Leonard smirked.

"Ah… Young Master, we had an altercation, and we were delayed by a few minutes. I apologize."

"We're in a raid, that would be fine."

The trio all looked at Osbourne, which made them a bit wary. However, Leonard reassured them. 

"Don't worry about him, He's Osbourne."


Lenneza was first to react, she was about to conjure something when she realized that she can't control her mana. Being dumbfounded for a moment she looked at Leonard, his gaze telling that he already expected such a reaction. 

"Don't worry, he's innocent."

"Innocent? What about the child kidnappings?"

"Oh the kidnappings are done out of his knowledge, in fact, he's a slave here."

"That's too much…" Osbourne dejectedly said. 

"Is it false?"

"No… no it's pretty much true."

Osbourne couldn't deny it, the only reason why he had worked here is that he was forced to. Also, he needed to conceal the research he has done, so he pretty much doesn't have a choice. 

"Also Lenneza."


"I feel like Elizabeth would do something in the trial."

"What are you implying?"

Leonard smirked and pointed his eyes to Osbourne, even twitching his brows up and down. 

"No way…"

"Yes, way."

"Leo, are you sure of this?"

"Just a precautionary method, I couldn't trust the prosecutors either."

Osbourne just sat there thinking 'Is the Royal family that bad?'. 

"Excuse me young master, but how would we deal with him?"

Him being Osbourne, Leonard knew what Markus was talking about so he just nodded and gave an explanation. 

"He's still going to prison… we need to hide him from a few people."

"You already have a plan?" Lenneza asked. 

"Yeah, Although, this one is going to stretch long— Dr time to make some evidence."


Osbourne stood up and walked out the hall, Leonard followed but his arm was pulled by Lenneza. 

"Where are you…"

"There is still time before the raid team gets here. I'll 'gather' evidence."

It seemed to have clicked in Lenneza's head so she let go, Leonard and Osbourne ran to save time. Now all the Trio has to do is wait for the raid team.