WebNovelThe Oscar34.78%

Special Relationship

"Mom, which basket is for Rara?" asked Irza who was walking down the stairs to her house. Everyone who heard Irza's voice then brought their attention to the source of the sound, except for Zaskia who was still busy with her routine as a wife and mother of 3 children.

"Want to go, Za?" asked Dirga, a 52-year-old man. The man who may be pinned on the title of the luckiest man on this earth.

How not, Dirga has succeeded in placing himself on the second throne in the recesses of Zaskia's heart, and made himself the father of 3 children with the angel of love. Last, not least, is now Dirga who occupies the highest throne from the leadership of Angkasa Corp. 

"Delivery, beef stew for the future Rara, Dad." But the words that were uttered by Irza, of course, were not immediately believed by his father. The two Dirga beads kept looking at the eldest son's face as if they didn't want to let Irza go even for a second.

Irza, who was stared at by the number two most meritorious man in his life, could only look down, Irza realized that his father was currently suspicious of him.

Until finally, Dirga's eyes stopped on Irza's favorite jacket which was currently wrapping his body.

"Oscar Gang, Za?" On what the father guessed, Irza had no other choice but to give his justification.

"Basic meeting, Dad," said Irza, looking down, she didn't have the guts to look into his father's eyes, which looked like the eyes of a hungry lion spying on its prey.

"Follow daddy, Za!" said Dirga while taking his steps towards the sofa in the family room. 

"Daddy!" A call from Zaskia immediately caught his attention, inevitably Dirga finally turned around and looked at the woman who had made him the luckiest man on earth. Because every word that comes out of Zaskia's mouth is an order for Dirga. That's a woman who will become a queen if she meets the right man.

"Don't be so hard on Irza!" Dirga only gave a head movement up and down as a symbol of approval of what Zaskia said.

Now Dirga and Irza are sitting opposite each other, no one wants to open their mouths to each other. Not Dirga let alone Irza. The two of them were still in silence. I don't know who will open their mouth first. 

"Irza!" Irza then raised her head slightly to look at his father.

"Daddy and mommy never forbid you to hang out with anyone and anywhere, as long as you can take care of yourself. It's okay to socialize, don't put education aside, Za. Remember you weren't born out of nowhere, you have a good name that you have to take care of."

Irza just nodded, without the slightest intention of refuting what her father had said earlier.

"Yeah, Dad." That short answer was given by Irza to what his father had said at length. But Dirga, can breathe a sigh of relief because all he can see from the eyes of the eldest son is honesty without any gaps to reveal a lie even if it's only a tiny bit.

"What about Rara? How can Daddy help talk to Uncle Surya to match you up." Irza then shook her head very firmly when she heard what her father said.

The name Aurora Bilqis Paramita has already been beautifully engraved in the deepest recesses of the heart. But in order to win the woman's heart, Irza doesn't want to justify any means, even though in reality she is capable of it.

"No need, Dad." Irza's refusal made Dirga's eyebrow raise very sharply. Question after question keeps raging inside Dirga right now, but no matter how hard Dirga tries to find the answer himself, his brain is still stuck on it. 

"Why?" Only that one word could come out of Dirga's two luscious lips to emphasize the meaning of Irza's words, the fruit of his first love with a woman who had succeeded in making Dirga look at the world from a different side.

"I want Rara's sincere love, Dad. If you are matched, is there really a chance for you to feel Rara's sincere love? What is with Rara will not be comfortable. This is how my brother is happy, Dad. You can love Rara as much as you want."

Dirga forgot how to blink when he heard what the child said. Love has grown Irza this fast. And seeing the behavior of his eldest son like this, Dirga seems to be back in the past, seeing the figure of a woman he used to never want to see, avoiding her is a job that Dirga never gets tired of doing first.

There is no need to ask who the woman is, it is certain that she is Zaskia Azzahra Khumairah, who has been legally his wife since 18 years ago.

"As comfortable as you are, son. As long as you don't do things that will tarnish your image and the image of your family, mom and dad will always be on the front line for you."

"Thank you." Dirga just nodded when he heard what Irza said.


With a light green food bag given by his mother, Irza rode his iron horse towards Rara's house, or rather at the end of Rara's residential alley, as Aidenn said this afternoon.

"Shit! Not picked up again." Irza grumbled incomparably annoyed when she called Rara's cell phone, and the worst part was that Rara's cell phone was off.

For now, Irza really thinks that he is like a simalakama fruit. Go forward, let alone go back. If Irza delivers this food to Rara's house and is seen by Raka, it is certain that there will be a split in the Oscar Gang plus the relationship between Irza and Rara will not be fine.

But if not, the one who will be covered in irritation is Zaskia. This is really a tough choice for an Irza Adisankara Rianto. In the end, Irza's choice fell on him, if he didn't want to disappoint Zaskia. If that happens, the Rianto family's residence will not be fine. 

Irza has been prepared with all the worst possibilities after this, whatever it is, as long as he doesn't get angry at Zaskia, the 17 year old man is ready.

Irza returned to riding her green iron horse and it didn't take long, now she was right in front of Rara's house. Of course with Raka who is next to Rara at this time.

Maybe only Raka is contemplating what is really going on right now. His eyes kept looking at Irza and Rara in turn.

Meanwhile, the two objects that became Raka's point of attention could only lock their eyes with each other and it seemed for a split second that the two people, who incidentally still had family relations, had forgotten how to blink.

"What are you doing here, Za?" Maybe Raka is tired of all the expectations that can't find common ground.

It would be a lie if Irza's heart condition was fine. No, it was the most obvious lie for Irza to reveal this time.

Irza did not immediately answer what Raka was asking at this time, one hand seemed to be combing her hair roughly and Rara believed that it was just a spontaneous action that Irza did. As for Rara?

The woman who always gives positive vibes to those around her is currently biting her lower lip, she knows that the aftermath of this problem will be very long. Raka couldn't possibly let Irza go that easily.

Even though Irza and Raka are friends, for the problem that concerns Rara, Raka will not be that easy to let go. There is a big question mark that must be paid in full by Irza for Raka at this time.

"Deliver the beef stew made by mommy for Rara." The answer given by Irza made Raka frown even more, he didn't understand the explanation Irza gave him even more. 

Raka's two eyes then he brought to Rara, looked at the woman who currently occupies the second throne in his heart with a gaze filled with intimidation.

There wasn't much that Raka wanted from these two, only explanations. That's all, and it doesn't feel like it's difficult for both of them to fulfill, right?

"Ra… this is for you." Irza then came down and approached Rara with a food bag that her mother had filled with a very large portion of beef stew.

"You, don't burden Rara to satisfy your curiosity. I can explain it all at headquarters, after the meeting is over." Raka could only stare in silence when he heard what Irza said. Long times wide, but Raka could only be silent with stiff lips.

After the food bag that Irza gave to Rara and also whispered next to Raka's ear with great emphasis on every word, Irza chose to leave in front of the closest partner, but couldn't hug each other. After Irza was no longer reached by Rara's and Raka's eyes, finally what was really left at this time was only the couple with all the endless expectations on their minds at this time.

"I can't take you to the bookstore, Ra. There's no need to ask why, even without you asking you already know what my reasons are." Rara only gave a nod of her head as a sign that at this time the woman with her two clear eyes had understood and also understood what was currently raging in her mind.

"I'm not going to the bookstore either. I'll just borrow Aiden's book first." No response was given by Raka, for now the only thing that filled his mind was Irza's words.

Afraid is now starting to tickle Raka's soul, various bad possibilities start to run wild in Raka's mind at this time. Without a warm farewell, Rara let go of Raka's departure which is very certain that he will definitely follow Irza at this time.


Raka then spurred his iron horse at a very high speed through the streets of the capital. It's not 1-2 times how many times he gets curses from other riders for driving his iron horse above the average speed. But Raka tried to write down his ears, all the curses that were thrown at him were like the wind passing by just passing through his ears.

15 minutes passed now Raka was at the Oscar Gang's main headquarters. Raka, who used to often spread positive vibes for his gang members, especially the Oscar frontmen, has now turned very cold.

Not the friendly smile they used to see. And because of that, no one dared to greet Raka first. When Raka's two eyes accidentally stared at Irza, a cold aura enveloped the main headquarters of the number one motorcycle gang in the capital. Laskar and Jeri, who just suddenly saw this, could conclude that Raka and Irza are currently involved in a conflict which might be quite complicated.

Even the worst part is that both of them have absolutely no idea what made both Raka and Irza stare with such fierce gazes. So fierce, Laskar and Jeri couldn't tell which one was a hungry lion and which one was prey. An hour passed, the schedule for the implementation and the target locations for the social service activities had been unanimously approved by all Oscar members.

"We're not done yet! That's what you wanted to hear tonight, wasn't it?" Raka just remained silent and did not respond to what was said by Irza.

"I consider your silence as a form of justification. Come with me to the boxing arena." Without waiting for Raka's response, Irza then brought his two long legs to the boxing arena which was still in the same location as Oscar's headquarters.

And this is where the two men who really love Rara are located, their very fierce views are throwing each other and risking a split between them at this time.

"I don't want to linger, I ask you what do you mean by bringing food to Rara's house." Next to Irza's smile line, he pulled it so that he couldn't help but see what was currently visible on his two luscious lips, only a wicked smile.

Seeing this, Raka had to desperately contain his emotions. "Was what I said wasn't clear to your ears? I only brought the food that Mother left for Rara." Raka had guessed beforehand that Irza would not make everything that Rak wanted to happen so easily.

"You must have a special relationship with Rara?" Hearing what Raka asked, Irza could only respond with a sarcastic smile, and that was more than enough to make Raka's emotions boil even more.

To Be Continued ….