New Card

A/N: My point of view is distorted because I read too much FF DxD...Now I'm confused about the timeline. PLUS! I'm confused while writing because I forgot which scene happened in the original and which scene didn't and only happened in FF... My life is a li- No, My View is a Lie.

is this why there is a saying "I trust no one not even myself"

Anyway!! Hope you enjoy this chapter


Once Nyala and A2 teleported back to Kyoto in the room Yasaka had prepared, Nayla couldn't see anyone in the room.

"Am I playing too long? Or Yasaka and the others busy with Nekomata settlement?"

"Oh well... I'll wait here I guess?" said Nayla while taking the sofa out of her inventory, She don't forget to take out soda and chips from her inventory

seeing the Master, A2 walked behind the sofa and went into an invisible state

After putting everything down, Nayla then sat on the sofa while eating the chips in her hands

"Hmm...Because I've done a lot of fu- I mean works, I deserve some rewards right?" said Nayla while pondering

"Okay, Let's do Gacha!!"

"Alice I want to draw Gacha!"

[HAIII! Is it finally my time to appear in the novel?!?]




[...*cough* so how many pulls do you want to do Nayla?]

"... Let's do 19 for now"

[Okay...but Why 19? is there any special meaning behind it?]

"...well, it's a long story before I came to this world, that number... I often asked my co-workers to translate the number 19 into French and let them hear how it was pronounced... I had a lot of fun back then. that's why every time I'm happy... that Number always comes out from my mind"

"Anyway since you're my partner, feel free to check from my memories what it means"

[EH! is that so? Thank you Nayla!]

"Don't worry, you won't be thanking me after knowing the reason. Anyway, please help me draw 19 pulls"


[Ding! Congratulation! by using 19 Vouchers, you got the following cards!]

[Invitation Letter to Little Garden x1] [Misc Rank: ???]

[Crimson Witch of Flames Artifacts x5] [Misc Rank: A]

[La Signora] [Character Card Rank: B]

[Upgrade Card x1] [Misc Rank: B]

[Singing x1] [ Sub-Skill Rank: B]

[Cobblestone Block x1[ [Misc Rank: F-]

(A/N from now on, I only show the important result of Gacha...and Yes, Cobblestone will be important later date so calm down)

Seeing what she had drawn from gacha, many question marks appeared in Nayla's mind

"What the hell is this? Miscellaneous rank artifact? Invitation letter? Also, can someone tell me who La signora is?"

"Alice come out! I need an explanation!"


"Earth to Alice"

Hearing no answer, Nayla was more confused, but not long after, a small voice was heard by Nayla

[..te you]

"Uh, what?"


"Woah calm down Alice, what's wrong? What have I done?" hearing Alice's angry voice, Nayla couldn't help but feel confused

did she do something?

before Nayla drew gacha, Alice seems fine, still go happy lucky person...

'Wait...don't tell me...'

"Say...Did you find out about that "19"? "


"Pufft...I- I'm sorry okay, I've never thought your reaction will be this great" said Nayla while holding her laughter...

(Time skip - 10 minutes later)

after calming Alice, Nayla then start to ask about her gacha rewards

[If you're talking about why the artifacts are Misc rank, it's because what you got is Illusory Artifact, these artifacts are unique because even though it's clearly a weapon or equipment, you can't use it as a weapon or equipment. to use these Artifacts you just need to bring out the artifact from inventory and merge it with yourself, These artifacts will boost yourself whether when you're using a Character card or not. But Keep in mind that you can only use 6 artifacts at the same time]

(A/N just think of it like LoL/Dota/ML items)

"I see....then How about the letter?"

[For the invitation letter, it is a special letter that you can use to travel to another world, the place where you are traveling will be written on the letter]

" that so"


'I never heard of a place called little garden? it the world with a lot of greenery?'


before Nayla could think any further, the sound of the door opening could be heard

When Nayla saw who opened the door, two women entered.

"Nayla! you were here already? you should tell me soon! Kunou has been asking you where you are at"

said the woman who obviously we know,

Yes, She is Yasaka.

"Hmm? Yasaka-sama, did you make mistake? Nayla-san obviously a petite girl that has long blonde hair and airport chest" said another woman who had long white hair and nekomimi, she was none other than Fujimai, Kuroka's and Shirone's mother

"Pufftt...*cough* *cough*" hearing Fujimai words, Nayla whose drinking her soda can't help but get choked

However, as if ignoring Nayla's predicament, Yasaka looked at Fujima with a puzzled look

"What?" Yasaka said

"Eh? I thought you have met Nayla?" Fujimai said while tilting her head in confusion

"No, I mean, what do you mean Nayla has long blonde hair?"


both then looked at each other with confused looks, then they looked at Nayla with a look as if asking for an explanation

Seeing this, Nayla who was still stroking her throat, the corners of her lips twitched


(End of Chapter)


A/N: Please remember, I wrote this Fanfic for fun, this fanfic can be anything but serious.