Beck Jasper Nelson

On Aaren's funeral all of the relatives were present.

No one questioned why Helena wasn't with her parents, they all know she can't bear idea to see her brother in coffin.

As for Bentley they didn't know Chand's adopted a child from orphanage.  

Everyone stated their condolences to Michael and Miranda

"My condolence...I never thought I'll hear and see something awful like this...he was good man" one of Aaren's aunt said

"Thank you aunt.." Miranda said back

"My condolence..." Their eyes widened when they saw person

"Doctor Larson?" Miranda asked shocked

They shook their hands with him but they were still staring at him in disbelief

"What are you doing here doc?"

"I came here to tell you I'm sorry for not being able to save your son's life..." He gave them look full of pity

"You did what you's not your fault" Miranda assured him even thought she still thought otherwise

"I'm also here to tell you something about your other son. Something even you don't know.."

Now this caught their attention even if they were tired from hearing same thing over and over again

"I know this will sound crazy but you're keeping 16-year-old killer in your house.."


Helena was running thought the house trying to hind from her psychopath brother

She locked her bedroom door and prayed Bentley won't caught her

"Helena~ where are you my love~~" he sang

She quickly started looking for another escape

Not long after she heard banging on the door

Seeing there's not other exit she hid inside closet

Right after she hid, she heard door breaking down


He called her

She put hand over her nose trying not make any sound

"Come out" He looked under bed

"Where ever you are" he walked to her first closet and opened the door

She prayed

'please god, please don't let him find me' she thought with fear

"GOT YOU!" He opened her closed and grabbed her by her hand

"NO!!" She yelled as she tried to get away from him


"This is nonsense!" Michael said angrily "just because he's not ours biological son it doesn't mean he's some killer!"

Dr. Larson sighed "I can understand why you don't believe me. But trust me he's not what you think he is."


Bentley chained Helena by bed

"Finally I have you all for myself" he chuckled as he stripped her from her black shirt and ripped jeans

"Please Bentley it doesn't have to be like this" Helena cried

" doesn't but you broke our promise..just like I'm going to break your body" he smiled evilly

Helena's eyes widened in disbelief

"W-What are you going to d-do"

"You'll see my love. You'll see"


"This is stupid" Miranda said angrily

"Hear me out. I have done research and I found out his name is not Bentley.."

"Then what is it?" Miranda asked

"His name is Beck Jasper Nelson.."

Both parents gasped


"Stop it..." She begged when she felt Bentley's going to climax again

He didn't stop

"Say my name!" He ordered

Helena squeezed her eyes shut



"BENTLEY!!" She screamed when she felt he's filling her up with his seeds

"That's my little puppet" he prized her as he kissed her forehead

Helena watched him with half open eyes

Begging him for mercy

"Don't look at me with those eyes darling..You knew what would happen"

"You're monster.." she sobbed out

Bentley smirked "ready for round 2?"

Helena cried harder


"Nelson.." they both repeated silently

Then looked at etch others eyes with widened eyes

"Oh no.." Miranda whispered

"I see you finally understand now, Aaren's death wasn't accidental, he was actually suffocated and I think Beck behind this" Dr. Larson explained

"I don't do you all of this?" Michael asked

"I worked as a psychiatrist 5 years ago in a mental institution, Beck already had mental problems at the age of 10, but everything got worse as he was growing up. He escaped from the institution 4 years ago and it has never been known where he is until now" Dr. Larson said with quit voice still feeling guilty after he failed helping that boy

He looked at parents with sksk eyes

"I think you know about incident that happened last year, No?"

Miranda and Michael nodded

"Well let me tell you the reason, he killed entire family just because thier daughter didn't want to date him."

Miranda put her hand on her mouth realizing their mistake

"Wait where is your daughter?" Dr. Larson asked as he searched for young girl

"We left her..with killer!" Michael said panicking

Dr. Larson's eyes widened

"Tell her to get out of house right now! She's not safe around Beck!"

Michael quickly tipped his daughter's phone number

Hoping she's not harmed or anything


Bentley or Beck kissed his step-sister with passion

She tried get away from him

He pulled away leaving long salvia between them

"Marry me Helena...I'll make you the happiest woman on earth" he proposed

Helena shook her head "No. I could never be happy with man who killed people for pleasure..."

Beck's eyes become dark

"Then I'll make you one killer as well" he whispered and get of her

Her eyes followed him

Fear ate her soul when she saw he's holding the metal rod

"We'll start from begin then, after I'm done breaking you I'll make forgot who you are..." He laughed evilly  

"They going to kill you." She said

He chuckled "we will see my love we'll see"