Evil Mr. Grumpy- Part 2 [Rohan]

[Chapter warning- mild smuttiness at the end]

[I will drop you off] – Aarav.

Ru read the message, turned over his phone to check if all was right, and then reread the message. Nope, it was indeed a message from the guy who didn't even bother to say hi to Ru all day, did not even bother to 'see' his message from the morning until now. Ru wasn't seething; he was combusting. He wanted to write down all the swear words in his vocabulary, type them in the chat box and hit send. But all he did was delete the message, block the man, and strut out of the office with his cross-body bag and the leftovers from lunch, like the queen he was.

Ru was standing outside the office building hoping to spot an empty taxi when a shiny black BMW stopped before him. The windows rolled down, and it was Aarav.

"Get in," Aarav ordered as if he was the master of Ru.

Ru made a show of rolling his eyes and gazed the other way.

"Look, I am sorry, okay. It has been a crazy day. Sorry I couldn't reply to your text."

So, he did see his text, Ru thought. Textbook narcissist, his sister would have said. She had more experience in men than any other human Ru knew, and she made sure Ru had all her dating knowledge.

"Let me just drop you off, alright?" Aarav pleaded. There was no way Ru would ever give in to this man again. But he had been standing there waiting for a taxi for more than thirty minutes, and the chances looked dismal with the evening rush in the Bandra district of Mumbai.

Ru simply opened the door, climbed into the passenger, and put on his seatbelt, without so much as a hi, so much as a look at the evil Mr. Grumpy.

Aarav turned on the stereo. It was a jazz station. Last night, that music sounded like a sexy love song; now it sounded like the cawing of crows, absolutely painful to the ears. Ru fished out his iPods from his bag and stuck them in his ears, turning on Halsey. He felt the heat of Aarav's gaze on him, but he steadfastly stared at the street ahead. They stayed like that for five minutes, without an iota of movement of the car. Ru didn't care if they had to sit like that till the end of time, but there is no way he would ever talk to that man again.

Suddenly, Aarav pulled out the bud from Ru's right ear. Ru was stunned for a second and then lunged to snatch it back.

"Listen to me, Ru," Aarav coaxed, gently pushing Ru back to this seat,"just listen."

"Give me my iPod back," Ru threatened.

The taller guy sighed and then held out the iPod, and Ru picked it and shoved it in his ear. But the music was still paused.

"I wanted to say sorry," Aarav repeated his words from before.

Ru had a sinking feeling at the melancholic tone of Aarav's voice. He wanted to turn on Halsey; he really did. But he also wanted to hear Aarav out, once and for all. He turned and stared at the man. "And?"

Aarav shrugged, the kind of shrug that every man gives when he is about to say something shitty. "I am straight."

Ru scoffed, so loud even his neighbors in Borivali would hear the mock in his voice.

"Yeah, sometimes I sleep with men," Aarav admitted, voice soft, "only if they are cute," he touched Ru's right cheek pertly, received a hard slap from him, and still continued. "But, unlike you, I only date women."

Ru had seen this movie so many times, it tired him to even hear those words. "Just drive me home," Ru said.

"Of course, my prince," Aarav replied blithely.

Aarav tried to make small talks on the way, but Ru kept staring out of the window. So the man gave up. Ru's eyes were stinging, close to tears, but he would die before he shed tears before this as-hole.

After winding and turning and long waits in the traffic, the car eventually stopped in front of his apartment complex. Ru exited the vehicle as quickly as he could and made sure to slam the door behind him. He took three furious steps towards the gate and then felt something break in his heart. He turned and strode back to the car.

Aarav was still gazing at him.

"You know what?! You are the most evil, stupid, piece of shit, as-hole guy I have ever met. Don't you fucking ever show me your face again! I hate you, and you know what, your entire office hates you! All of them. They told me. They all hate you." Ru unloaded on the guy like tornado, whirled around, and flew towards the gate.


It was almost midnight when there was a pounding on Ru's door, punctuated by an urgent ringing of the bell. At first, he thought he was having a nightmare after such a terrible day, but the incessant noise did not leave him alone until he lost his sleep and sat up.

"Coming!" He wearily walked towards the door and, even in his sleep adled brain, remembered to check the peephole. For a second, he reconsidered if he truly was not dreaming. On the other side of the door was Aarav, the man Ru was bawling his eyes out for not a couple of hours ago. "What is it?" He asked, hoping the man would go away.

"Open the door." Aarav was clearly drunk and brooding.

"Go away," Ru raised his voice.

"Open the door, I want to say sorry."

"You already said sorry. Go away now, or I will call the security," Ru warned, but even he could hear his resolve breaking.

The man knocked again. "Open the door," the words were blunt and slurred, but his tone was pleading.

Ru sighed and opened the latch. Aarav stumbled into the apartment and almost knocked Ru over. Ru helped him stand up. "Are you all right?"

He hadn't even finished the words, hadn't even closed the door when Aarav turned to him and smashed their lips together. It was quite possibly the messiest kiss Ru had ever had, but it was no short in urgency. The taller man pushed Ru back into his cramped little apartment, staggering and unbalanced until Ru almost fell over the coffee table. Ru pressed back and guided Aarav to the sofa. He tried to pull away his lips but they were tightly trapped between Aarav's teeth.

Ru pushed Aarav onto the sofa, but he rolled Ru over to be on top. And then he began to hump him like a crazed animal, biting and sucking his neck, his shoulder, every piece of skin he could find. Ru felt Aarav's hardness digging into his thigh through the layers of jeans and nigh pjs. It did not take long either. With a low grunt, Aarav shoved his tongue as far back as he could in Ru's mouth and came with a violent shudder.

Later, Ru brought one of his spare pillows and wedged it under Aarav's head while he snored softly on the couch.