
What makes a relationship? It's the connection of both parties forming a connection, either physically or emotionally.

A family is a connection between two people, of either sex or opposite sex, their connection makes a family by having offspring to raise.

This is what makes a family.

A girl full of innocence ran into a garden, it was full of colorful flowers, and seeing each flower with petals in full bloom the girl was happy.

Her platinum blonde hair fluttered with the wind and her big eyes with the hue of the ocean sparkled as she excitedly watered the flowers with her watering can.

In the gazebo not far away, A boy in his pubescent years was looking at the innocent girl, His hair that was the same as the girl fluttered.

He was smiling but there was no warmth within it. As if looking at a doll and he has no choice but to play house. With a bored sigh, he lifted his sleeve to check the time.

The watch on his wrist was endorsed with jewels and gems, fitting of a rich inheritance. The boy's gaze lifted and he saw the girl bringing an empty can to the nearby shack. Her gardening tools were all properly stacked on the shelves in the shack.

When the girl finished organizing her gardening tools she then went back to the gazebo. The table that the boy was sitting at was filled with snacks. Seemingly prepared by the maids that were clearly on standby.

"Brother!" The young girl yelled. "I'm finished!"

The boy on the table just smiled, his ocean eyes just looked down on the girl that was dirtied by a meager job that could be passed to a gardener, but it was the girl's choice to take care of the flowers. What else could he do?

The girl gave a bright smile, her cheeks hued crimson, and her energetic body swirled towards the seat in front of the boy. When she was about to take the snack the boy looked at her with a gaze of disdain.

This made the girl uneasy and she slowly retracted her excited hand. She looked down and back at the boy as if asking to take the snack.

"What did I say when taking snacks?" The boy snappily said.

"W-wash my hands…"

"Come here."

The girl stood up and hesitantly walked up to the boy, she just stood there in front of him whilst her hands were tightly clasped as if she was guilty of something.

"If you don't follow those rules you know what happens right?"

"I-im sorry—"

"Saying sorry won't change anything… open your mouth."

The girl hesitantly opens her mouth, but when the boy saw the hesitation he grabbed her mouth and forcefully opened her mouth.

"I'm only doing this for your own good… don't you understand that?"

He waved his hand and the maid that was on standby walked away. Leaving the girl along with the boy.

When the maid was away, the boy's hand started to darken, and the girl whose mouth was being held forcefully had tears on the edge of her eyes, her eyes revealing a fearful look.

But… The boy didn't care whatever the girl was feeling.

"You understand that? Elizabeth?"

And the girl was fed with a dark wriggling substance that was formed in the boy's hand.


The room was filled with a pained voice, Elizabeth's eyes were forced open as her body remembered the pain. She was forcefully dragged back to reality out of her dreams.

"A-alexander—!" Elizabeth roared with rage and fear.

She held her mouth as a forceful feeling suddenly washed over her. She felt some dark liquid squirm in her esophagus, she squirmed in the bed but she couldn't move at all.

After a few more minutes of struggle. Elizabeth suddenly calmed down, as if her previous emotion just suddenly vanished in the air.

Her mind was calm and it was still. She didn't have any thoughts other than having to rest. Those nightmares would come once in a while, but they would disappear rather quickly.

Anyways, she felt what she did was good, she didn't have any regrets because she felt there was nothing to regret. Yes, this is her.

This is Elizabeth.

MY little sister.

MY family.


The court proceeded after the introductions, the hearing of the trial continued and the defendant, Elizabeth, sat beside her lawyer.

"Isn't that Newmann?"

Leonard and Lenneza looked at each other, Newmann isn't that particularly popular. But a few singers hired this man and they all walked away from the court Scott free.

Basically, this man, Newmann, is a good lawyer!

Leonard was a bit agitated that he was the lawyer but it was nothing special, his evidence was decisive.

The court trial proceeded. It took over half an hour and the questioning of the prosecutor was going on for Elizabeth.

Elizabeth answered uninterested as if this court trial was something trivial, her attitude annoyed both Leonard and Lenneza.

But they just sat down obediently, and besides Lenneza didn't want to wake up the sleeping Lorraine.

"So, Madam Elizabeth, you deny the accusation simply because you think they have something against you?"

"Isn't that obvious? I didn't even know that child existed till that man Richard decided to take her out. Just because he didn't even want me as a woman he brought in an illegitimate child."

"But Madam Elizabeth, It was confirmed that Lorraine is sir Richard's child. The DNA tests confirm this. And even if Lorraine isn't your child that doesn't mean you could abuse her—"

"Objection your honor," The Lawyer "leading"

"Objection sustained" the judge spoke calmly.

Elizabeth was about to be smug but then a question arose that the Marchen family couldn't avoid.

"Then may I ask, madam Elizabeth. Since the witnesses of the abuse were solely inside the Marchen family. And yet they managed to find certain evidence that it leads back to you."

The prosecutors raised a file, it wasn't thick but that doesn't mean there are no items folded inside. Once opened there were the pictures from the CCTV footage that Leonard and Lenneza got. It also listed dates.

"This was the day when the newborn child Lorraine was conceived by the first madam of the Marchen household. In this instance—" the prosecutor raised his hand and the bailiff opened a video on the projector. "Madam Elizabeth was seen carrying something. Now I don't want to assume things. So Madam Elizabeth. What were you holding at this time?"

"A bag? It's a white Larouche, a very new bag at that time."

Elizabeth shamelessly answered, This made Leonard grit his teeth, it was very annoying that this woman kept lying and denying things that it was frustrating.

"Well… That would be true, however. This is the 1720's there is no Larouche bag brand that came out."

"Ah, then it must be another brand then, I have too many bags that I can't keep up with."

The court proceeded with more shameless answers and attitudes from Elizabeth, till it got to one question that they are completely wary of.

"Now I'm going to ask you, the Victim Richard Marchen is accusing you of blackmailing him. And there is evidence of this"

When Leonard was expecting her to deny this, Elizabeth looked at the entire family of Marchen. Eye to eye with a smirk.

"This. These are mails that were received by Mr. Richard, and we compared these mails with your handwriting and it was found that it was a perfect match. Say, in this sentence "Congratulations to his Excellency Richard, I wish you a happy world full of joys and grace. Although, I hope you haven't forgotten about the truth that I hold." say, what is this… 'truth'?"

Leonard and Richard's eyes briefly landed on each other before looking forward once again. The next sentence Elizabeth uttered made Richard a bit nervous.

"The truth… right. It's best if you ask the victim himself." Elizabeth paused and smiled a bit "After all, we both know, what this truth is."

Richard couldn't help but furrow his brows, he really wanted to land a hit but Elizabeth is a Royal and he's a Duke. Everything an aristocrat do can be interpreted in the wrong way. So he had to be patient.

"Then… May I ask that Mr. Richard come up and testify?"

Richard complied and stood up to the podium to testify his words, the judge watched as Richard stood up. She had ambiguous expressions all the time, making it hard to guess what she was thinking.

"This truth is. My lover is an Ethereal being."


Leonard revealed a shaken face.

'What the fuck old man! I've been trying to conceal that!' he raged in his heart.