With Head Held High (3)

I initially felt a burning sensation in my hand like what happens when you got antibiotics entered your system through IV, but this unknown substance that the abomination in front of me is injecting into my body through my veins is different.

I don't know how he can still inject this weird substance by just touching my hand, but it burns like hell. If not for the fact that the black color of the substance is visible through my bulging veins, I would genuinely think there was lava in my veins.

While my body is being heated up, fried, and destroyed from the inside, I try my best to maintain my sanity. I can't think straight anymore, but my mind is doing its best to look for the way to cope with the pain.

Millonia has opened up my abdomen, stirred up the innards, and played with some of the organs while I am awake many times, but the pain I have received from those torturous moments is nothing compared to this one.