Chapter 5: Aiko

'Damn, was it not as healed as it appeared earlier?'

Reiners thoughts were in a mess, somewhere between pain and pleasure. The pain from him rubbing his chest where Aiko hit him, opening the scar that tried to heal again and becoming annoyed at the amount of blood coming out. Trying to cover the scar while his hand was soaked. Then the pleasure of walking behind the alleyway bandit.

Her tight black shirt wrapped her bust even though it looked like it was struggling to contain them. It gripped on to her tight midsection, while the black mini skirt moved up every time she took a step. Almost to the point her perky fat ass would fall out, just for disappointment to strike when she would pull it down. His eyes traveled down from her perky ass to her white creamy long white legs that jiggled ever so slightly while she walked. Traveling down more to her flat black vans.

"Earth to Reiner! What the hells wrong with you?!"

Aiko looked back at the lagging Reiner and called out, seeing his eyes looked lost as he shook his head.

"Huh? What's going on.. we finally made it or something?"

Reiner caught up in the curves of her body shook his head. Rubbing his fingers through is messy hair as he pulled his eyes away and looked around.

"No, you were falling behind, walking like a zombie. I called your name out but you weren't answering, what the hell were you staring at?"

Aiko had been walking forward in the silence but it became too much. It was awkward enough them being alone but not talking at all. Even about how either of them had been the atmosphere was strange. She guessed he didn't want to bring up their past and she was thankful but the silence ate at her.

"Your ass looks pretty fat in that mini skirt.."

Without thinking much like a kid who just found out what po*n was his mouth moved on its own. Unlike his past life he said it with out much concern as if it was natural.

"Uh, um. What t-t-the hell are you saying Reiner?!"

Aiko couldn't believe this guy was staring at her ass, she turned her face back to see he was still looking. Her face becoming red while she tried to pull down her skirt more.

"Your ass it's pretty fa.."

When Reiner was going to speak again, he looked at Aiko's beat red face. Watching her stare at him with a unbelievable look.

"I heard you Reiner.. stop looking at my ass. I-I-If you want to play, you have pay like everyone else."

Aiko couldn't act like a school girl turning her head away, even if she liked that he was still interested in her body. She was acting like some famous guy just complemented her, yet it was about her ass and she was blushing like an idiot. Shaking her head she put on a smile and gave a answer she knew he would hate to stop the conversation.

"Ok, is this enough?"

Reiner looking and hearing her words felt weird. A part of him wanted to tease her but the other part was angry. Pulling the 250 bucks out of his pocket he walked over to her.

"What? Wh-what are yo-you doing.. Reiner?!"

Aiko didn't expect him to actually offer money. She knew better then anyone Reiner hated loose women and never paid for sex. Only to see him step forward holding money in his hand, while he did she would take a step back until she was against a metal door shops used to cover there business at night.

"What? You said I'd have to pay right? What's wrong now.. I have the money, from your look. . . are you telling me that fat fu*k had more of a chance to have sex with you then me?"

Reiner didn't know what was happening, seeing her lean against the wall so defenseless. He leaned over her, putting his forearm on the wall and looked down at her with a toothy smile. His eyes shrinking while he looked at her turn her head away. Putting her hands in front of her large chest while her cheeks turned rosy.

"It's.. it's not like that, You still want. A-A-A dirty girl like me? Are you really ok with that?"

Aiko's words were shaky seeing him look over her body with a hungry expression. She couldn't believe it, Reiner was never like this and it's one of the reasons she couldn't face him anymore. She knew she was used, not in his place but still used.

"I don't mind, business is business isn't it? With this body it's hard to not want you.. so Aiko. You don't mind if I taste you.. right?"

Reiner lifted her chin making her look at him while he leaned down. Kissing her forehead as she made a yelp sound. Pulling away to see her big beautiful eyes look up with lust in them for a second.

"I guess.. we can go.."

"Holy shit Reiner what happened?!"

Aiko wanted to say something but looking down at the hoodie that had a large cut she froze. Yelling at him as she saw the blood coming from his chest as he leaned over her.

"Huh? Oh, this it's nothing. Everything is fine.. Just a scratch."

Reiner was finally broken out of whatever demonic trance he was in, following her eyes down to his chest as he sucked his teeth. Watching her reach her hand out and pulled the cloth away from his chest.

"It's not fine Reiner! What the hell happened to you?" Aiko touched the blood seeing how much was coming out.

"I said it's fine, the house is this way right? Right?"

Reiner who didn't want to worry her pulled back, turning away as he looked around and asked. When he finally got a nod he walked forward on the sidewalk, putting his hands in the jacket pockets and hung his head low.

'Why do you keep doing this to yourself Reiner.. what would I do if.. no! What would she and the rest of them do. If you never came home..'

Aiko looked at Reiners back walk away, thinking about the many times she would yell at him for coming to see her bloody, then about how he was always like this. It wasn't for herself, no she knew it wasn't for her but she was worried what would happen to those close to him, if one day it got him killed. Clutching at her shirt she walked after him not noticing her eyes lost a little of there luster as she did.