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(Skip Time - 3 Hours)

(3rd POV)

It's been 3 hours since A2 Completed her rescue mission. With the gadgets made by Nayla, A2 had saved about hundreds of Nekomata.

Neberius family is known as a group of scientists and because of that, they have low power in combat. and to fill that gap, the Neberius family conducted experiments on Nekomata.

Neberius family plans to inject demonic powers into the Nekomata so they can adapt. they continued to do this until the power of the Nekomata they were testing reached Super Grade.

Neberius have a plan to create a Super-grade supernatural being equal to Maou

But, Nekomata has practiced Senjutsu/Youjutsu since they were little. by injecting demonic energy into their bodies, it literally torments them.

Senjutsu/Youjutsu are forces of nature, this energy has a gentle characteristic. and by injecting demonic power which has chaotic characteristics, the two energies will start to clash as the two energies have different roots or sources, clashes occur until one energy is lost…..if the user is not strong enough to handle the pain. .. they will end up dying.

but enough of this sad talk,

When A2 almost finished saving Nekomata, Nayla didn't stay still either. she used her Herrscher powers to build hundreds of drones. Every drone has a camera function because Nayla wants to record everything she is going to do, and another function is that this drone can also function as a speaker.

After making hundreds of drones, Nayla activated their stealth function and flew them to Neberius territory stealthily.

after doing this, Nayla then proceeded to use Territory Creation of Ereshkigal to cover all of the Neberius Territory

Even though she was currently in the Underworld, unlike Kur, Ereshkigal's Authority could not be fully attained here. So Nayla needs to strengthen her connection with the underworld by Using Territory Creation.

After she was done, Nayla can feel that, within her domain of territory, she is the absolute law, and every being will be left powerless if she so desires it.

she's can basically fked up the whole Neberius Territory with a flip of her hand...but she's not going to do this since it sounds boring




(TimeSkip - 30 Minutes)

After waiting for another 30 minutes, A2 finally came back

A2: "Master, I have returned. All the Nekomata from the list has been rescued. I also brought every Evidence of Neberius' experiments on Nekomata" A2 said while handing a pile of documents to Nayla

Nayla: "Un, good job A2" said Nayla while taking the document as she put it into her inventory

Nayla: "Now, shall we start the show?"

Said Nayla, she then made another drone. After making another drone, Nayla then took some [Summon Cards] and put them on the drone so that the drone could carry this card up on the sky in the middle of Neberius' territory.

After arriving in the middle, Nayla then took out her Mic and turned it on. she then instructs each drone to activate its speaker function.


Nayla said through her Mic, all devils who heard this started to Panic from the sudden occurrence. all the soldiers from neberius territory came out one by one as they already armed themselves with their weapons

Panic and chaos spread to ordinary Devils because they didn't know what was going on, and from the announcement, it's obviously something bad.

Seeing the chaotic situation The devil who looks like the leader said something

Devil Leader: "EVERYBODY CALM THE F DOWN AND DON'T PANIC!!" said the random demon leader as his soldiers started to take up formation so they could act upfront in case of an ambush

Nayla saw that all the devils had come out and taken their positions...she smiled because she was waiting for this before she continued



Nayla said, she then activated one of her cards that had been brought in the middle of the territory.

Hearing what Nayla said, the Devils became more alert as they started giving orders and buffing their allies with magic.

not long after, a large magic circle appeared in the sky. not even a second after the magic circle appeared...something came out of it...

The devils then saw a large serpentine creature, grayish in coloration and equipped with two red membranous wings running down the top half of their bodies, supported by long spines which are extensions of their ribcages. Between their long, slender bodies and membranous wings, they resemble cobras. The bottom half of their torso also has ventral scales.

Its heads are also snake-like, with two enormous fangs protruding from their bottom jaws as well as rows of needle-like teeth jutting out from their mouths. The eyes are green, with the pupils being horizontal and almost cat-like. They possess bony ridges above their eye, resembling that of a crocodilian. Its body reached 428 feet / ~130 meters in length.

What Nayla Summoned first is [Summon Card: Warbat].

If we play on the power ranking on DxD, then Warbats has the strength of Peak ultimate class. even though it only reached the ultimate class, make no mistake. the only way to injure Warbat is to use a high-rank spell or high-rank weapon as its body is covered with very tough scales.

Warbat is a very aggressive creature because as soon as it comes out, it then eyed on the devils as it start roaring.


after Warbat Roared, it then dives bombs from the sky towards the devil formation. seeing this the devil leader then started to command his troops

Demon Leader: "Prepare your defensive spells, and cast them immediately!!! Shield soldiers, put your shields over your heads and prepare for impact!!!"

not long after the leader gave the order, Warbat had already reached them



as a result of the impact, many low devils died as mid-class to high-class devils were injured.

feeling angry, the devils began to launch their spell after spell.

Devil Leader: "Keep attacking, Since it's Snake then prepare your Ice based elemental magic and shoot immediately!!!!"

receiving their spell, Warbat became irritated. The Warbat then opened two red webbed wings as the Warbat started to slither towards the devil, the two wings that had opened kept touching the body of devil after devil

The devils were confused as to why the Warbat was doing this because the creature was just Slithering around them, but not long after, they found the answer they were looking for….

The devils who were touched by the warbat's wings…..their bodies started convulsing as they started to feel dizzy and they then knelt down as if they didn't have the energy to stand up.

Unfortunately, they don't know that Warbat's webbed wings have poisonous properties and if they don't deal with the poison as soon as possible...death will snatch their life away

Seeing this All devils then start to scatter, the leader then commands his troop to besiege Warbat from afar.



It had been 20 minutes since the fight between the Warbats and the Devil, the Devil army had suffered heavy casualties but after 20 minutes, Warbat finally died at the hand of the devil leader.

They suppose able to besiege Warbat in under 5 minutes but because of the tenacity and the agility of Warbat, their Magic keeps missing its target and barely hits Warbat, it's all Because of The Warbat keep jumping and Gliding around them.


Meanwhile, Nayla, Who sat on the sofa with coca-cola and popcorn, claps her hands seeing they finally defeated Warbat.

She has been watching the battle between Devils and Warbats on the large flat screen of the TV with A2.

Nayla then summoned a mini black birdcage in her palm, after waving her hand a blue glow ball appeared on her palm.

This Blue glowing ball is the soul of Warbat. Nayla still has the use of this soul, besides, if she takes the corpse of warbat, she can fully revive warbat. However, the revived Warbat is different, with Ereshkigal Authority, Nayla able to modify the soul of warbat, including its memory, sooo why not make this guy her pet right?

Normally, there are a few restrictions and limitations on Ereshkigal Authority, and messing with the soul was something that the Ereshkigal Authority could not do because of restriction.

Ereshkigal has duties to administrating the underworld and that's including the soul that comes to the underworld, soooo messing with the soul is out of the line right?

However, right now, Nayla is in an independent world/realm of the underworld, What Gaia? in here, her Authority is basically on steroids, there is no such thing as "restriction", she can do anything without worrying over the consequences. (A/N Thank you @Ultra_Xtinct for telling me about this)

Back to the present, after holding the Warbat soul, Nayla then put the soul inside the birdcage.

she then once again took out her mic


she then activated another card that had been brought in the middle of the territory.

Hearing what Nayla said, All devils' complexion becomes even paler. the devil leader really wanted to vomit blood right now,

can he at least get rest?

Devil Leader: "When the support comes!?!"

Random Devil: "Sir! support is on the way. and We already contact a Maou for the support!"

Without waiting for them, large magic circle once again appeared in the sky. but this time, not one...there are two magic circles...and something come out from it

seeing this, All devils just want to give up!

on one magic circle, all devils saw a Large and bulky body, with a long and broad, sharp-ended nose that looks like a knife, Atop the center of its head resides a blowhole that forcefully expels air. It has large, shell-like armor on its back while the rest of its body is similar to that of a goblin shark in appearance.

The creature possesses two large, dominant arms and two smaller, secondary arms protruding from its belly. Its large arms each have three-clawed digits, the middle digit being significantly larger. It also has a tail. Bright yellow lines run across its body, with the rest of its body being a dark grey. Its eyes and the interior of its mouth, however, glow blue.

This creature is Knifehead that Nayla summon from [Summon Card: Knifehead]

and on another magic circle, another creature comes out

It's a large reptilian creature with only two long forelimbs and no hindlimbs, as well as long, prehensile, serpentine tails. with long and slender, yet muscular, sturdy bodies. Several aspects of its appearance are noticeably skeletal, particularly on the torsos and heads. What appears to be the "eye sockets" of the skull-like heads are merely empty fenestrae presumably evolved that way to protect its eyes from enemies: the real eyes are set much further back

The heads closely resemble those of mosasaurs such as Tylosaurus, and creature jaws possess two rows of serrated, razor-sharp teeth. it has a prominent bony spike protrudes out of each of the creature's elbows. The thorny, toothlike structures of their inner mouths somewhat resemble that of a leatherback turtle's. Additionally, the creature has long, prehensile triple-forked tongues that they can use to grab their prey.

this creature is King Skullcrawler from [Summon Card: King Skull Crawler]


as soon as both creatures appeared they are roared, their gaze then landed on the devil as if they want to eat them

(End of the Chapter)