chapter 2

Ruan Tang opened his eyes wide, his ears were infected with a deep red color, like the whole person turned into little frosting sprinkled with sweet cake, his voice was soft Hu Hu, "You, how are you!"

He, He will not betray his body!

System coughed, trying to make himself serious and serious, [He likes to bite your body so let him bite your body. Doesn't that also include giving warmth, what do you think?]

[I'm A serious system.]

Ruan Tang thought for a moment, and felt that it was the truth. He consciously abused the system and apologized obediently, "Sorry, I misunderstood."

The system said earnestly, [It's okay, I forgive you, and don't do that again next time.]

One person, one system was talking, the door suddenly opened, and a husband and wife entered. Ruan Tang looked at his memory and was sure it was the original owner's parents.

"Father, Mom."

He shouted obediently.

The expression of the woman between them softened, she touched Ruan Tang's hair, "There is a message from the blood family, saying that the prince is interested in you, let you move more in two days."

"Don't be angry with the prince. Otherwise, our whole family will suffer, you know?"

The man coldly snorted, "Since you went to the prince, you will not interact with Lin Ai in the future. Don't think I don't know what you are thinking. Be careful to get your upper body!"

Ruan Tang obediently responded, and seeing his appearance, the couple felt relieved. After a few more words, they left.

[Lin Ai is the original owner's friend, and the original owner's favourite]

[The two people seem to have a good relationship.]

For the next two days, Ruan Tang was sucked in blood, so he drank a large tonic soup while listening to the training given to him by the system.

Before being dispatched, those bloody people took Ruan Tang for regular blood tests. After confirming that Ruan Tang's blood wasn't problematic, they left with a report.

When I left that day, the system released the first mission, [please say a sweet word for the mission objective, you will get 3 points after this mission is completed.]

Ruan Tong got down, his palms were a little nervous, got on the kinship car sent, then sent to a villa.

This time he wasn't blindfolded anymore, so he finally saw the target of the mission, which was Pei Nuo's real face.

Pei Nuo sat in the room and looked at the book in his hand. His hair was black, but his eyes were dark red, like fine rubies, reflecting a faint glow under the sun.

Her face is a kind of indescribable beauty, and her temperament is elegant and mysterious, like the true nobility of the last century, high and unfathomable.

Ruan Tang looked at Pei Nuo, blushing in embarrassment.

Pei Nuo raised his head and glanced at the waiter's head. The chief butler left consciously, and then closed the door thoughtfully.

"Come here."

Pei Nuo gestured to Ruan Tang, his voice cold and low, without emotion.

He looked at Ruan Tang like a shy little animal, and moved slightly, his round eyes slightly widened, dangling with water.

That looks good.

"Do you know what I want you to do?"

He pinched Ruan Tang's chin, his tone indifferent, but as he dug deeper there was a bit of a hidden smile.

Ruan Tang thought about what the previous system had said, and turned very obediently, showing his white neck, "bite me."

It just sends itself to the door.

Pei Nuo's eyes were dull, he had not sucked blood for two days, and when he saw him at this time, he couldn't control his faint urge to suck blood.

He couldn't help but hook the corners of his lips, and his fangs protruded from his lips, and then pierced Ruan Tang's neck.

Ruan Tang whimpered and clenched his fingers. He looked like a newborn little animal. He couldn't stand up straight and seemed to stumble a little.

Pei Nuo pulled out his fangs and treated Ruan Tang's wound carefully.

He clasped Ruan Tang's jaw and seemed to run into trouble, which made him a little confused, "Do you like sweets?"

Ruan Tang was stunned for a moment, then he shook his head slowly.

Pei Nuo seemed to find it strange, but he spoke very seriously, in a serious tone, "Then why are you so cute?"