Mr. Willy

"Mr. Jo, do you still want me to introduce Mrs. Mira to you?" Lia asked with her softness which was just an act. Not forgetting a broad smile until it shows dimples on the left side of her lips.

The sexy woman from the cafeteria has been Mr. Jo's target for a long time. Lia and Abell, also some other students had tried to arrange up their two several times, but Mrs. Mira seemed to be unwilling to respond. The stoic man smiled a little because Lia's words thrilled his heart already. Mrs. Mira's name seemed to be the key to getting Mr. Jo to open the school gates even though it was supposed to be closed tightly, ten minutes before the study began.

"Hurry in, girl. I got your word, be serious about that, okay?" Mr. Jo said after opening the gate.

"Yes, Sir. Just wait for Mrs. Mira to accept your love when we're about to make an arrangement," Lia said as she turned around to her bike.

He immediately started the motorcycle, and Abel moved quickly to sit on the passenger seat. "Thank you, Mr. Jo, just wait. We're going to make Mrs. Mira fall in you," Abel shouted as her bike drove away from the gate.

The two girls chuckled happily because they ended up would not be punished by a first-hour super twat teacher. As soon as they got to the parking lot in the right of the school buildings, they ran to the XI-science class 3. For the last five minutes, Abel can use it to copy unassigned homework.

"Dirga," called Abel when she saw her male friend will come into the class.

That glasses boy stopped right in front of the class's door, then smiled brightly as he saw Abell call him.

"Ga, may I borrow Mr. Willi's assignment book?" asked Abel directly to the point.

"Sure," he responded without any reason. Instantly Abel caught Dirga's arm and dragged him in.

Some of the other students who saw it were not surprised, because they knew if Abel was being nice to Dirga, it meant that the girl was needed something. They sat down in the chairs where Abel and Lia sat, while Lia who was following them in the back sat down in the Dirga's seat.

Dirga quickly took the book out of the bag and happily opened the assignment he had been working on all night, leaving it on the table and letting Abel copy his irrefutable answers.

Twenty questions of Mr. Willi's complicated formula have succeeded Abel to fill thanks to Dirga's kindness and sincerity. The tall, white skin and round eyeglasses which had adorned around his eyes were always being her longing in the hectic times like that morning.

She closed her book, along with Dirga's and gently patted the glasses guy on the shoulders, and then said, "thank you, Dirga, without you, what's so good about having a pretty face with my half-function brain like me. Okay, now change your seats." Abel grinned to please Dirga's heart.

Lia heard Abel's words so clearly, just shaking her head slowly over her friend's embarrassing honesty. Anyway, why should Abel say that her brain only functions in half? How embarrassing!

"Later, try come in early if you want to copy an assignment again, or else you would make yourself seem a pity," Dirga said as he moved out of Lia's seat.

"Alright, okay, Handsome," said Abel with respect, her face looking up stared at Dirga until it made that boy crazier for Abel's beauty, whose hair was a bit wrinkled and sweating. The more obvious his beauty.

Their classmates only giggled at their lovey-dovey words, especially Abel's temptation eyed. No wonder Dirga expected more, Abel also give him some hope.

"Good morning students," greeted Mr. Willi. The careless teacher who was become a burden on Abel's mind for a long time.

"Morning, Mr.," everybody answered in unison.

"Dirga, what are you doing there?" affirmed Mr. Willi as he sat down.

"Nothing, Sir," Dirga answered, then took a few steps to switch seats with Lia.

"Alright, come on, Dirga..." Mr. Willi asked Dirga as a class president to lead his friends through prayer before the study activities began.


As if the hour hand was not moving, Abel was very bored with the materials that Mr. Willi had given that morning. She grabbed her cell phone and tried to send Dhani a text message. Lia who saw that tried to reprimand her, but it would not be Abel if she not stubborn. The girl kept playing on her cell phone, looking at photos together with Dhani while she waited for the message to be replied to.

"Don't forget your breakfast, Honey." So that was Abel's message, which hadn't been replied to by Dhani.

"Do you want my treat?" The deep voice of the man asking her next to her made Liaa look down deeply.

"I'd love to, but later, when this grumpy teacher's class is over," Abel replied without turning her head. After all, she was still focused on the line of pictures of Dhani in her cell phone gallery.

"Clarissa Annabelle, please step out of my class right now!" said Mr. Willie reminded. The typical adult male deep voice startled Abel until slowly raised her face.

"Sir, I'm sorry," Abel said quietly as she put both hands together. She was in a state of panic and could only grimace to feel an increased heartbeat.

But to Abel, the admonitions of her teachers became a common thing already. She was already been punished too many times for her lack of study. Sometimes her teachers just get Abel up in front of the class or give her a task to work on the board, but it's not like that if the teacher is Mr. Willi. He's always pushing students who aren't serious about studying and who don't appreciate the time to leave the classroom.

With just one command, Abel left the seat and walked out as she lowered her face. Lia was both furious and annoyed because saw her friend had never been cured playing with her cell phone in the classroom despite having been caught many times and getting punished. All she could do was pat her forehead, admit the ridiculousness of Abel that doesn't seem can be saved.

"Who else wanna step out of my class?" said Mr. Willi, gazing at each one of his students who also stared at each other at the same time, "please leave before I continue my class. I didn't want my time to be wasted just to lecture an undisciplined student like Annabelle," the teacher continued.

Everything fell silent, then Mr. Willi went back to his desk. He then assigned a task of fifty minutes left to deal with the multiple-choice question. Once in a while, Dirga looked outside, hoping that Abel would remain around the class, if Mr. Willi's class ended later he would immediately ask that girl to copy his answers so that her daily score wouldn't be left behind others. The round eyeglasses boy smiled slightly, imagining Abel's sweet smile when he gave her a cheat sheet later.

To be continued...