Out of here.

"What do you mean?"

"We are cutting the budget of Axel 4th Division."

"Elaborate why," Leonard asked unperturbed. 

"Axel 4th Division is a rotting leg, we are just going to cut it."

"That is a bad analogy, give me a better reason."

"Your division has been a constant failure on the battlefield! Did you think we're just going to allow such a thing to exist? We have been watching the performance of the 4th Division and it has always disappointed us!" 

Right now, Leonard is talking to a Xyn named Hiero'zacht, he is a representative of the Logistic Centre from the city of Xynrath. The one where Leonard used to be along with Zhar'kerut. 

"Excuse me for my ignorance, But the 4th Division has a reason for all of that "failure" you're talking about."

"And what is it?" The Xyn scowled. 

"Axel  12 divisions, all fell within a role. The 4th Division is the same. We're the grunt force." Leonard looked the Xyn straight in the eye. "In Layman's words, we take the hard beating. That's why our budget is high. If you want every mission in our laps to be a suicide mission, Go to the General for that."

"The General doesn't need to hear this trivial matter."

"This isn't trivial." Leonard tapped his desk. "Budget isn't."

The Xyn and Leonard had a staring contest with their standoff, not one would give a hand to the other. Eventually, the Xyn clicked its metaphorical tongue and left. 

It has happened multiple times already. Leonard is doing his business right and then some Xyn would say something that would either be detrimental to the workforce or some selfish reforms. 

He was stressed by such things so he decided to just defend them mindlessly with words pre-made from his argumentative part of the mind. He already had a lot of ways to come back from various arguments. 

But this is better, he might think that he is a coward but this is far as he can get. The Jakari are monsters who can heal themselves in battle. If he were sent there he would be just a lamb for slaughter. Unlike here. 

Leonard pulled the parchment paper with the magic circle, he looked closely but to no avail. He wanted to go somewhere and read a book just to advance his understanding. But surely, Zhar'kerut would've thought of that because he is stuck in the office till the time is up. 

Just as he tried to figure out the circle he was called on by a messenger. Who opened the door more gently than the ranting Xyn from before. 

"Zhar'kerut has called for your presence."

Leonard stood up quietly and left. He walked towards the building in which Zhar'kerut resided. As he headed to his office Leonard didn't waste any time and kept trying to figure out the circle. He only dropped the parchment down when he entered Zhar'kerut's office. 

"I was called?"

"Right, I forgot to give you this book."

Leonard looked at the book he placed down on his desk, it's a book about space and time he gave Leonard a magic circle out of his league without showing the fundamentals. 

Leonard couldn't help but have his annoyance build-up, he kept his poker face despite his feelings, he can't go against the powerful arcane practitioner in front of him. 

"Why now…?"

"Oh, it was just because I forgot," Zhar'kerut spoke nonchalantly. 

Leonard held himself back from hurling abusive words. A vein just popped out of his head, but he kept himself calm and took the book. 

"How far are you from your studies?" Zhar'kerut asked amused. 

"I could've gone far but it turned out I was missing a piece of knowledge."

Zhar'kerut chuckled and waved his hand, dismissing me. "You can go. Make sure to get all the knowledge you need from that book."

Leonard left without any further questions after that. Though, Zhar'kerut looked up with a bemused expression. He then took a scrying crystal out of his table. 

"It's time," he spoke. 

"Don't forget about our deal."

"Of course."

After that, Zhar'kerut turned it off and hid it under the table. He couldn't help but chuckle. He will get what he wants afterwards. Just a little bit more. 

Leonard went back to his office, unbeknownst to the events in the background, and started studying the book as soon as he sat on his chair. 

"These are mathematical equations."

Leonard is quite annoyed and troubled. Truth be told he just wanted to practise in the dungeon then he gets teleported to the lowest floor of it. And the system also gave him a prompt of after surviving all of this he will gain mastery in being a mime. 

What does all of this struggle include being a mime? The system would reward him in two ways. Points and physical items. He couldn't just buy something tangible, he would receive it at the very end of every mission. 

For example, The ring he got from the orphanage. The system prompt included him being rewarded with a ring, which he got from Certhac. The system draws in tangible rewards as if fate was made to give them to him. 

Leonard wondered, can he alter fate? Or is it that it's already written in front of him bare so he could walk that path? 

Whatever it is, he just rolled along with it, but since he wasn't a native at first did Fate get rewritten? Or did it get rewritten when he became a native of this world?

Leonard sighed, 'Yuri probably could peek through fate' he thought. 

But no matter, Leonard just finished his work and read his book. He wanted to get out of this place as soon as he could. But it seems fate has other plans for him. 

A circle appeared below him, he was shocked, because he recognized this circle. The parchment he had, had the same circle!

Leonard tried to jump away but he was too late, he disappeared from his office in a flash. Leaving no trace of who was in that place or how they left.