First Encounter (End)

"Follow me."

"Who the fuck is that?" I exclaim in English.

I look around to look for the owner of the feminine voice. I immediately realize where I am currently—on the uvula—which means there should be no one dangling up here other than me.

Moving my gaze to the tongue below me, I see nothing but debris. I quirk my eyebrow as I wonder if the voice was just my imagination, but I immediately shake my head at that thought.

"I don't feel that lonely yet to hear voices."

Kicking the uvula, I let my body fall down to the tongue below. The gravity seems to be different here since my body falls slower than it should. 

The distance between the uvula and the tongue is roughly 500 feet, so it takes me 20 seconds to land on the tongue, even after giving my body a slight thrust.


"Oh, it's wet down here."