WebNovelThe Oscar52.17%

Hope For Oscar Gang

The main headquarters area for Oscar Geng is currently only the frontman left and Dirga and Rafli also continue to strive to be the best support system for their children. 

"Za!" The call from the father succeeded in making the attention of the eldest of three siblings to his father.

Not only did Irza change his point of interest at this time, Rafli and all of Oscar's leaders were now looking at the father and son alternately. They seem to know and understand very well that what Dirga will say is something very important.

"Yeah, Dad," replied Irza still with her universe looking not well. Blood will always be thicker than water and Dirga is now here to help his son. As living witnesses of Oscar's journey, Dirga and Rafli have agreed to defend their children's motorcycle gang to the hardest point.

"Daddy, how can you suppress the media so as not to spread this news," said Dirga, making an offer to his eldest son.

The answer given by Irza was no less surprising. How could that not happen? Ridden refused very firmly what was Dirga's offer, as if he didn't want to think twice about it.

"No need, Dad. Thanks."

Dirga and Rafli compactly exchanged glances when they heard what Irza just said. 

"Why?" both asked at almost the same time. Irza did not immediately answer the question from his father. He needed a little time to just neutralize the beating of his heart.

"For the offer that my father and also Uncle Rafli gave, on behalf of all of the Oscar Gang, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to you. But for this matter, we will try our best to solve it. We ourselves will clean up the bad image that Robby has created. win for the Oscars." There was a look of admiration that radiated from both Dirga's and Rafli's eyes when they heard what Irza had just said.

Even Raka, who was behind Irza, without realizing it, shed tears full of emotion. "It turns out that my decision to appoint you as Oscar's commander-in-chief is one of the things I can regret in my life right now."

Hearing what Raka said, Irza then turned around and gave the leader the smile she had. 

"Because in the Oscar Gang we have nothing to regret, Ka." Raka, who had been too busy with all the problems today, could only nod in confirmation of what Irza had just said. 

"Even if it's Robby?" asked Jeri in a tone that sounded disapproving of what Irza and Raka said.

"Yes, even if it's Robby. You know why?" Jeri just kept silent on what Irza said. Jeri knew he would not find it easy to go up against the crown prince of Angkasa Corp for this debate.

"Because of this problem we are being tested by the creator. Only people who want to advance to grade are given the test, and we are the ones who will be promoted. Soon the Oscar Gang will get its glory and not be underestimated." Jeri's tongue immediately froze; there was nothing more she could say even to reply to what was said by Irza.

"But if you need something, don't hesitate to tell uncle and also Uncle Dirga, okay?" All of the frontman of the Oscar Geng could only nod as a form of their agreement to what was said by Rafli, Laskar's father.

"Okay, it's almost over, you guys go home and rest now," Dirga ordered everyone in a firm tone that didn't need any rebuttal at all.

At other times the others went home to rest, but that was not what Raka did. For this time Raka really felt that he did not have a home. He rode his iron horse, defending the streets of the capital where he would stop, nor did he know where it would lead.

And this is where in the end Raka is. At Citra Husada Hospital. The hospital where Queen Marcella Mahendra survived the fateful event that almost took her life. With firm steps, Raka brought his two long legs to Sella's treatment room, which was on the third floor of this building.


Raka opened the door to Sella's treatment room with a very slow motion. Raka knows he shouldn't have come at this hour that has entered the early hours of the morning, only Sella can be the best listener at this time even when he's in a coma like this.

With slow, but sure steps, Raka cut the distance between him and Sella. 

"Sella!" called Raka softly. It's a shame that those who called out his name did not give any response except for silence.

Raka then sat himself in the chair next to the gurney belonging to the girl who had been crowned the queen of the Oscar Gang. The wound that Sella is currently experiencing is a wound that is also felt by the gang members. Nothing is okay when it seems like the queen is in a slump, that's what Oscar's core frontmen have always believed. 

"Oscar's in some pretty weird trouble, Sel." A vibrating tone full of sorrow was very clearly heard on Raka's two luscious lips at this time. 

"The house that has always been a place for us to return to after getting many blows from the universe is threatened with chaos." The tears that he had been holding back for so long now finally rolled down his smooth cheeks.

"But I will fight as hard as I can so that this doesn't happen, Sel. That's my promise to you." Unexpectedly the response given by Sella really made Raka gasp in disbelief when he saw it for himself.

How could I not, Sella's hand which was being gripped very tightly by Raka moved and there were also tears flowing in one eye. For a split second Raka seemed to have forgotten how to blink.

Without thinking about it first, Rak then pressed the emergency button above Sella's head at this time. It didn't take long for Raka to finally come to what he had been waiting for.

"Let me check first, shall I?" Raka had no other choice but to agree with the wishes of the doctor and the medical team who wanted to examine Sella.

With a movement as slow as possible Sella opened her eyes, 3 months in Sella's coma needed adjustment to the light, maybe that was the scientific reason for what the woman who had been crowned the queen of the Oscar Gang was doing.


The door to Sella's room opened again, this time the masterminds were two middle-aged men.

To Be Continued ….