We Set The House On Fire [Rohan]

Ru pressed the bell with the back of his knuckles, envelopes in one hand and an empty bowl in the other. As he waited patiently for the door to open, he checked himself out in the hall mirror fixed to the wall. Hair was a little messy, but he knew he looked cute in his red, checkered boxers, pink night robe with the belt open, and the pink fluffy house slippers. He was blowing himself an air kiss in the mirror when the door opened. He spun around and froze for a second.

"Why are you here?" The man beat Ru to the question.

But that did not stop Ru from repeating it. "Why are youuu here?"

Aarav measured Ru with his eyes, up and down, judging him, for sure, for his bedroom look past noon. But it was Saturday, and he was allowed to wake up late.

"You haven't answered my question," Aarav lifted a brow, still standing guard at the door.

Ru sighed. "I was going to make my morning coffee, and I ran out of sugar because there wasn't any because my boyfriend is an idiot. So, I thought who better to ask than my generous neighbor." He smiled, pleased with himself. "And here are some letters addressed to Raima. The post-person always does that." He presented the letters.

Aarav glanced at the letters, and took them, almost with a snatch. He then turned to his side to let Ru pass. Aarav was quite tall, Ru thought. Ru could barely reach his chin, and he himself was 5'11", a pretty good height for Indian guys, he believed. The guy would be Ru's ideal type, tall, dark, manly with a square face and a sharp jawline if he weren't so grumpy all the time.

This was not the first time he had seen the inside of this apartment. Raima threw frequent parties, and Ru had accompanied his boyfriend to a few of them here. But, he had never seen the apartment this tidy and quiet before. His eyes immediately went looking for the two dogs, Poo, a golden Yorkshire terrier with all the cute pink ribbons, and Pam, a white Pomeranian. And there they were, right on the sofa, obediently watching Tom and Jerry cartoon on the TV.

Ru strode over to the sofa and immediately cuddled up to them. He had been nagging his boyfriend to buy him a puppy too, but he wouldn't.

"Awww, how are my girls?" Ru asked in the sweetest voice, brushing their soft, silky hair with his fingers. The dogs began to yap and lick his fingers.

"I will be in the other room, working," Aarav said dryly and began to leave the room.

"Wait," Ru looked over his shoulder, "you did not say why you are here. You are not breaking into my neighbor's apartment, are you?" Ru giggled at his own joke.

Aarav narrowed his teakwood brown eyes. "I am babysitting the dogs. Raima is an old friend. Now, if you will excuse me…" he threw Ru one last look and left the area.

"Now, if you will excuse me…." Ru mocked him in a hushed tone soon as he left the living room and then turned to play with the dogs. "Come here, girls. Let us play 'what channel should we watch'."


Ru was still playing with Pu and Pam and flipping through the tv channels in between when Aarav came out of the other room. "You are still here?"

"Why? Is that a problem?" Ru had had enough of this guy's attitude. Just because he is insanely hot did not mean he can kick Ru around. "I am only doing your job of watching the girls." He stroked Pu, who was sitting obediently on his lap, like a good little girl.

"Did you find the sugar?" Aarav arched his brow.

And then, it all came back to Ru. He had completely forgotten about the sugar. And suddenly, a terrifying thought occurred to him. Holy rat on a cat!! He had put the milk on the stove to boil when he left his apartment to come here to borrow some sugar. He jumped to his feet and dashed towards the door. Before he even turned the knob, he heard the fire alarm starting to ring from his boyfriend's apartment. He raced through the hallway and smelled the burnt milk over the smoke. When he entered the apartment, it was all smoke-filled, impossible to see or even breathe.

Ru was making his way into the kitchen when a hand seized his elbow and yanked him back.

"Do you want to die?!" A deep voice barked at him. It was Aarav. He pulled Ru all the way out of the apartment. Ru's eyes were stinging and tearing up. He could barely open them. Aarav hauled him back through the hall. "The firefighters will be here soon. Stay here." He gave Ru a kerchief to wipe his eyes and made him stand in front of Raima's apartment.

Aarav came back out with the two dogs and guided the four of them out of the building. The sting was slowly fading, and Ru could now open his eyes, over the kerchief. Aarav had his hand as they hurried down the steps, passing by other residents. When they reached the open area in front of the building, two firefighter trucks were pulling up. They all waited outside as the firefighters made their way into the building.

Ru's heart was pounding like an impending panic attack. He worried everyone would soon find out it was he who caused the smoke.

"He is going to kill me," he whispered, close to tears, "the moment he finds out."

Aarav stood there, ignoring him at first but then asked, "Do you have your phone with you?" Ru did not even think of it until that moment. Now, his world came crashing down. What will he do without his phone?! Tears started to roll down his cheeks, his nose, everywhere. He rubbed them away with the sleeves of his robe but more welled in his eyes. It was Saturday noon, and most residents were in the building when the fire alarm rang. The two dogs were yapping from time to time, seeing so many people around them.

"Here," Aarav dug into the pocket of his jean, not waiting for Ru's response, and fished out his phone, "if you want to call….anyone, use this until you get yours back. Do you know the number?"

Of course, Ru did not know his boyfriend's number. Why would he? They were only dating for three weeks. Who went around memorizing numbers these days, anyway?

He shook his head to Aarav. His throat felt too tight, so he had to force out his words. "I do not, but Raima may. Can you ask her?"

Mr. Grumpy rolled his eyes that Ru did not like, but he was too upset about other things to lash out at his only help at that moment.

Raima picked up quickly and seemed calm over the phone. Ru prayed that his boyfriend showed the same restraint when he found out what had happened. He looked around, and there were eyes staring at him suspiciously. They must know, Ru thought.

Aarav's phone rang within a couple of minutes. He picked it up and almost immediately held it out to Ru. Ru's breath was stuck in throat and he felt like dying on the inside.

"Hey babe," Ru said over the phone and braced himself for the angry words. It was worse than he imagined, but thankfully the call did not last long. In summary, his boyfriend thought he was the most irresponsible, reckless human he had ever encountered, and he better not see his face again.

Ru returned the phone to Aarav. "Well?" Aarav looked at him.

Ru shrugged. "I am single again," he declared bitterly. It was all his boy….his ex-boyfriend's fault. Who did not keep sugar in their pantry?!

The residents were allowed into the building an hour later. The firemen indeed found Ru's cell phone, thank god, but he received quite a lengthy rebuke from them as well as stern looks from the building management.

"You can stay with us for lunch," Aarav offered when the two of them walking up to their floor. Ru must be looking quite pitiful for Aarav to invite him for lunch. He had little wish to stay in the building, but he was pretty shaken by what had happened earlier and felt he could use some company.

Ru thanked Mr. Grumpy. Back in the apartment, he joined Pu and Pam to watch TV, and Aarav even made him some coffee that he had entirely forgotten about. Ru thanked him again, giving his warmest smile, but the tall guy played it down, saying no big deal. Ru had to take a shower before lunch, and when he came out in Raima's pink bathrobe, he did not miss the faint smirk on Aarav's face. There was one large vegan pizza waiting on the coffee table. Aarav had brought out his work laptop to the living room now. Ru absently flipped through the tv channels, and Aarav quietly worked on his laptop as they shared the pizza. In the evening, when Raima returned, Aarav dropped Ru off to his place. And that was how their second meeting went.