Yasaka part 2

Before you continue to read, I've decided to go AU in this DxD universe. I will change the plot of Nekomata Village and some Youkai.

Reason? I just don't like the fact Nekomata and Nekoshou are being hunted down for decades...the main reason? I have a fetish on kemonomimi girl so Like hell I would let them be hunted on my fanfic! not on my watch!!

Though some of you might not like it. Too bad~, I've already written over 10 chapters ahead, so I won't be able to change this~

Anyway. enjoy the chapter~


(Flashback - Before Yasaka and Nayla met)

(3rd POV Focus Yasaka)

In a room with many books scattered about, sat a beautiful woman with long golden hair reading a pile of documents as her cute brows knit together.

Yasaka: "These damn devils, why are they so insistent on protecting a house full of criminals? Just because they are part of the 72 High-class devils, doesn't mean you protect them with everything you have. They're criminals!!"

(A/N I already said that I will change the entire plot Nekomata, so prepare for my bulshiting)

The devil and Youkai signed a peace contract 6 years ago. The contract states that the demon will help youkai in everything they need to some extent, but in exchange, the devil asks the youkai faction to move the village of Nekomata to devil territory in the underworld. at first, Yasaka was puzzled as, why they wanted to ask for it, but since the one who ask this is one of Maou, she just let them. she had decided to sign a contract with them, at least Yasaka try to trust them.

However, After the 3-year contract was signed, Yasaka realized that something was wrong with Nekomata village after they moved to the devil territory near the Nebereus family. the number of Nekomata for some reason decreased a lot.

Sensing something was wrong with that, Yasaka asked her subordinates to find out the reason. and after a year, her subordinates finally found the reason, they found out that the Nebereus family had captured Nekomata for something shady.

Feeling angry, Yasaka immediately went to the Underworld devil territory to meet the Maou's. When she told the reason for her visit and asked to see and investigate the Nebereus family. the stupid Maou tried their best to refute her statement and spouted nonsense like "you have no evidence stating the Neberus family did something sketchy to the Nekomata village" or "we can't just go and check Neberus family without evidence, as the devil council won't be happy"

Hearing what they said, Yasaka felt very angry. I mean how can she not? if the 4 Maou looked closely at the number of Nekomata before and after they moved to the underworld, they would immediately conclude that the number of Nekomata is indeed decreasing, and Moreover, it's decreased by a LOT!

And for the love of God, they are Maou! why do they still hear what the council has to say, don't they have the dignity of a Maou? they are MAOU, they're the ones who suppose lead the devil race and NOT the ones being led by! She felt that they bore the title of "Maou" as a joke because they had no control or anything over the Devil race. and if something happened to devil races, She can guess that the Maou will become their scapegoat to ease the conflict.

because she didn't want to hear any more nonsense, Yasaka left the underworld and started her own investigation.

It's been 2 years but she still didn't find anything, even though she could guess why. she felt that those stinky Maou had revealed the reason behind her visit at that time and it made the Nebereus family more secretive and more difficult to investigate.

Yasaka: "Sigh.... what should I do?"

Said Yasaka with a helpless and sad face, she wanted to help the Nekomata village but she couldn't just invade the Devil territory… nor could she cancel the contract without a good reason. She hopes... she wishes someone to help her... reassure her that everything will be fine...

just as she was feeling down, she felt someone tugging at her sleeve. when she looked down, she saw her 2-year-old daughter.

Kunou: "Mother? Are you okay?" Said Kunou in a soft voice.

Seeing this, Yasaka just smiled and hugged kunou then placed her on her lap. She patted her head then hugged her daughter again.

felt her embrace, Kunou felt happy when she was hugged, Kunou then hugged her mother back tightly.

but suddenly her mother's body out of sudden began to tremble

Yasaka: 'what happened? This reaction! No, it can't be' Yasaka said in her mind

Yasaka closed her eyes trying to figure out what was going on.

She felt a strong resonance from her bloodline, and this can be bad and good at the same time

She then looked up at the sky, because her guts told her that the resonance she felt was in the sky

Yasaka; "dear, can you stay here for a while? mother wants to go somewhere for a moment"

Kunou just nodded as she was still confused about what happen to her mother.

Yasaka then pats Kunou before she left her study room. after she was outside her temple, she then used Youjutsu to create an aerial platform. and then she jumped using the platform into the sky, she started to look around trying to find out the source of the resonance she was feeling right now.

Yasaka is a nine-tailed fox, as a Youkai, she has a very strong bloodline, and because of that Yasaka is able to become the center of Kyoto's leyline. However, there is no such thing as a perfect bloodline, the nine-tailed fox has a unique trait, depending on their luck, this trait can be bad and good at the same time.

This trait is called "dependency", every nine-tailed fox youkai inherited this trait, this trait makes them have a sense of compliance and absolute obedience to their fated partner.

This trait usually appears when a "destined" person appears. and when they meet this "destined" person, they will have a strong desire to make this person their partner, usually, the fated person is the opposite sex of the nine-tailed fox youkai, but in rare cases, this can also be Same-sex. However, when that happens they usually just make this person their closest person but… this situation is quite fragile, if they are not careful, their relationship could turn into a lily relationship.

Not long after she waited, she felt that the person she was looking for had entered Kyoto

Yasaka's gaze immediately turned to a certain direction.

When she looked in that direction, she saw nothing...there is nothing but clouds there. but then something popped up from her mind

invincible Spell.

She then tries to get closer to the source of her feelings, as she feels it is quite close.

Yasaka: "Name your business! Who are you and why did you come to Kyoto?" she said in a firm tone. she waits for the other party to respond

She didn't wait too long, because something she didn't expect at all came out. She saw a large blue ship with a white interior. she gulped as she started to feel nervous because she knew that someone who possessed this kind of technology was someone not to be messed with.

just as she was starting to feel nervous, she then dumbfounded, her eyes widened at what she saw after the ship had revealed itself.

She saw a woman with extraordinary beauty, no words could describe how beautiful she was. With long, shiny black hair, Her face as if she had been personally sculpted by a god of beauty, Standing 1.75 meters tall, she had an extraordinary figure, with skin as white as jade. she has a pair of beautiful heterochromia eyes with one a bright orange like the sun and the other a deep red like a ruby. coupled with soft and innocent looks...

Yasaka didn't understand why...both of them women. but when Yasaka saw her, for some reason her heart started beating really fast. also her trait didn't help either! it just makes it worse!

Yasaka's face started to turn red.

Well, we can't blame Yasaka either, even straight women could turn bi when they saw her.

as the saying goes "they're as straight as spaghetti...until it gets wet"

???: "Hello" said the woman with a sweet smile that could make every flower bloom immediately.

Still fascinated by her, Yasaka forgot to answer her greeting.

noticing her lack of manners as she forgot to reply to her greeting. Her face immediately become even more flushed as she made a hand gesture in a hurry while trying her best to not look at her face.

Yasaka: "H-hello" said Yasaka in a very low voice.