WebNovelThe Oscar78.26%

Dead Without Movement

"Jeri, if you want to see Ana from a different angle you will see a side you haven't seen before." There is still no response given by Jeri to what his two friends have said, but Irza and Laskar will not give up that easily.

As a friend to the second person in the Oscar Geng, Irza and Laskar do not want to forget one basic thing, that Jeri's heart is not a stone. But if it's a rock, then they hope that Ana's love will one day erode it. 

"Ana is beautiful, smart, affectionate, would love—"

"Unfortunately I'm not attracted to her." Jeri then cut off what Irza wanted to say before he finished his friend's words.

"Come on, Za! It's really hard to talk to his like stone." Hearing what Laskar said, Jeri could only snort in irritation at what Laskar said. 

"Has a heart, but doesn't have a heart, he is a human species named Jericho Naufal Gunadi."

The two leaders of the Oscar Gang exchanged fierce gazes, unable to predict who would retreat first. Is it Jeri? Or Laskar?

"Are you holding me?" asked Jeri in his baritone tone.

"No, I'm not watching you. I'm just describing who Jericho Naufal Gunadi is."


The entrance bell rang and it was as if it had become a savior for the Laskar who might if no bell had rung it would have become a walking bag for Jeri.

"It's the bell, let's go in, Za!" Laskar and Irza, who in fact were classmates, pulled their best friend away from Jeri, who was still staring at him fiercely.

But their intention to avoid Jeri did not last long, because Irza actually got Jeri's grip on his arm.

Seeing Jeri's treatment of him, one of Irza's eyebrows rose up perfectly. 

"Why?" asked Irza who did not understand Jeri's current mindset. 

"I'm just reminding you, maybe you forgot, you still owe us an explanation." Hearing Jeri's words, Irza only responded with a head up and down motion as a sign that he understood what the sole heir of the Gunadi Group said.

"I'm not that coward to run away from you." There was no longer a conversation involving the three top leaders of the Oscar Gang. 

"Hey... you guys wait for me!" After three steps, Irza and Laskar left Jeri's side, they had to stop again because of someone's shout that was definitely directed at him.

Unfortunately the voice was a voice that sounded familiar to Irza and Laskar's ears. Not wanting to speculate any longer, Irza then turned his body towards the source of the sound.

The lower jaws of both of them then opened very wide when they saw who was within a radius of 4 meters from them at this time.

"Raka?" said Irza and Laskar in a tone that sounded shrouded in disbelief at what their two eyes had caught at this moment.


Raka just shook his head when he saw the response given by the two friends and classmates.

"Why did you go to school?" The question asked by Laskar then made Raka frown.

"So I can't go to school?" asked Raka while scratching his forehead which didn't itch at all, it was just a form of spontaneity because he didn't understand what Laskar was asking. 

The only son of Rafli and also Syafa is indeed the most abstract guy in SMA Nusantara Bakti.

"Yeah, that's not the case, Ka." In the end, Laskar confused himself to answer what was being asked by Raka a moment ago. Hearing what Laskar said next, Raka could only roll his eyes in disgust.

He's the one who protests, but he's the one who can't respond well. 

"Ra-ka?" This time, it was Jeri's turn to be surprised by Raka's arrival at Nusantara Bakti High School. The boy with an athletic body only felt like going to the toilet, but he felt he had missed a lot of important events.

Seeing the response given by his friends, the number one person in the Oscar Gang could only pat his chest very patiently. The reason Raka is late for this school is because he is doing a patience top-up. 

"It's still early, so you don't have to play with flying fish. It's me, your leader," said Raka firmly to his three friends.

"Well, come on in!" Irza, Laskar and Jeri have no other choice but to agree with what Raka wants. Even though 3 of the 4 Oscar Gang leaders are still filled with curiosity, they still bring them to their adjoining class.

"We go first!" Jeri just nodded while smiling the faint smile he had at his three best friends who arrived in their class first.

"Are you ready guys?" Irza and also Laskar of course understand what is meant by looking for Raka.

"Is there really a word retreat and surrender in the vocabulary of the Oscar Gang?" Whether Irza was asking or making a mockery, apart from both what Irza said was indeed a truth that did not require an objection.

"You don't really think twice about what he says and does, Za." Irza just shrugged her shoulders when she heard the words that Laskar said to her.

"That's why I appointed him as Oscar's commander-in-chief." Laskar no longer said anything, he just nodded his head as a form of approval of Raka's words.

"Shall we enter or continue to practice being a statue?" asked Irza who did not find any movement from her two friends.

As the leader, Rak led the way for Irza and Laskar to enter their class.


A standing applause was then received by the three leaders of the Oscar Gang when they entered the class. This is the real meaning of what Raka asked a moment ago. Andika Prayoga, a student who always gets the runner-up title when compared to Raka.

Andika and Raka?

It's really important to equalize with Raka, Andika will look like someone who is in trouble, so what if you have to get ahead of the leader of the Oscar Gang, maybe Andika will chase him until he stumbles.

"What do you mean?" asked Raka by lifting his chin, as a sign that Andika was challenging Raka. Hearing the question that had just been asked by Raka to him, Andika could only smile his devilish smile at the three people who were becoming the point of attention from every corner of SMA Nusantara Bakti because of the news of the arrest of one of its members. 

Andika then took out her smartphone from her trouser pocket. His slender fingers seemed to dance very gracefully on her favorite flat object. The three leaders of the Oscar Gang seemed to be throwing glances at each other, of course the main question is what is being done by the man who has pinned himself as the eternal rival of a Raka Yudha Juliardo.

"Oscar Gang is one of the motorcycle gangs that travels throughout Greater Jakarta, especially SMA Nusantara Bakti, alright?" But unfortunately, what was asked by Andika did not get the slightest answer from the three Oscar Gang leaders who were in front of him at this time.

"Okay, no need to answer! I think your silence is an excuse."

"We don't have much time for your human model." It was Irza the frontman of the Oscar Gang who at least could not think twice about his words.

"Yes, the answer you said is true, you don't have time to respond to what I said because right now you are all busy dealing with your useless motorcycle gang which will soon be disbanded. It will be disbanded!" Raka's hands clenched into fists when he heard what Andika said. 

Raka has a great desire to land just one hit on Andika's face at this time. Unfortunately, Raka's intention was hindered by the ban given to him by Irza.

"Control your common sense, Ka." That was the order that was given by Irza to the chairman.

"Look, today will be the most historic day in the life of a Raka Yudha Juliardo!"

"The day history will record that the pretentious motorcycle gangs will be disbanded without the slightest respect."

"The day you will die without any movement and resistance. Raka Yudha Juliardo, you're nothing without Oscar!" Now no one can control Raka anymore. Not Laskar, let alone Irza. Raka is in control of himself this time.


One blow finally landed him with a lack of respect next to Andika's cheek. Stings? Perhaps that one word is the most appropriate to describe what he is feeling.

It's not that there's no intention to stop what is happening in front of them right now, it's just that Irza and Laskar are not people who just met Raka yesterday afternoon, they know if it's like this it will be difficult to control their best friend. 

Raka alone can't process his emotions, so what do you expect from the other three Oscar Gang frontmen?

"RAKA!" The shout, of course, came from a middle-aged man who was currently standing firmly not far from Irza and Laskar.

"Mr Hussein?" Irza muttered along with Laskar. Unfortunately, Mr. Husein's shout was not heeded by Raka, he continued to stab Andika who was in his confinement very strongly without anyone knowing how Andika could free himself.

To Be Continued ….