The sound of my alarm woke me up from my slumber.

Turning it off, I literally jumped from my bed got on my knees and thanked God for my new age.

I couldn't contain my excitement as I got ready.

I got cleaned up and threw on my outfit. I wore the shirt i bought a day before with a pair of black fishnet stocking and black combat boots.

For makeup, I went with something light. Little bit of foundation to cover my dark spots and lip gloss.

I looked in the mirror and I looked good if I do say so myself. Sprayed perfume, carried my tote bag and left for Aiden's room.

He wasn't on his bed but I could hear the sound of his shower running so he must be bathing.

I sat down on his bed to see a little gift bag with my name of it.

I opened it up and saw a little black notebook with Winnie the pooh a fancy red pen.

I opened the first page and it was a folded up tissue and some writings.

'Alexis, we've been friends since we were 5 years old . Since the day you moved to the pack with your mum. I remember seeing you with your little Winnie the pooh teddy bear that you always walked around with. You even brought it to school which made people pick on you and I was the only one that always stood up for you and told them off cause you were quiet. Ironic how you're now the brave one getting into fights, talking back and now defending me. Even after loosing your mum 4 years ago to cancer you are still the strongest person I know we may both be orphans but we'll always be each others family . I won't lie, I'm abit scared that we won't spend as much time together when you meet your mate today, its inevitable that that's going to be the love of your life so of course you'd spend most of the time with him, but just know I'll always be there for you . I've watched you grow into an amazing woman and today you've become an adult. I just know you're going to annoy me about becoming an adult even thought you're 5 days older but I'll bear with it. Just know that I'll never stop loving you. Happy 18th birthday Alexis.'

By the time I was done reading I was already bawling my eyes with the tissue that was in my hands.

"tch that stupid idiot knew I was going to cry"

"so I'm an idiot?"

I was so engrossed in my tears that I didn't notice that he was out of the shower staring at me.

"Aiden, thank you so much. I love it"I said as I give him a big hug.

And it was during that hug that I realized that he was just fresh out of the shower and still in his towel.

I trailed my eyes over his lean muscles and 4 pack of abs. I blushed as I realized that I was openly checking my best friend out.

I quickly looked at his face to see that he was doing the same thing to me.

"Checking out your best friend , real classy"I said with a smirk as his face turned bright red

"Shut up, this is just the first time I'm ever seeing your legs since we were kids. Ever since you hit puberty, its been all baggy jeans and joggers. you look beautiful'

"If you get a boner, I'm literally going to kill you"

"You're just a fool"

"Whatever bish, I'll be outside . dress up quick and lets go"

I brushed it off but it really warmed my heart to hear him say those sweet thing to me and when did he start smelling so damn good?


As we entered school I could feel literally every eye on me .

Not surprising cause this was the first time I was dressing like this so people must be surprised but it was still annoying.

I didn't know whether to feel good or insecure but I still held my head up here and strutted to my locker.

"Oh I forgot to ask, did you change your cologne or something?"


"Your cologne or your soap or something, did you change it? you smell really good today"

"Thanks but I didn't change anything. Your weirdness aside, are you ready to meet your mate?I mean we are in school.You're most likely to meet him here. He could be in the school right now so maybe don't walk around with a scowl like you always do you know .try smiling "

"Hush, I always try to smile but Jessica and her gang of hyenas just have to come ruin my mood and of course all I can think about all day is punching her stupid little face hence the day long frown"

Speak of the devil, Jessica and her 2 friends were walking down the hall towards me.

"calm down Alexis. It's your day. Don't respond to whatever she says"

"I wont, trust me"

Patiently awaiting for her to stop infront of me and start her taunting- as usual every school day, she just sneered at me and kept it moving. I stared at her till she turned the corner making sure it was really her and not my imagination

Aiden had the same shocked expression as me "what the hell is going on?, did you send her a death threat or something?"

"Me? no!. I'm as surprised as you. Maybe she's been possessed or something. That's the only logical explanation"

"Maybe the moon goddess wants you to have amazing birthday . it's a sign that you're going to have a great day"

"I hope well whatever it is,we can both agree that it was weird"


With that we walked beside each other to the chemistry lab for first period
