To the border 1

The dungeon is quite an anomaly in itself, for example. The dungeon is completely lit up without a source. This was explained by Zhar'kerut that the dungeon will always be lit up by mana, though the light source will always be above. Evidence by the shadow below all things within the dungeon.

Leonard also learned that the floors of the dungeons can be grouped in a term called strata, since every stratum holds a theme, all the floors that include all those themes could be within the strata.

"Why did you give me this book about the Jakari?"

Leonard asked with a hint of nervousness as he could already guess why the Xyn would give him such a book.

"We're going to the battlefield, Leonard. So prepare yourself by being informed." Zhar'kerut spoke with arrogance. "Make sure you aren't a liability once we get there."

"Where exactly are we going, Ziquir?"

"Vaharacht, we're already near the place since the city we are in is built to be the logistic centre of the border."


"So get yourself going," Zhar'kerut spoke with impatience.

Leonard just shut his mouth and shrugged. He started reading a book about the Jakari. The book is quite informative. As said before, the Jakari are a race that has the near property of a troll.

They have fast healing properties, have better intellect and are overall better at cold temperatures. Which the Xyn specialises at.

However, it's not that the Xyn are hopeless with this. They have warriors and some of their upper caste soldiers. They're monstrous beasts compared to powerful cultivated mages back at the surface.

Leonard hasn't personally seen them in action but he did see one in a station at the city entrance; they're huge and incredibly intimidating.

Once Leonard finished his study, he rang up the prideful Xyn "At least your head isn't slow." He doesn't know how to respond to that.

Zhar'kerut packed up a bag of course Leonard didn't fall back he packed himself a bag as well. Along with his briefcase, the human and Xyn started walking to the border of Vaharacht.

Leonard followed behind Zhar'kerut, their way out the entrance to the road that leads to the border outpost which is their destination.

A few minutes into their walk Leonard could already see that the city entrance was becoming smaller and smaller. He didn't hold any significant attachment to the city though he admits he would miss it.

An hour into the walk Leonard now feels something strange. The place is very quiet, though it seems that Zhar'kerut saw his concern and gave a reassuring answer.

"Dungeon monsters tend to avoid the strong when they can."

Leonard nodded something to be reassured about. He looked at the Xyn in a different light, he was strong, not that Leonard knew that, it's just he doesn't know the extent of that strength.

In their journey, they weren't disturbed by a single monster, though that doesn't make Leonard complacent. Even a newborn monster could kill him, and he doesn't like that fact.

Leonard made sure to check his items while on the journey, on their way here they packed food, camping tools, weapons and regents.

Regents for potion making, of course, Zhar'kerut is always moving his three-fingered hands if he isn't doing anything.

After a few more hours on their journey, Zhar'kerut decided to stop and camp, in one well-hidden space. They don't want their necks to be in some beast after their rest.

Leonard made sure to place proper wards, as the pseudo-disciple of a higher mage's menial tasks fell to his lap. Though he won't complain too much, Leonard is bored out of his wits and studying the wards as he places them down waving a bit of his boredom.

Once they got their sleep, they resumed their journey.

"How far is this border exactly?"

"A whole 2 days of walking."

"Oh, so it's not that—"

"Xyn walking."


Leonard wanted to slap the back of Zhar'kerut's head, but he knew that would be a bad idea. He knows that he only got two legs, so this journey to the border would be far longer than he anticipated.

"So why are you being patient?" Leonard pondered.

"Because this is a good opportunity to train you," Zhar'kerut spoke with anticipation.

Leonard felt a chill up his spine, how many newborn monsters does he have to kill down this dungeon? It was already a problem for Leonard to fight a newborn spider 3 days out in the wild that Zhar'kerut had to weaken it.

What else does he have to fight in this depth of the dungeon?

"Today you'll be fighting parasites." Zhar'kerut declared.


Parasites are no good, especially if they have a disease. If Leonard got infected by a disease in this depth of the dungeon he's sure to be a goner.

"If you're worried about diseases, worry not, your concern is much more needed about how to take it down."

Zhar'kerut spoke as if this is below him as if he was giving Leonard a menial task he started chanting with glyphic language. With blue light, a monster appeared in front of Zhar'kerut.

"What the fuck!"

Leonard couldn't help but feel frightened at the creature's image, the thing had two legs with two frontal claws and a mouth that encompassed its whole body. It's like a dwarf leech with legs.

"No way you're making me fight that!"

Leonard pointed out, however, Leonard just saw a smile on the Xyn's face. He couldn't help but curse his position. The parasite was confused about its position till it saw Leonard, Zhar'kerut already vanished from his previous position.

The parasite technically doesn't have any eyes, but the way it screeched in Leonard's direction is proof enough that it knows his location.

"By the way, Leonard. Running isn't an option."

A barrier that surrounds the two appeared out of thin air, it was spacious enough for Leonard to run around in circles.

"Damn you, you Arthropod!"

Leonard cursed, though he wasn't panicky, after all, if he kept being panicked in this situation he wouldn't have survived this long. The parasite launched itself towards Leonard, mouth wide open and filled with razor teeth.

Leonard dodged out of the way while putting down his bag filled with items, taking out only the weapon he had within reach. Which is the sword.

"Man you look ugly as fuck!"

Leonard couldn't help but wonder what this parasite is being parasitic under. Would it be a giant monster in the depths of the dungeon? Or something else?

Though he couldn't indulge himself in such thoughts, Leonard dodged the parasites' attempt at an attack. He swung his sword, trying to make a nasty wound for the parasite.

But the thing was tough, and its hide was thick. It only left a line, a mockery of Leonard's effort. Though that didn't discourage Leonard.

"Haha! I could take you down, you little shit!"

The parasite got more annoyed with the attempt, it became even more aggressive. It launched towards Leonard with no regard for the outcome.

Of course, Liam dodged but before he could retaliate the parasite already turned around. He tried to get it to slip but to no avail.

"You have magic, does your brain stop working every time it encounters a predicament?" Zhar'kerut huffed.

Leonard couldn't respond to that, while his chant could be shortened thanks to the bloodline he still needs to chant and chanting takes time and focus!

"You idiot! Keep chanting while running!" Zhar'kerut spoke irritated.

"Shut up old man, I'm tryna focus!"

Looks like training is going to take much longer.