A Moment Of Peace

Richard issued a gag order not to tell anyone of today's raid, he knew that people on other fiefs would since the tunnels led to them but there is a better reason why he did this. 

"How were they busted?"

Surely that question would be asked and there would be a lot discovered if this question was answered. 

Osbourne, the missing children, and especially Richard's children. The MVP of the raid, Lenneza the one who planned it and Leonard who found the victims. 

Most of the children don't have a home or family, Richard trying to make up for how he unintentionally ignored reports about missing children tried to make it up by making an orphanage and ultimately trying to solve the problem with the slums. 

"And now we have a month more for ourselves…. And Sister."


"Put your hand away from my head."


Since there is still time for Elizabeth's trial Leonard decided to use this time for himself and his family. 

"Now there's absolutely nothing for me to do."

Leonard is bummed out, in the first iteration he didn't have much to do since there were a lot of eyes on him. 

"Should I play with Lorraine? No, she's in her classes right now…"


In the first Iteration, he's also a high school student so he doesn't know that much about how the world works. He knows a bit since he watches internet videos and especially how eons ago some virus integrated itself on every animal after millions of years of a pandemic but that's all about it. 

"Yeah, I'm eating out."

Leonard scratched his head just to be reminded that he's bald. 


Leonard wore civilian clothing before heading out of the mansion, he didn't have servants with him but he did have a bodyguard looking out for him in the distance. 

"Hmm… what sweets should I devour…?"

When Leonard was about to move out of the mansion he was stopped by the familiar white hair. 

Then he started walking backward slowly. 



"I heard you're heading out today~"

Leonard isn't that much worried but he's particularly worried about Lenneza's tone of voice. It was so sweet he could be buried in sugar, he was not familiar with it. 

"And what did that gotta do with you?"

"Don't be so cold."

Lenneza smiled sweetly as well, but Leonard wasn't used to this sight so he became wary.

He was trying to find a way to say no then he had a bright idea. He looked at the watch on his left wrist and clapped his hands. 

"Sure, I'll call Lorraine too so we three could bond."


"Markus go get Lorraine."

The bodyguard, Markus bowed and then left, Leaving Lenneza and Leonard alone. Leonard just stood there with a blank face, well, he was sweating in the back since he couldn't take Lenneza's affectionate smile, he is simply not used to it. 

"Say, sister. What makes you spend time with me?"


Lenneza tilted her head and rolled her eyes. Then she gave a bright smile in contrast to the ice-cold behavior that Leonard knew. 

"I just want to spend time with my little brother… is that not good?"

"No! No… just… uh… I'm just glad."

Leonard doesn't know what to reply so he just commented with a flat answer. However, this caused an even brighter smile from Lenneza. 

'This feels so weird!' Leonard screams internally. 

After waiting for a few minutes of head touching, Lorraine finally came beside Markus. When Lorraine spotted Leonard the first thing she did is ran up to him. 



"Why is only Leonard getting a hug?"

"B-big Sister!"

Lorraine jumped toward Lenneza and even kissed her on the cheek. Leonard felt that it was unfair but didn't voice it out, it's good that the two sisters are close. 

"Hehe, Alright why don't we go now Leo?"

"... right."

Since the three of them were ready Leonard went ahead and led them to a ready car. 

"So where are we going?"

"I was planning to eat a lot and come home with my stomach full but since Lorraine is here we're going to the arcade."

"Arcade?" Lorraine tilted her head. 

Leonard smiled gently and said "A place for fun."

Whilst traveling, Leonard made small talks and it was backed up with Lenneza, thanks to that Lorraine was not bored and was happy along the way. 

"S-s-so we c-can p-play games?"

"Yep, There's this dancing platform too with arrows and you have to step on them. Here watch."

Leonard pulled out his phone and searched for a video on the net, there were multiple video streaming sites that he was annoyed by. He couldn't help but click his tongue inwardly. 


When Lorraine saw the video she couldn't help but be amazed, technology may be advanced to the point of having phones here but in truth, It was more like the early 2000s back in Leonard's past life. 

Net on the computer is more popular than net on the phone, that's the current society as of yet. Then as if having a breakthrough Leonard suddenly stiffened as if he had an idea. 

Coding. It's like math, time-consuming but not hard, that was Leonard's view of math after he was enlightened on the first run. How hard coding could be? (this isn't my real thoughts don't comment on this)


"I remember that there are those kiddie mazes in the mall, it's near the arcade as well."

"Leo, I am not going in there."

"Lorraine, Big sis told me she doesn't like to play with me." Leonard looked at Lorraine begging. 

"B-big sis…?"

Lorraine gave Lenneza a dejected look as if a puppy was abandoned by its owner. Lenneza was shocked, Leonard dared to use such an underhanded tactic that she couldn't help but clench her hand. 

"B-big sis will play with all of us."

"Even me big sis?" 

Leonard interjected with sad eyes to appeal to Lorraine more. They could hear an audible 'ugh' out of Lenneza. 


"Let's go!!! Kiddie maze!! Wahahaha!"

Leonard suddenly changed his sad eyes to the eyes of a boy full of malice, he then hugged Lorraine out of joy. 

The moment the car stopped Leonard went out first since his side is where the mall was faced. He was first then Lorraine then Lenneza. 

"Welp, I've planned the whole outing for the three of us, but I'll take your suggestion on where we eat," Leonard spoke as he looked at Lenneza. 

"Hmm… I'm craving some pizza after all we did."

"Oh! Oh! Pizza, now Lorraine could also go ahead for the joys of soft drinks."

"Soft drinks?" Lorraine asked while tilting her head. 

"Yep! It's very funny when you drink it."

Leonard lifted Lorraine up to his arms and started walking, Lenneza was left behind a bit. She looked at the back of the two siblings tied by blood and smiled gently, her eyes were a bit sad but they didn't show. 

"Do I even have the right to stand beside you two…?"

She mumbled and asked herself, she never knew of Lorraine's existence. But she did find her remains as bones in the basement. 

In the first run, Richard just went crazy. And since he was too strong Lenneza had Walter's help in dealing with him. That day as well is where Leonard lost all authority in the Marchen duchy and Lenneza became a duchess. 

She fidgeted… but then… 


She was snapped back to reality by an annoyed Leonard. 

"What are you doing in there? Did you forget something in the car?"

"Ah no…"

At least this time, she did something right. She smiled and walked towards the waiting Leonard, they have plans today and it would be rude to spoil it. 


"Hmm…  Master… are you sure about this?"

"Ron, Uh…  I'm sorry it's a request from my child."

Richard apologetically looked at his Butler whose hair is ashen grey, indicating his age. His posture was straight and his stature is firm, he was exuding elegance and prudence that's befitting of a servant of a Duke. 

In front of them are the boys that were rescued from the underground city that was built under Roshen. They seem to have a special constitution so Leonard asked Richard to have them become servants, of course, loyal to Lorraine per Leonard's instruction. 

When asked why Richard only heard a few things that made him clench his fists. "Elizabeth's older brother will surely use this accident against us.". That rotten man, Alexander. Of course if not for him Richard wouldn't have to marry Elizabeth at all. 

But he gave it a push, and for what? Was Alexander waiting for Richard to snap and save Lorraine himself knowing of the consequences? 

Or did he know something bigger would happen? Richard couldn't help but be on guard thanks to this. 

"Yes, Sir, apparently the young master discovered something within these boys that made him want to directly train them to be loyal to young lady Lorraine."

"And that is?"

"They have both the ability to control mana freely and to instantaneously chant." The Butler explained calmly. 

"... I see."

In a scenario that Lorraine is ever in danger… Richard understood why Leonard wanted them to be loyal to Lorraine. 

After all, Leonard told Richard himself that he would find a way to make sure that Elizabeth gets what's coming for her himself, he was adamant about putting her down and making sure that the Royal family doesn't get involved in making light of Elizabeth's case. 

"Well then. Make sure the abilities of those kids stay hidden and train them both in martial arts and magical techniques."

"Yes sir."

The Butler bowed and left Richard's office.