
The sound of a spell fizzing out splashed to the side as it landed in the sewer water. The surroundings were filled with craters and scorch marks. Corpses also littered the place, corpses of hooded individuals.

"Tell me how the corpses of demons would revive your stupid deity?"

"Stupid?! You insolent fool─"

Leonard waved his hand and the cultist's entire arm flew off. The cultist screamed in agony, the slash was not fast enough for the cultist to feel nothing but not slow enough to make it a clean cut.

"Tell one more stupid answer one more time."

The cultist gritted its teeth while he looked at Leonard with hatred, It wanted to cast a spell against him but instead, he got an idea.

"Everyone you love will die. After we resurrect the body of our lord you will perish for getting in our way."

"Ha… you stupid idiots. When will you learn that your deity is nothing but a schizophrenic episode?"

"Damn you and your insults towards our lord."

"Our? Are you sure that you aren't the only cultist here and thinking that his lord is real was just actually voices in your head?"

"Stop trying to wave my faith!─"

"Your lord is nothing but voices in your head, you schizophrenic idiot."

"Shut up!"

But before the cultist even finished his words Leonard sliced his head off. Leonard wandered all over the entire city sewage system for the past few days. He knows that their lord is the demon king who planted seeds of chaos within their heads.

The problem with this cult is that these seeds of chaos germinate to those who believe in this god that it delusions its host. When in truth this Lord of theirs is nothing but the Demon King, the current Demon Queen's father.

Leonard isn't sure but he surmises the reason that the cultists are now moving to gather demon corpses is to revive the demon king, which in no way Leonard would allow so he continues to get in every step of their way.

Leonard walked off, he grimaced at his limping leg, he had yet to receive medical attention and was only using healing magic to continue functioning properly. The nearest demon camp was already destroyed by human forces and Leonard knew why.

The girls and Walter. Leonard let out a sigh of exasperation. He needs some proper medical attention and he needs it sooner. Although he has some points to buy from the system he wouldn't count on that, as his resources are scarce.

Leonard's next destination would be District 3, near the highway to another city, Leonard is sure that it wasn't taken over yet and if he is lucky there would be a military outpost there heavily defended by demonic forces.

A highway is a strategic location, after all, if the human forces managed to take it the demons would lose entry to the city. Despite being able to fly, modern times had anti-air weaponry, it would be suicide.

Once Leonard reached his destination and opened a manhole cover a barrel of a gun soon aimed at his head. Leonard looked towards the owner of the gun and saw two horns and a fierce face.

"Oh, it's Leonard." came a nonchalant response.

Pointing the barrel away the demon that knew Leonard reached his hand which he took with no complaints. Leonard appeared two blocks away from the actual highway which was good because he needed to find the demons and he was pretty sure while the highway was guarded, it would be because of the people in the building.

"What platoon?"

"8th Corps."

"Alright, I need some medical help."

"Yes sir."

Leonard doesn't know how he was recognized but soon his question would be answered, and a battle medic went towards Leonard.

"The queen has told us of your presence, despite being the guest of the queen you chose to fight for us, we are grateful."

Leonard wanted to correct his reason for fighting but some things are better left unfixed. The medic attended to Leonard's wounds, although he let out a reaction looking at Leonard with shock.

Looks like the Medic now knows Leonard's race, not that he cares he was here to fight against humans so the Medic kept the shock for himself, Leonard was the Queen's esteemed guest anyway.

"I also needed to relay some information to the queen, can it be done?"

"Yes, we have some transmission crystals. Your words can be relayed."

"You can just tell it to the queen, I will soon be back on the battlefield."

The Medic didn't question Leonard but Leonard could still see some quizzical look from the medic.

"Some demon corpses are being gathered, by some cult at that."

Leonard delivered the message to the Medic which made his eyes twitch, the medic listening was already shocked by Leonard's race but now he was seething with silent rage.

"Tell her that it's the Zurtin Brites."

"I see."

The medic excused himself and left. He has to deliver the message as soon as possible. One thing known to the higher-ups of the Demonic empire is that the Zurtin Brites are the work of the previous Demon King, however, that is all they know.

Nobody knows the full truth, but one thing is for sure. Neither of the races accepts the two if they know their purpose. In the human empire and other territories, they are known as people power, an organization for the common folk. For demons, they are the spies deployed by the demon king.

The medic reached the tent he resides in, taking out a black box that he soon infused his mana and soon enough he received a signal.

"What is it? There better be a reason to use the black box."

"Yes, high command there is a reason."

"Be quick with it."

"Leonard has reported that demon corpses are being gathered by a group called Zurtin Brites."

"... Is this information correct?"

"Leonard himself has witnessed it."

"I see, good job."

The connection is soon cut off and the Medic is left on his own.

Meanwhile, In the human base, multiple troops started rolling out ready to capture another district. Their plan is devised to make sure that wherever district Leonard is planning to appear, it's where they can respond fast.

However, it is not like they couldn't respond fast. It's just Leonard picks his battleground. Walter and the rest of the group are at District 6 guarding a post. It is one of the many backdoors that the demons could use for urban combat.

Walter was watching with his weapons ready and Yula also prepared for backup. They had a discussion before, Guessing where Leonard would appear. However, none of them knew Leonard so with their best guess. They chose to guard the outpost in District 6.

"Why in District 6 again?"

"Because it's a backdoor?" Walter answered impassively.

"Right, there are a few backdoor districts though? Most wouldn't be able to run vehicles but they could send soldiers here."

"Okay," Walter sighed. "Does Leonard wear armor?"


That made Yula pause, whatever civilization there is when it comes to warfare there is always armour and weapons. While the demons are trained to wear armour, they would surely get slowed down when traversing terrain tiring them even.

The reason why they chose this district specifically, is because there aren't that many obstacles for people on foot to enter here. 

"Wait, that doesn't mean─"


"Talk later Yula."

Walter unsheathed his sword and dashed to the cause of the explosion, Yula tattled behind Walter soon enough.