Make A Wish- Part 1 [Rohan]

"Onion, potatoes, cauliflower, bell pepper, egg plant, garlic, ginger, tomato, coffee, milk, flour, yoghurt, chickpeas, bananas, lemons, mushrooms, leeks, spinach, biscuits, bread, sugar, ketchup, soy sauce, ramen"

"We are missing salt."

"It is not on the list." Aarav looked at his phone to recheck the grocery list.

"I just added it," Ru quickly explained and began to push the cart. "Come on, aisle twelve."

Aarav kept still, and Ru used his eyes to ask what's wrong.

"Aisle twelve is on the other side, and I am quite sure we have a full box of salt at home," Aarav said dryly. "We are walking around in the store for last two hours."

Ru turned fully facing Aarav. "Well, first, I am not sure at all that we have a full box of salt, and second, you said you are free for the evening; so, what is the problem?" Ru was ready to defy any argument Aarav presented.

"Just because I am free for the whole evening does not mean I want to spend it walking up and down the grocery store. Can we hurry up?" He asked petulantly before taking the handle of the cart from Ru and hurriedly driving it to aisle twelve. There he was, evil Mr. Grumpy back again. Ru prayed that the grouchy man doesn't sulk for the rest of the evening.

Once they got the salt, Ru remembered he needed some baking supplies. "You knowwww I love baking," he begged. Aarav sighed loudly but caved in.

When they reached the baking goods aisle, Ru picked out the blue and green sprinkles and shoved them between all the other grocery items.

"Why do we need sprinkles?" Aarav was exasperated.

"Because they go beautifully with pink icing."

Ru turned the cart around. "We also need some plastic cups, sorry." He apologized preemptively. Aarav gave another cold sigh and nodded.

In the next fifteen minutes, Ru snatched a box of ice creams, a full bottle of safflower oil, dishwasher, detergent, and this and that.

"Okay," he gave up the cart at last, "We can go to the meat section now."

Aarav gave him a smile full of mockery. "Thank you! Would your highness want to wait here while the peasant goes and shops for some real food?"

Ru was feeling queasy from all the walking back and forth from aisle one to aisle thirty, but he didn't want to leave Aarav's side either. "I will come," he said simply.

When they got to the meat and fish section, Ru's stomach turned at the sharp stench.

"You okay?" Aarav asked his hand lightly on Ru's arm. Ru nodded quickly, without saying anything, since he was worried if he began to speak, he might hurl right on the floor there.

Aarav walked over to the fish section and got two different kinds of fish and some shrimp. Then, he picked up a package of frozen chicken from the frozen meat section and returned to where Ru was standing.

"If I tell you how they procured that meat from that chicken, you will never eat chicken again," Ru told Aarav as if it was a dark dark secret.

Aarav smirked. "Oh yeah? Please tell me more if this meat procurement."

"Well," Ru started and then realized he was still sick to even think about such things, let alone talk about them. "Some other time."

Aarav kept smirking, but Ru thought he looked even more attractive with that smirk on. Sometimes, it made Ru jealous how handsome he could look even in his hoodie and sweatpants, like a talk, dark Adonis, the subject of all stares in any room. Whereas Ru had to wear his favorite printed jacket and brown leather boots, even at the grocery. Sometimes he felt something was wrong with him.

"I am going over to the checkout." Aarav pulled Ru back from his reverie.

"Wait, wait. I forgot one more thing. Can we go to the pharmacy aisle?" Ru made puppy eyes that he knew always worked. Aarav breathed out loudly but turned the cart to the pharmacy aisle.

There, they stopped in front of the sex section, as Ru liked to call it. Aarav was clearly appalled but kept quiet. Ru pulled his favorite lube and checked the price. But, then his eyes fell on another lube of the same brand, in a bigger tube and apparently better as the writing on the lube claimed. He picked that up too and began to compare the two. One claimed it worked for a long time, which Ru could vouch for, and the other claimed it worked for the same amount of time AND caused less to no irritation. That sounded like a great new feature, but it was quite costlier than the other one. Ru stood there contemplating.

"Can you please pick either one?" Aarav sounded genuinely tired now. Ru had never heard him say please before.

"Well, yeah, but if I am getting this big tube, I want to make sure that it is worth the price, you know. What if I get this huge tube and never have sex again?" It sounded ridiculous when Ru said it out loud, but it truly concerned him.

Aarav gave another distinctly sharp and loud sigh and then reached out and pulled a pack of condoms. Ru caught a glimpse of the size and bit his lips to hide his smile.

"What?" Aarav asked sourly.

Ru hid his face. "Nothing."

"What is it?"

"Well, don't you think it is a bit too big for you?" Ru asked in a hushed, amused tone. He couldn't help but tease Mr. Grumpy.

"No," Aarav whispered back in Ru's ears, "and you should know better by now that it fits me perfectly." And he didn't stop there. "In fact, maybe, while we are at it, you should get the extra small ones if you ever decide to use anything other than your ass."

Instead of getting upset, Ru burst out laughing, so hard that suddenly all eyes were on them, the older uncle and auntie who were shopping for the cold medicine, the two teenage girls who were checking out the make-up items, one of the staff who was just casually walking by. Ru remembered they were still at the sex section and even felt very awkward all of a sudden.