WebNovelThe Oscar86.96%

Oscar's Lowest Point

Seeing Irza's expression, which then drastically changed 180 degrees, made her three friends wonder if there was anything that could be said to be bad at this time, so drastic changes could be seen in every curve of her face.

"Yeah, Dad. Thanks." That was all Irza could say when she heard what her father said. Ready or not, Oscar Gang has a choice to dodge.

"Are you okay?" The question asked by Laskar was of course aimed at Irza.

"If I tell you I'm not fine, will running away from this scandal be the best solution for you to give me?" Raka, Jeri, and also Laskar can only show their flat faces, but whatever it is, running away is not the best solution for them at this time.

This will only corner the Oscar Gang in the eyes of everyone who sees it. 

"We're going to Mr. Handoko's room now! Don't give up hope for a second call addressed to us, I don't want to." Raka then returned to lead his three friends to immediately go to the room of the number one person at Nusantara Bakti High School. 

"Enter!" said Mr. Handoko when he heard that someone was knocking on his door and it was certain that it was the main leaders of the big motorcycle gangs at SMA Nusantara Bakti.


The door to the room of the number one person at the most favorite high school in the capital opened very wide and revealed a figure who has always been the center of attention throughout SMA Nusantara Bakti.

As far as the eye can see, currently in Mr. Handoko's room there are Aaron Juliardo and Mahendra. Without asking, Raka is the person who understands the most about what is currently going on.

One thing that Raka must always remember is that Aaron and Mahendra are two people who never joke about the decisions they have taken, and bargaining will always be impossible in that decision making.

"Sit down!" Mr. Handoko ordered the four men who are currently still stunned at the door of his room, trying to properly understand what will happen in the future. 

Without a second, third and so on, the leaders of the Oscar Gang took their respective positions.

"I don't need to explain what I mean by calling you guys, do I?" The question that was said by Mr. Handoko was then answered by a faint nod of the head by the four Oscar frontmen, of course with Aaron's and Mahendra's eyes, who continued to glare at the four men.

Trembling? Perhaps that is the most inappropriate word to be pinned on the Oscar Gang. After considering all that they have gone through so far, disbanding is still the best solution to take at this time.

It didn't take long for Mr. Handoko's door knocked again, this time of course the foreheads of the middle-aged men in this room suddenly frowned, surprised? Of course that's what the three of them are feeling. Handoko then brought her eyes to Aaron and Mahendra to ask for approval whether to allow the uninvited guest to enter and join them.

The nod given by Mahendra as the most respected porang today is not difficult for Handoko and the others to interpret. 

"Enter!" Handoko ordered back with a cold tone. The appearance of a Dirgantara Rianto in this place made everyone in this room feel the atmosphere that was getting more and more tense.

"Daddy?!" Of course those words came from Irza's lips when she saw the arrival of the man she had crowned as the second super hero in her life, of course the one who won the first super hero title was her mother, Zaskia Azzahra Khumairah.

"Everything's gonna be okay, alright?" Irza could only nod when she heard what Dirga said. If Dirga has said that, then Dang Irza's soul can be calm, but Raka is feeling the exact opposite at this moment.

Moreover, when both Manik and Mahendra have no other choice but to submit and obey what will be said by the two men who have a large enough rank in the police structure of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia.

"Embarrassing!" Only one word escaped from Handoko's soft lips but it was more than enough to shatter everything that was being felt by Raka, Jeri, Irza, and also Laskar. There was no need to ask further, of course the curse was for the Oscar Gang.

Raka almost lost control again, but luckily the grip that came from Jeri was able to dampen what he was feeling a little. It's not easy and no one is saying that getting past our lowest point is an easy thing to do.

"It's not like that, calm down!" Hearing what Jeri said, Raka could only roll his eyes in disgust.

"What do you mean by embarrassing?" The question, of course, came from the two full lips of Dirga, the man who his wife always crowned as a mulatto. And the half-blood side that Dirga also has is not half-hearted, namely, the half-blood of earth and heaven.

Dirga's assertiveness and authority always makes those around him shrink when they face him. Maybe that's what Handoko feels too, considering that he is the biggest donor at SMA Nusantara Bakti, more or less he is also the most worthy figure to be respected. 

Without the fantastic funds that he poured out, could this high school get its highest label?

"I need to emphasize here that it was Roby who acted, so do the other members of the Oscars deserve to be affected as well?"

"If they could find out what happened today, maybe when Robby asked to join with the others in the Oscar Gang, Raka as the chairman would reject what Robby wanted at that time." Dirga's words were long, but no one could deny what the father of three children had said.

"Don't judge something just from its outward appearance, because sometimes what we see is not what actually happened."

To Be Continued ….