BTS FF - 8th Member - When a sasaeng tries to murder you

*Y/n POV*

Here I was, hiding behind the door of Jimin Oppa's room. Hiding from the bunny monster because I "Accidentally" spilled his banana milk. That's when Jungkook's loud shout echoed through the whole house.

Jungkook: LEE Y/N!!!

Hehe Hi! I'm Lee Y/n, 19 years old, and the rapper + maknae of the worldwide popular band, BTS. And maybe...the troublemaker too. Meet the other maknae of the group, Jeon Jungkook, 20 years old, also a trouble maker.

Right now we are doing our daily job, Fighting. I peeped through the door and after seeing no one outside, I walked out yawning and stretching my hands when someone came and held my neck from behind me, almost choking me.

Y/n: Mm-Ah- L-Lea-

And just then, the hand left me, so I turned around and there he was.


Y/n: I said right! It was just a teeny tiny accident *wink*

I said, winking, and giving him an evil giggle which was clearly pissing him off. This was the revenge I gave him by spilling his last bottle of banana milk because last night he hid 2 cockroaches in my bed.

Jimin: AH! You both started again! Mann just why in front of my room! Shoo shoo, go away! Cultureless kids these days *dramatic sigh*

*30 minutes later*

Here I was, getting ready, to go to the convenience store since I needed to buy some girly stuff and some chocolates. Yep! It's the time of the month. Ugh..

I wore a comfortable dark dress and my black mask. I tied my hair into a bun since It will be harder for people to recognize me in public. I wore a scarf because it was very cold outside. It is 7 pm and I have to go out now itself. I wore a pair of sunglasses and took my bag and kept some money in it.

I wore:

Suga, Hoseok, Namjoon, and Jimin left for the studio for practice. Jungkook was in the gaming room with Taehyung while Jin was sleeping peacefully after doing loads of dishes.

I didn't want to wake Jin Oppa since he was very tired so I peeped into the gaming room and found the both of them with headphones and deeply concentrated on their game. I called them twice but they didn't hear so I sighed and walked out. I took a sticky memo and wrote ' Oppa's I'm going out to the store to buy some stuffs ill be back in 20 mins, <3 ' I stuck it to the dining table next to Jin Oppa's sleeping figure.

I happily marched out cuz it's been long since I went out somewhere alone and on my feet. I looked at the sky and spread my arms without fear. There were fewer people on the street because of the cold weather. I was enjoying this freedom moment, which is very rare for a K-pop artist, especially a girl.

Soon enough I reached the convenience store I was going to. I entered the store and bought my girly stuffs and walked to the sweet food section.

Y/n: Ah! Bunny Chocolates!

I said and picked a cute-looking Bunny made of chocolate which reminded me of Jungkook. Should I buy his banana milk?

I walked to the dairy section and took the last 3 bottles of banana milk left in stock for him and smiled at myself feeling how happy he will be because of this small act of mine. I went to the cashier and I took out the money from my bag when I saw I had brought Jin Oppa's card.

He allows me to use it so I paid for the stuffs with the card and walked out of the store. It was getting dark so I thought I should take the shortcut street. I went through the shortcut street in which I haven't gone through for months! I realized that within these months this road has completely changed and no one was going through this way.

The street was too remote I started getting nervous when I felt someone's presence behind me. I heard footsteps approaching me so I fastened my pace until I felt a hand tapping me. That's it! I freaked the hell out and turned around to punch whoever it was but instead tripped and fell on the ground hurting myself. I rubbed my butt and stood up and saw a little girl in front of me. She looked like she was a 13 or 14 year old.

??: C-can I buy one b-banana milk from you? The ahjumma said you bought the last 3 bottles left In stock..

The girl looked shyly at the ground and I smiled at her totally forgetting that I was wearing a mask. I took 2 bottles of banana milk from my bag and handed them out to her after lowering myself to her height.

She took the money for it from her cute little bag but I refused to take it and offered the banana milk to her as a gift.

??: Thank you Unnie!

She said and smiled brightly which I returned back.

??: Your voice and face look familiar, unnie.

Y/n: N-No, I think you misunderstood me with someone. Meet you next time sweetie!

I said, placing the last banana milk bottle inside my jeans pocket and was about to turn around when the kid almost yelled.

??: Y-Y/N!

I turned back and covered her mouth to stop her from yelling. She looked at me with awe and shyness.

??: I-I'm your big fan

I smiled at her and I knew she was an army since there was a shooky keychain in her bag. It looked like she wanted something from me but she was too shy to say it.

Y/n: D-Do you want an autograph?

I hesitantly asked to which she happily nodded and gave her journal to me to sign in. I bid her goodbye and started walking further to realize the more I walked the creepier it felt.

It was very dark and cold so I wrapped my hands next to my scarf. Suddenly I felt a stinging pain in my head and everything went black.

*Jungkook POV*

I was annoyed playing with Taehyung because he always wins.

Taehyung: Loser, I win again! And as per the bet...

Jungkook: Ugh fine! I will go bring some snacks for us!

He won the bet and now I had to go fetch the snacks for us. I went to the kitchen not minding Jin Hyung who was asleep with his head on the table. I opened a cupboard and took lots of snacks for the whole night. I took lots of snacks that it covered my sight. I slowly and silently kept the snacks on the table. I arranged them on top of each other and took them back to our gaming room.

*Author POV*

When Jungkook kept the snacks on the table, little did he realize that the little sticky tape Y/n had left there ended up sticking at the bottom of a ramen cup. And when Jungkook took the ramen cup back to his room it got completely attached to the bottom of the cup making it hard to notice in the first look.

After 20 minutes, the 4 boys who were at BigHit Ent. came back home. Jin woke up from his sleep and went to greet them.

Jimin: Hyung! We did lots of practice today! Is the dinner ready?

Namjoon: Yeh we're tired and hungry.

Jin: Oh the food was ready an hour ago. I'll serve them you guys call the others.

Jin followed by Namjoon, Suga and Hoseok went to the kitchen to serve the food on the table while Jimin went to call the others.

Jimin knew the boys would be at the gaming room so he yelled from downstairs,

Jimin: Both of you come downstairs and Jungkook call Y/n when you come! Food time!

When Jimin heard both of the boys' reply he lazily went to the dining room to finally fill his empty stomach.

Taehyung ran downstairs the moment he heard 'food' without shutting down his PC. Jungkook, responsibly, off both of their PCs and went to Y/n's room and knocked.

Jungkook: Y/n, come downstairs! Food Time!

When he found no reply from the other side he knocked again and said,

Jungkook: Is it because I put cockroaches in your bed? Are you mad at me?

There still was no reply so he sighed and again said,

Jungkook: Come downstairs for food ok? I'm not mad at you about the banana milk anymore so come fast.

Jungkook said and ran downstairs to have his dinner. He sat down on his usual seat to be met with a confused Jin.

Jin: Where is Y/n?

Jungkook: I think she's mad about the cockroach situation so she didn't reply or open the door.

Before Jin could say anything Taehyung stood up from the table and said,

Taehyung: My ramen is still in my room I'm gonna eat that!

Jin: Aish this kid loves ramen more than Bimbap?

After a few minutes, Hoseok finished his food first so Jin asked him,

Jin: Hoseok-ah can you check on Y/n if she's okay? She never misses Bimbap...

Hoseok nodded and went to Y/n room and after several knocking and calling for Y/n, he got no replies so he opened the door and saw that there was no one in the room.

Hoseok came down the stairs to tell Jin about Y/n's empty room when Taehyung shouted from his gaming room,


Taehyung yelled as he read the mysterious piece of sticky note which somehow got itself attached to the ramen cup. He knew it was Y/n by its handwriting.

*Y/n POV*

I opened my eyes and found myself tied to a chair. The rope was covering my mouth so I couldn't shout or scream for help. My eyes started filling with tears when I remembered what had happened. I was kidnapped.

??: Hey there little miss superstar. Does it hurt?

I heard someone asking me in a mocking tone and then bursting into an evil laugh. Even though everything was blurred to me I saw it was a girl who seemed to be around my age. I kept zoning out so she slapped me but not that hard.

??: Keep your eyes on me!

Y/n: W-Who are you- Why did you kidnap me-

??: I'm Hyun and I hate you. Simple.

Y/n: W-what do you want from me?

I asked her sternly, giving her a glare to make her learn that I'm not weak. But she started to laugh loudly making me jump from my seat for a second.

Hyun: Isn't it clear to you? I want to take your life away! DUH!

She slowly walked towards a table next to me and opened one of its drawers and took a syringe from it and started filling it with a liquid and she again spoke,

Hyun: I hate it when I see you around 'MY' Oppa's. So I have to just end you *evil chuckle*

Y/n: W-What is in that syringe- A-and they're not 'YOUR' Oppa's. Y-Your just a sasaeng!

She slowly positioned the syringe next to my arm and started speaking while slowly injecting it Into me.

Hyun: They are MINE and only MINE. Especially Jungkook and Jimin. THEY. ARE. ONLY. MINE.

She roared to my face after injecting the syringe completely into me and throwing it to the corner of the room where 2 more empty injection bottles laid,

Hyun: Sleep Well Honey, and be ready to be murdered cruelly after I marry MY Jimin and Jungkook.

She said and waved in front of my eyes which were trying their best to be awake but the injection which I think was to make me unconscious was starting to do its job.

Before I blacked out after my eyelids turned heavy and everything went black, I saw a figure coming into the room and Hyun starting a serious conversation with that person. O-Oli London?

Hyun: Did you track them?

That was the first and last thing I heard from their conversation. 'Them'? Did she mean... O-Oppa's?

*Hyun POV*

Hyun: Did you track them?

Oli: Remember I'm only doing this to spend some time with Jimin Oppa...And yes, I found their location.

Hyun: Jimin? *scoffs* Yeah fine, you said you wanted to marry him. Now give me the address I need to tell them about the wedding.

He? Marry Jimin? Jimin is only mine and I will kill him after I use him to find BTS. He handed me his phone in which BTS' house was being watched from a hidden CCTV camera. Now I just need to see what they are doing and follow them and claim them as mine after I threaten them about murdering Y/n.

*At Bangtan House* *Author POV*

Jin: Where is that kid! I'm sure it's past an hour after she left!

Jin said being frustrated, walking back and forth in the dining room.

Namjoon: Jin-ah calm down, I'm sure she will be safe, she's 19!

Namjoon lied since he knew that Jin being the motherly one who he is will surely stress himself and be worried sick about Y/n.

Jin: Joon! Look at the time! I'm sure she went after I fell asleep and before you guys came! It means it going to be almost 2 hours! What is she doing in a store for more than 2 hours? How could she not tell any one of us before going? Jungkook and Taehyung were awake when I was asleep!

Jungkook and Taehyung scratched their necks, which their hyungs knew it was what they do when they mess things up.

Yoongi: You both ignored her between your silly games didn't you?

Yoongi asked being annoyed, while Taehyung and Jungkook awkwardly chuckled.

Jin: I feel like something is wrong, Joon let's call the cops and tell this to Bang PD or things will get out of control.

Jin said scratching his head being even frustrated than he was before,

Namjoon: We at least need to wait for minimum a of 2 or 3 hours before reporting it to the police. What if she's just walking around the park or something?

Jin: Joon we are not talking about a 5-year-old kid being missing or a 19-year-old normal girl...were talking about one of the most famous kpop girl artist who has thousands of fans AND anti-fans from all around the world!

Jimin: Hyung's right, we need to be careful since Y/n is not a normal 19 years old girl. I'm calling Bang PD first.

Jimin said as he walked away to his room to call Bang PD.

Namjoon: Then I'm calling the cops for help.

*Jungkook POV*

Is it because of me? Only if I had listened to her when she kept calling me and If I stopped her from going alone and went along with her...

Namjoon: The police are on their way to our house, everyone be ready with your masks.

In a few minutes, the cops had arrived and all of us went with them to search for Y/n in a van.

Jimmy (cop): Sir, do you have any idea where she went and the time?

Jin: She went almost 2 hours ago and she went to a store.

Jaden (cop 2): Which store?

Jungkook: She...likes to go to this one specific store but we never usually let her go grocery shopping so it's been a while she's gone there.

Jin: Oh and sir, just now I checked my messages and saw that my credit card was used in the exact same store. I give Y/n my card to buy things so it's surely that store

Jaden: Can you tell me the address of the store?

Jungkook: 'xxx road 6'

Soon we reached the store and all of us, of course in our asks ran inside to be greeted by an ahjumma who seemed pretty old for this job.

Ahjumma: Good evening, young men. What would you like to buy?

She asked us in her weak voice, flashing an innocent smile which we gladly returned.

Hoseok: Have you perhaps, seen a girl who seemed to be 19 years old and her height- uh um yeah she is almost tall like this boy,

Hoseok said tapping Jimin's head which made Jimin give a glare at Hoseok for calling him 'short' indirectly.

Taehyung: She wears a scarf and a black mask too.

The ahjumma looked confused so I took my phone and showed her my home screen, a picture of me with Y/n fighting during our LA concert.

Ahjumma: Oh..that kind girl, yes she was here In the store and she left about an hour ago.

Yoongi: A-An hour ago?? Do you know where she went?

Ahjumma: I'm sorry kids but I was busy with my customers..

Jimin: T-Thankyou for this much mam!

We bid her goodbye and went back to the van with the police.

Jimmy: We need to check the CCTV footage of this street to see where Y/n went.

Soon we found ourselves at the CCTV management area and asked them to show the footage of what happened exactly an hour ago in that street.

Taehyung: That's Y/n! She went into the store!

The footage showed Y/n entering and leaving the shop. They looked at the footage of another camera and saw that Y/n had gone through the shortcut street.

Jimmy: The shortcut street?

Namjoon: Why? What's wrong with it sir?

Jimmy: No no it's just that no one uses it that often... it's a remote street.

We looked at Y/n walking more and more into the street when we saw someone following her.

Jaden: Someone is following her...

They saw the entire clip of Y/n handing out her banana milk to the little girl and signing her book. Everything was going well until now. Y/n bid goodbye to the girl and started walking again when...

CCTV Manager: Sir right when Y/n was about to turn to either of the 2 street divisions, all the CCTV's in that area got disconnected. We have sent people to repair the CCTV's.

Jimmy: Sh.t! This must be planned...

Jaden: We might get ay clues if we went to that street...

We were now at the street where we saw Y/n lastly. I looked around for something to catch my eyes when I saw the same girl to whom Y/n gave the banana milk, sitting afar from us.

I ran towards the kid and instantly she recognized who we were since we just had a mask on and nothing else like a hat or mask or helmet.

Girl: B-BTS??

She jumped in joy, enjoying one of the happiest moments in her life but little did she realize one of her idols is in danger right now.

Jungkook kneeled in front of the girl and held her shoulders, with a pleading look in his eyes which made the girl confused but excited at the same time. Jeon Jungkook just held her.

Jungkook: Girl, I don't know who you are, but if you are an army I will give you a VIP ticket to our concert if you help us.

The dumbstruck girl who felt like she won a million dollars in jackpot nodded her head aggressively. The police officer, Jaden came to the girl to question her to know if she knew any clues about Y/n being missing.

Jaden: Kid, you remember that girl who gave you banana milk earlier right?

Girl: Yeah, Y/n Unnie

Jaden: Yes, so have you seen where she was heading off to after you waved her goodbye?

The girl scratched her neck and looked at the police officer and said,

Girl: She is my idol so after she said goodbye and walked away, I just kept looking at her until I saw her fully disappear.

Jaden: Ok, so by any chance did you see which street she took from here? The left one or the right one?

Girl: The left one! She took the left street.

Jaden: Thank you kid, you just saved her life...

Girl: Oh and just a few minutes after Unnie left, another girl came asking me if I saw her and showed her the way because she told me she was Y/n's makeup artist.

Jaden: Her make-up artist? Thank you kid for everything you can go back to your work.

Jaden said and smiled at the kid and Jungkook gave her a card.

Jungkook: Thank you kid, call the no. on that card and tell 'AEFF22' and you will get a VIP ticket. And don't tell what happened today to anyone!

Saying that all of the boys and the police ran into the left street.

After walking for a few minutes, Hoseok noticed something and called all of us near whatever he had noticed.

Hoseok: Look... it's a broken glass bottle with blood in it...What if someone hit Y/n?

Jimmy: It's possible but this street is filled with drunk people so we need to check the blood and DNA.

Jimmy said as he carefully took a plucker and a plastic bag and kept a big piece of glass with blood in it in the plastic cover with the help of the plucker.

Jimmy: Jaden, take this to the forensic department and ask to test the blood and DNA.

Jaden: Yes sir!

Jaden said and went away with the evidence we found. But Jaden came running back after soon itself with a piece of paper in his hands.

Jaden: SIR! *pants*

Jimmy: What happened?

Jaden: T-This-

Jaden panted hardly as he gave the piece of paper to Jimmy. We all curiously looked towards the piece of paper which had the words, 'Want to save your little princess? Come to 'xxx'. ONLY YOU SEVEN. Any wrong move and she gets killed'

Jaden: Someone flew this paper plane to me but they got away quickly.

Jimmy: Okay take this to forensic too. Tell them to get the results fast.

Jaden went away. All of us were scared. We can't let Y/n die. Suddenly I felt something soft and cold touching my cheeks, I looked up at the sky to find that...IT WAS SNOWING?!

*Y/n POV*

I opened my eyes and saw that no one was in the room. I felt so cold when I realized the windows were open and it was snowing outside. My scarf, glasses, and mask were no longer on me. It felt too cold that I might faint any moment.

I need to escape. I started shaking vigorously hoping I would break any of the legs of the chair and I can stand up. My legs were tied to the legs of the chair while my arms were tied behind my back.

I shook myself hardly, without bothering how hard my headache grew. And then...the chair broke as I wished and I fell down, hard. But during the process, my hands which were tied got cut free.

I used the chance and started untying my hands and legs fastly to be met with hundreds of bruises and cuts since I was tied real tightly.

??: Trying to escape huh?

A voice came from above. I looked up and saw Oli walking down the stairs with a pocket knife in his hands.

I backed away...until my back hit the table and that's when an idea popped in my mind...the injection!

I faced him, glaring at him while my hands were in the process to take one of the injections out of its wrapper which I successfully did.

??: Do you know me? I know, I know, don't need to say, I exactly look like Jimin right?

I used the time he kept boasting about himself to fill the 'makes-you-unconscious' liquid into the injection.

He kept nearing me and I had the injection behind the back of my hands. And finally, when he was near me and was distracted talking about himself, I ran over to him injected the liquid into his things. Since I couldn't realize that my legs were too weak to even run, I couldn't aim the needle at his neck or his arms and ended up aiming it into his thigh and my body fell on the floor with a loud 'THUD'.

I heard him groan in pain since I almost stabbed him with the injection. Before he went unconscious and fell onto the floor next to me, he made sure he stabbed me back with his pocket knife straight at my shoulders.

I yelled in pain when the knife stabbed me. I pushed his unconscious body away from me and stood up, barely. The knife was stuck in my shoulders. Even though I couldn't complete my studies because I went to be a kpop artist, I knew that when we are getting stabbed, we shouldn't remove the knife from us, and if we do, we will die faster due to blood loss.

I had bruises and cuts all over me, now I was stabbed on my shoulders, my head couldn't work properly and I kept on having headaches. I couldn't even stand properly since my legs were too weak. My head was bleeding after getting hit with glass.

But I did tie Oli down with the ropes I found on the floor. He will be unconscious for 20 or more minutes. That will be enough time for me to escape before that girl, Hyun also comes.

*Jungkook POV*

We were almost near the location the person who kidnapped Y/n gave us.

Jimmy: Ok thankyou sir.

Jimmy said as he cut his call and stopped the van and turned to look at the boys.

Jimmy: I got the results from forensic, The blood belongs to Y/n and the other fingerprint we got was by a 19-year-old girl called Hyun.

Jimin broke out in tears when he heard that. Hoseok calmed Jimin while rubbing away his own tears from the corners of his eyes.

Jimmy: So according to the plan, from here the 7 of you can go by yourselves. Don't worry I have called for backup. After the first 5 minutes from when you leave, I and my group will come to the address.

The boys nodded and started walking forward to the address.

*Y/n POV*

I started trying to open the lock of the door, ready to be met with cold...really cold ice. I was shivering even before I went into the snow. Before I made it out of the door of the creepy abandoned house, someone pulled my loose hair hardly making me fall backward.

Hyun: Where did you think you were going.

That's body couldn't handle anything more. I yelled, screamed, and shouted in pain when I fell backward and the knife entered my shoulders even deeper.

Mercilessly, Hyun stuffed my mouth with cotton and pulled me forcefully by my collar to the same broken chair. I couldn't do anything against her. She tied me really hard that I felt my hands and legs will go numb and blue without circulation of blood.

My eyes never stopped being filled with water. I gagged when I felt the cotton slowly getting next to my throat since my nose was stuffed after all those crying and I needed to breathe through my mouth.

She would slap my cheeks from time to time when I often dozed off to being unconscious? or maybe a coma? or maybe death?

Hyun: Don't die already b.tch! You will attend my and Jimin and Jungkook's wedding!

Little did I notice there was a priest tied up at the end of the room. Is she serious about the marriage?

Suddenly I heard someone breaking down the door. I hopefully looked up to see that the door of the mansion-like creepy and abandoned house was broken by Jungkook.

I painfully smiled at him and the others who appeared behind him but my weak body couldn't even help to look straightly at someone for more than a second.

All of them were about to run towards me but stopped when they saw Hyun placing a gun which was aiming at my head.

Hyun: Oppa's! What took you so long!


Hyun: Calm down Oppa...this b.tch won't die if you obey me...

Jimin: Don't you dare call her a b.tch!

Hoseok: W-What should we do to save Y/n? Money? We will give you everything!

Hyung chuckled loudly and said,

Hyun: I want Jimin and Jungkook. NOW!

Hearing this, everyone was shocked but Namjoon spoke

Namjoon: What do you mean by you 'want' them?

Hyun went and pulled up the priest who was just beside Y/n and aggressively woke him up.

Hyun: I will marry Jimin and Jungkook.


Jungkook: I will do it...

I heard what he said and used all my strength to say,

Y/n: D-DONT!

Jimin: We will marry you...but you have to leave Y/n to the others.

Hyun: Deal.

And in a few moments, there stood the priest and Hyun while Jungkook and Jimin stood next to her giving her death glares. Hyun was still next to Y/n, aiming her gun at Y/n's forehead. She wasn't that dumb to move away from Y/n.

Priest: D-Do you Choi Hyun take Jeon Jungkook and Park Jimin as your husband?

Hyun: YES I DO!

Priest: Do y-you *coughs*

Before the priest could complete his sentence he coughed out blood, obviously because of Hyun's cruel acts towards him. Jungkook and Jimin who was next to him rubbed the priests back to help him. Hyun moved the gun away from Y/n to the priest's forehead and told,

Hyun: Do your job well if you don't want to get killed!

She took the gun back to Y/n's head and the priest spoke again,

Priest: Do you Jeon Jungkook and Park Jimin take Hyun as your wife?

Hyun expected the answer to be a yes but...

Jungkook: NOW!

Just as Jungkook shouted, Taehyung took a gun from his shirt and shot Hyun right In her right arm which was holding the gun that was aimed at Y/n's forehead.

Jungkook ran to Y/n and picked her up with the chair and ran towards the rest of the boys while Jimin did the same with the priest.

Suddenly from both sides of the wall, through the 4 windows, cops came jumping in with guns in their hands. All of them circled around Hyun and aimed the gun at her. But she had the audacity to pick up her gun with her non-harmed hand and shoot Y/n before the cops shot her.

But before the bullet could hit Y/n Y/n Jungkook covered her and the bullet passed through his back.

The last thing I saw before fainting or 'almost dying' was Jungkook covering me tightly in his arms so I don't get shot.

Hyun got shot by three police officers and they arrested her right then and there along with Oli. The ambulance came and took Y/n along with Jungkook and the priest to the ER.


Jimmy: Taehyung, take this gun with you and use it at the right time. And Jungkook, here take this, this is a watch that looks normal but when you press this button it is connected with my watch and I will receive a signal. And when you press the button, that's when I and the backup will enter the mansion. Got it?

Jungkook and Taehyung nodded and left to the address Hyun had given them with the others.

*Flashback end*

*At the Hospital* *Author POV*

Namjoon: D-Doc how's Y/n? She's safe, right?

Namjoon asked the doctor who just finished Y/n's 12-hour long surgery after wiping his tears away.

Doctor: She was stabbed very badly in her will take months to recover and a glass bottle was hardly smashed into her head. Her body is full of bruises and cuts. There has been too much anesthesia injected into her. Her leg bones were dislocated because she forcefully fell somewhere. There was a loss of oxygen in her body and her hands and legs did not receive blood circulation for a long time. Her mouth was stuffed with cotton. But after all of this... thanks to God...she survived. She almost fell into a long coma but this girl is very brave. She's safe now. Congratulations.

Namjoon's face which was filled with tears gave the doctor a big smile and both Namjoon and Jin said hundreds of thanks to the Doc.

Namjoon went into Jungkook's ER room where Jungkook was still unconscious with Jimin and Hoseok beside him. He told them about Y/n and all of them were very happy. Jimin went into the priest's hospital room and saw Yoongi next to the priest, helping him. When they heard the news, their reaction were the same.

Jungkook who had just woken up heard the news about Y/n from Hoseok and he forcefully went into Y/n's ER room with his weak body.

Hoseok knew he should give Jungkook, being the nearest to Y/n and the youngest, needed some time alone with her. He closed the room to the ER and left Y/n and Jungkook alone in the room since the nurses had already left.

Jungkook sat beside Y/n and held her hand and started talking to her thinking she was unconscious.

Jungkook: Y/n-ah...only if I listened to you when you kept calling me to tell that you were leaving the house alone...nothing like this would've happened right?

He placed Y/n's hands in his cheeks while looking at the floor and started crying hard.

Jungkook: I-I'm sorry Y/n for I-ignoring you a-*hiccup* and for fighting with you. Don't h- *sobs* hate me. And *hiccup* I won't ever let someone even let a scratch on you-. *hiccup* J-Just Do-Don't hate me..I- I will-

Jungkook stopped his words when he felt Y/n's hand which was placed on his cheeks, wipe his tears away.

Y/n: I won't ever hate you Kookie.

Y/n said as she took her hands to lock her pinky with Jungkook's in order to do him a pinky promise.

Jungkook looked at her with his wide, doe, and gleaming eyes.

Jungkook: Y-You heard me?

Y/n: *chuckles* Of course pabo!

Jungkook: I-I was just- talking to myself- I never said it to you-

Y/n: Kook I heard it all!

Jungkook: N-No I just said ' May you have your phone charge all night without noticing the chord isn't plugged in the wall' *smirk*


And there started the Tom and Jerry: The never-ending Saga once again!

* 3 Months Later*

Right now we were performing our new comeback on the stage with thousands of Army's cheering for us. I looked in front of me and saw the same girl to whom I gave the banana milk, sitting in the VIP row. I waved her a hello and everyone shouted the fanchant.

It took more than 2 months for me to recover and Jungkook less than a month. And right now we were fully healed. Hyun and Oli are in jail while Jaden and Jimmy got promoted in their job.

This was the dance part where I and Jungkook does a solo. I was nervous because the boys will throw me into the air and Jungkook will catch me. But to my surprise, everything went well and Jungkook even winked at me when he caught me which made me blush and also made the crowd go wild.

After our show, we bowed and sat in our seats waiting to hear the announcement of the Melon Music Awards winner. Jungkook who was sitting next to me spoke,

Jungkook: You were nervous weren't you?

Y/n: Nervous? Me? Never in a thousand years in front of you Jeon!

Jungkook: You blushed, sweetheart. *pokes his inner cheek*

And there it goes! Again! I blushed hearing his statement.

Jungkook: honey, you just blushed again.

Y/n: Shut the duck up's just hot!

Jungkook: I know I'm hot bae *wink*

Y/n: Ayo shut up before I dislocate your jaws, understand? *glares*

Jungkook: *gulp* Fine fine I get it.