WebNovelThe Oscar60.87%

Offer From Mahendra

"What do you mean daddy?" Sella asked in a very low voice, but blood will always be thicker than water. Of course that is the most fitting thing to describe how Mahendra could hear what the only princess was saying. 

Mahendra did not immediately answer Sella's question, he needed a little time to take a long breath and then exhale slowly. As a child, Sella of course understands what her father wants.

"The scandal that ensnared the Oscar Gang, right Raka?" Sella, who realized that she had missed a lot about the motorcycle gang, could only remain silent, without the slightest intention of interrupting her.

He could only look at the two men who had very big meaning in his life in turn. 

"Uncle take your silence as a form of justification." There was no reaction given by Raka so that it made Mahendra even more convinced that his silence was indirectly a form of justification for Mahendra's question. 

"Daddy help to solve this problem, even clean without stains." Compared to believing Aaron's words, for some reason Raka believed what Mahendra said more than daddy.

"Are you serious?" Sella asked with a happy light shining in her two brown eyes. 

"Did daddy ever joke about what you wanted, honey?" Mahendra's question then made Sella shake her head very strongly.

"Uncle not only solved this problem lightning fast, but it was spotlessly clean." Both Raka and Sella's beads then balled perfectly when they heard the offer Mahendra had just said.

Raka was actually suspicious of what Mahendra said, how could Mahendra, who incidentally is also a high-ranking police officer in the capital, had such a shallow mind that he wanted to free Raka and his friends so easily. Isn't this an act that has a very high risk if caught?

"Uncle, seriously?" asked Raka who still didn't understand where his conversation with Mahendra was going. Not wanting to think negatively, but somehow the deepest recesses of Raka's heart felt that what Mahendra was offering was an insincere offer. There must be conditions to follow. Such was the heart of a Raka Yudha Juliardo said.

"Does uncle look like someone who is joking, Raka?" At the question Mahendra had just said, Raka only showed a flat expression without anyone being able to understand it, not even Aaron Juliardo.

But Mahendra is very sure that at this time, Raka is suspicious of him. Maybe everything in this world does have its own reward or reward, including the assistance that will be given by Mahendra to the most respected motorcycle gang in this capital city. 

"Uncle will finish this quickly and clean the good name of your gang without the slightest stain."

"But?" The question did not come from Raka's two luscious lips, but from the only princess. Maybe it's true what Dirga said a moment ago, that blood will always be thicker than water.

Sella can also read very strongly if the intentions said by her father are sincere intentions. In this world no one knows Mahendra as well as Sella does.

Why is that? Because half of Sella is a big contribution from her papa. So it's not hard for her to understand what's going on in the man she named the first love of her life, or will become the greatest heartbreak soon. 

"You're so good girl, honey!" Mahendra praised the princess, there was a twinkle full of admiration for Sella that radiated from Mahendra's eyes at this time.

"So? What's that?" Perhaps the question can be interpreted as a form of urgency, so that Mahendra immediately expresses his intentions to free Oscar Geng from the scandal that is currently entangling him. 

"You have to get married." It wasn't a question that came out of Aaron's mouth instead of Mahendra. Of course, when he heard this, both Raka's and Sella's eyes widened very sharply as if they wanted to jump out right now.

Even Raka's heartbeat seemed to be beating very fast, like a war drum, there was no difference at all.

"Yes!" Unexpectedly, Raka actually accepted whatever was offered by Mahendra and also his father without any long thought drama. 

Seeing and hearing the response given by Raka, Sella could only shake her head weakly. He definitely couldn't accept all of this easily. 

Marriage at a young age and not together with the people we love is not the wedding dream that Sella hoped for. That's not what the beautiful girl wanted.

"No! I don't agree!" Everyone in this room had guessed from the start, regarding this matter there must be someone who agrees and someone who doesn't agree.

This is normal when it comes to decision making.

Hearing what Sella's choice was, Mahendra as a father could only look down, take a long breath before he finally said what he wanted to say to his only daughter.

"Queen Marcella Mahendra the choices that Daddy and Uncle Aaron gave are only two dear. First you marry Raka, then the gang that is said to be your home will continue to exist without any more scandals. The second option is that you don't get married and this scandal will end. remain immortal in the eyes of the public even at the greatest risk of your gang disbanding. Disband."

At the end of the sentence that came out of Mahendra's luscious lips, it was very clear that the middle-aged man put emphasis on Raka, especially Sella, who was the contra party to this offer.

"Sella, uncle only has one message for you, choose the option with the least risk." Sella and Raka then brought their attention to the person who was speaking almost effortlessly. 

And of course it was Aaron Juliardo. "We'll discuss this later, Sella needs time to rest," said Raka asking for understanding from the two middle-aged men in front of them with the intention of avoiding pressure after pressure that they would get later. 

"Whatever it is, hopefully the decision you make is the best decision with all of them. Raka, you can take care of Sella, right?" As for what Mahendra wanted this time, neither of them had the slightest intention to raise any objections.

"Yes, Uncle." Only that short answer was given by Raka as a form that he agreed to what Mahendra had ordered him.

To Be Continued  ….