Chapter 10 (+18)

Jak tugged on his wrists but they didn't budge. Reaux had tied them perfectly to the posts of the bed.

Anticipation trickled through him, making the fresh wound burn. Reaux had never been this riled up before. He'd been annoyed and pissed, but Jak had never pushed him so far past his breaking point. Not like this.

He watched the older Alpha through hooded eyes. If he looked closely, he could see the pheromones wasfting through the air. Reaux was prowling the room, rummaging around the drawers. Every muscle was controlled painfully. He was trying not to unleash the full force of his anger.

Jak swallowed painfully. He wasn't sure about this. He didn't mind playing when Reaux was in a good mood. They'd never done this type of atmosphere before. He had never been this oppressed waiting for Reaux to make a move. He was too nervous to ask though. He didn't want to hear that voice that was laced with anger and power.

Reaux turned back to the bed and grabbed his feet. He pulled roughly, and the rope bit into Jak's wrists painfully. He couldn't help the gasp that left him. Tears pricked the corners of his eyes and he sniffled to erase all the pain.

Reaux untangled the cords to some of his toys and sat them aside. Jak looked at each one, uncertainty coloring his already flushed face. They hadn't used a couple of them before which increased his trepidation. He wasn't sure what they were used for at all, and one looked painful.

In a gentle motion that betrayed his anger, the older Alpha kissed the inside of the younger's thighs. He ran his tongue up and down the muscles, paying extra attention to the dips. Just as Jak relaxed, he bit down hard. Jak let out a shocked and strangled cry and his back came off the bed. The ropes pulled against his wrists as his body quaked uncontrollably.

Reaux didn't stop. He mimicked the motion on the other thigh until twin bruises marred the tan skin. Jak's body trembled in both fear and nervousness. Reaux could see it in his eyes, but he wasn't going to stop him. He couldn't. With his anger so hot it could melt metal, there was no way Jak could stop him from doing whatever he wanted.

With that knowledge, the angry man took the bound man's shaft and tickled his fingers up it. Usually, it sprang to life, but now it was acting much like its owner. It was being defiant and refusing to follow orders. It wasn't until he started kissing it did he get the desired result. It stood straight up, and Reaux stroked it with love and care. He ran his tongue along both sides, watching with interest as the owner twitched and grunted.

Reaching to his side while never letting the appendage leave his mouth, he grabbed an egg shaped device and some skin-safe tape. He kept the tip in his mouth so he could watch his hands. He put the egg to the side of Jak's erection then taped it in place. He followed the cord with his fingers until he found the little box. As his tongue swept across the slit, Reaux flipped the switch and placed it on the lowest setting.

Jak's voice was highpitched as he made a noise at the sensations on his lower body. Reaux never stopped teasing the tip, and it made things worse. If his hands weren't bound, Jak would have covered his face as the moans and grunts flooded from his mouth. The muscles in his abdomen spasmed involuntarily, and he felt the need to cum.

Someting pulled along the base, and Jak looked down. A clamp was attached and pulled hard on his erection. Add the pressure of the vibration made it so much more painful. Reaux seemed to notice and removed the second toy, leaving the egg taped to him. A sigh of relief escaped him as the pressure subsided.

But that pressure was only added to his upper chest. Reaux kissed, flicked, and niddled on his nipples, making them hard and red. Jak endured it since he was used to this type of pain. It was the pain that followed that he was unprepared for.

Reaux reached between his legs and pulled up a chain. Jak watched as he took one end in his hand and clamped it around his nipple then did the same with the other. The pain was nearly unbearable as the rubber edges met around the puckered flesh. His breath stuttered out in gasps as he tried to breathe through it. His arms burned every time his muscles twitched.

Jak looked up at Reaux. Their eyes met, and the younger Alpha quickly averted his. This wasn't the easy-going Reaux. This man was someone who enjoyed this. He enjoyed seeing his lover as a writing mess so he could kiss it and make it go away. Jak was already regretting pushing him so far, but he hadn't done anything he hadn't asked about before.

Reaux kissed Jak. his eyes may have been hard, but his mouth wasn't. It was just as tender and loving as Jak knew. His actions said he was angry, but his mouth tried to ease the fear. Jak melted into the gentleness.

There was a gentle pressure over his eyes. When he opened them, everything was dark. He felt Reaux's weight beside him, and a gentle hand on his side. The other man was easing him into blindness to make sure he didn't panic. He never said a word, and that alone worried Jak.

The bed shifted. Reaux's hand trailed down Jak's body until he stopped at the end of the bed. Jak waited quietly, feeling the vibrations in his cock more acutely. His legs twitched ever so slightly as he wondered where this was going.

A new wave of pheromones washed over him, prickling his skin intoxicatingly. His head was fuzzy and his body was hypersensitive. He could taste oakmoss on his tongue as he breathed in through his mouth. Reaux's anger was mixed with it, making it a potent combination.

There was a pop and a splurt. Jak flinched as a hand swiped along his ass. He felt the cold goop as Reaux smeared it. Without preamble, a finger breached the opening. Jak cried out as his knees came up. Once again, Reaux didn't soothe him; instead he started pumping his fingers in and out roughly. A second was added soon after followed by a third.

The pressure was awful. It was even worse than when Reaux was fully burundi inside him. With a full erection, there was only so much he could do. With his fingers, Reaux was grazing everything. Sometimes it hurt, but there was no pleasure at all. Reaux wasn't doing it to bring him pleasure. He was doing it to show Jak what he could ask of him.

The fingers soon disappeared. Jak took a breath before something smooth was pressed against his trembling entrance. It was followed by a second then a third. Then they started vibrating.

Jak's voice was a garbled mess as he half-moaned half-cried. His insides were bouncing everywhere. He had never had this happen, and it was nearly too much. Reaux cranked up the volume on the eggs attached to his heavy erection. Jak's knees came to his chest as body folded in half. He grabbed the ropes for some reprieve.

His toes curled as his body heated up. Reaux pulled him down then pushed forward. Jak all but screamed as he was suddenly full, filled to the brim of both vibrators and Reaux's massive cock. The Alpha didn't give him a chance to adjust as he started thrusting. The combination of vibrations plus being filled completely overstimbulated him, and he came violently.

"Who said you could come?" Reaux gripped his throat in a firm yet loose hand. "Hmm? Who gave you permission?"

"I'm sorry." Jak could barely get the words out as the motions took his breath away. How was Reaux handling this?

"I'm sorry what?" Reaux flipped him over onto his knees and pressed his head into the mattress. He shot forward three times, feeling the vibrations on his tip as he pressed them deeper into Jak.

"Sorry!" Jak's ass was pounded violently in the new position. He was barely able to lift his head much less think. His chest rubbed against the mattress roughly, the clamps digging into his skin painfully despite the rubber guards.

"I'm sorry what?" He did the unthinkable. Reaux's hand made harsh contact with Jak's ass cheek. It left a visible palm print that turned purple almost immediately. "Say it! What are you sorry for? Say it!" It happened again.


Everything came to a screeching halt. The only sounds were hardsh breathing and the muted vibrators embedded in Jak's body.

Slowly, Reaux pulled out. He pressed his hand to Jak's tailbone and pulled the eggs out one by one. He turned them off and set them aside. He untied one wrist then the other. He tried to turn Jak over to take care of him, but the other man shoved him away.

Jak curled into a ball as he pulled the blindfold off, making sure his back stayed to Reaux. His eyes were squeezed shut and he kept his face buried in the mattress. Slowly he pulled the clamps off, pain careening through his body with each one. Still he couldn't turn over or ask for help. He was too dumbfounded. He felt hurt and betrayed.

Reaux reached over to sit the young man up, but again he was shoved away. When he tried it again, Jak sat up violently and pushed him off the bed. Reaux stared up at him, stared into the big blue eyes as huge tears spilled over them. He was terrified, and it was Reaux's fault.

Jak sat down gingerly and looked at his slowly fading erection. He tried to pull the tape of, but his hands were shaking too much. Reaux sat up and reached over to help, but his hand was slapped away. He continued on trying, but Jak shoved at his shoulders violently.

"Stop touching me!" he cried. Reaux's eyes widened and his hands hovered over the other man. "I can do it." He tried again but failed, an exasperated scream escaping him.

When he couldn't get his fingers to work, he let Reaux take the tape off. Once the egg was gone, Jak got up on wobbly legs and grabbed some clean clothes. Throwing them on, he grabbed a bag and shoved some more in it.

"What are you doing?" Reaux asked. He sat with his back against the bed and legs drawn up.

"I'm leaving." Jak rolled his underwear into logs and shoved them in the bag.

Reaux's mouth dried out. "Where are you going?"

"Away from here." Jak slung his back over his shoulder and headed for the door.

Reaux grabbed his hand and pulled him to a stop. Jak stood still as Reaux pulled himself up. He didn't look at him, but the other Alpha could see the tension in his neck and arms. The older Alpha tried to pull him close, but Jak spun out of his grasp and shoved him away. Reaux landed hard on the bed.

The look in Jak's eyes was one Reaux would remember forever. They were filled with anger and disbelief, but mostly there was hurt. When Jak had agreed to be adventurous, he'd had only one request. Under no circumstances was he to be struck. Reaux had completely disregarded that in a bout of jealousy and anger.

"What will you do?" he asked. His voice shook slightly.

Jak shook his head. "I don't know." He wiped his nose as he sniffled. He was doing everything he could to keep from crying. "I'll let you know when I decide."

Reaux was left sitting on the bed. A minute later, he heard the front door close.

He'd fucked up. He had completely ignored everything because he'd been angry. And the worst part was he knew it! He knew never to react out of anger. That had been drilled into his head from the moment he'd realized how dominant he was. He had taken that into his dominant/submissive play, but tonight he'd ignored his own rules in addition to Jak's.

He cleaned everything up then went to his study. He would do some work because there was no way in hell he was going to sleep.

He was getting ready to type up a report when his phone chimed. He set his coffee cup down and picked up his phone. It was a message from Tay. He breathed a sigh of relief as tears slipped free.

'I have Jak.'