Chapter 3: Worried

'Where the hell do i even live?!'.

Reiner thought on a issue he hadn't really worried about, to be fair he did just die and woke up in another dead persons body. Along with the system he didn't really think on what to do next.

'Hello, any help? Like at all?'.

Instead of getting a answer from ol metal lady, he waited several minutes before finally asking himself.

[User was looking for an answer from the system. Sorry user, check your pocket].

The systems voice some how sounded annoyed and surprised at the same time. Making reiner raise his eyebrow a little at the change in tone.

'My pocket? Right. . . Of course dumbass.'

Reiner thought to himself while reaching in his coat pocket. Feeling dumb as he rubbed his head, his fingers hitting an object he was use to having all the time.

Pulling out the black iPhone 12 he saw the screen was cracked, wiping the water away from his soaked jacket that wet it. Clicking it on, the light illuminating his face and hair. Seeing a few missed texts and missed calls from a few numbers he ignored them.

'Guess this body liked anime? Whatever. Where would it. . .be? Ah, there it is. Guess he or I had a hard time remembering to.'

Looking through the phone he scrolled along the pages, seeing some type of busty samurai girl in the background of the apps. His eyes lingering on the chest a little to long before he clicked on the map. Finally finding a place marked as home and pressed it seeing the blue line show up.

'What else do I have? Gum? A single key? Cigarettes of course and 250 bucks? Holy shit.. where the hells my ID?'

Putting the phone away and going through his pockets. Finding a few things even a Wallet but no form of identification. Sighing he pulled a cigarette out and put it to his lips. Lighting it and taking a deep inhale he felt his phone vibrate.

'Not right now, I'll deal with this later. Need.. sleep.'

Ignoring the call he looked around seeing there wasn't anyone really on the street. Besides the people leaving dead light clubs or eating in the ramen shop, blowing out smoke he looked at his phone and made his way on foot.


'Does he plan to keep fu*king ignoring me? Ah!'.

Laying on a long bed that was fixed against the wall, someone tossed around above the black sheets. Becoming annoyed at there phone they threw it to the other corner of the bed. Rolling over they stretched out one of there hands, pulling a manga book from the deep window seal and brought it close to them even if they couldn't really focus.

Pulling the White curtains that hung in the window to allow the light from the city to somewhat illuminate the room. The night life outside finally died down while they tried to read, pulling the book to their chest as they looked at themselves upside down in the window.

'Just come home already, everyone is worried about you. I know your mad but it's me who should be mad. Ah, I shouldn't have said that to you just.. sometimes you, make me so angry!'

Looking at there long golden hair a mess on the bed, then to their new spring green eyes in their reflection. Picking up there phone with a worried expression while they looked at a picture at the home screen.

*knock *knock

From the door across the room a small knock came, breaking the person out of their thoughts. Laying their phone and book down while they tried to change their expression.

"Yes Mimi? What's wrong?"

Calling out in a sweet voice the person already knew who was knocking. The same person who had been knocking every hour as if it were their job. Seeing a shadow move under the door from the light in the hall way. The door slowly opening to reveal a person standing there.

"Jess Have you, heard a-a-anything about where he is?"

A childish sweet voice came out from the person standing in the door way. They had short honey brown hair, with some type of origami style birds fixed to either side, dark eyeliner that was now a mess, big pretty golden brown eyes that seemed to glow in the dark. Tiny facial features along with small eyebrows and their shirt that was over sized for their body. A white T-shirt with a picture of a cat throwing up a rainbow. Around their neck was a necklace with a black crows feather attached to it.

"No Mimi, I'm sorry he still didn't answer his phone. Are you ok?"

Jess asked concerned as she looked at the girls make up that stained her face, it was a mess and it wasn't hard to tell she had been crying.

"I-I-I'm fine.. please just let me know if you hear anything. Cj, koro and sky haven't heard anything either. He will be oo-ok he always co-comes home they said."

Mimi's voice was shaky, trying to throw off Jess's worries and close the door. Tears rolling down her face as she held her necklace.

"Mimi, don't cry.. come here please." Jess seeing this called out to her, she knew Mimi was just as worried as everyone else but it hurt her in a completely different way.

Stopping for a moment Mimi tried to wipe her tears and put on a small smile. Turning to see Jess with her arms out while she had red marks under her eyes from crying. Shaking her head she ran to Jess and held her tight. Balling her eyes out as she sank more into Jess's C-cup breast.

Jess could only rub her head gently while she pulled her on to the bed, sitting her in between her legs as she sat crisscross at the edge. Letting Mimi cry while she rocked her back and forth.

"Shh, it's ok to cry Mimi…I'm right here. Your not the only one that's worried." Jess spoke words of comfort in Mimi's ear while trying to calm her.

"Cj and the others act like it's fine! It's not! he is never gone this long.."

Mimi yelled a little letting out some of her frustration about how the others acted. Wiping her tears with her shirt, she looked up to Jess who lifted her chin.

"Mimi, we all know. Really we all are worried…the guys just have a different way of showing it. Want to hear something funny though?.. but you have to promise not to tell?"

Jess could understand where Mimi was coming from because she was the same a few hours ago. Trying to figure out a way to calm Mimi she decided to tell her what was told to her earlier.

"W-w-what is it.. noona? You know I can keep a secret!" Mimi looked at Jess's pinky that she held out, wondering what was going on.

"Ok, well I heard.." Jess whispered in Mimi's ear while she watched her eyes open wide.

"Really?! He did?" Mimi giggled at what she was told while she finally stopped crying.

"Yes really, but you have to remember our promise. It doesn't leave your lips, ok?"

Jess smiled at Mimi's giggling face while she wiggled their pinkies back and forth. They both talked for a while laughing at one another while they tried to forget what was going on tonight. Eventually both fell asleep, mimi close to jess in a mess as both looked comfortable. There hands holding one another's while the drifting light of the city shined and danced throughout the room.


'Hm? What's that? The door.. the door!'

Hearing someone or something clicking Jess's eyes slowly opened. Hearing the sound of a door, her eyes came in to focus looking around the room and then down to the sleeping Mimi. Finaly recognizing the sound as the front door, her eyes opened wider as she slowly moved Mimi off her. Rushing out of the room, sliding into the hallway as she hit the wall lightly. Coming into the kind of large living area she froze, looking at the tall, handsome, long blonde haired teen that was standing there. His eyes looking at the phone as he leaned against the door. Slowly bringing his eyes up from the phone.

Her eyes weren't just looking at this, seeing his face made her smile grow but she slowly started to look down. The light from his phone shining on the blood all over his chest and clothes. Then to his hands that had dried caked blood before her face started to grow more and more worried.

"Reiner! What happened to you?!"