Obstacles (2)

"Bwaah! My friend is still alive—I don't need to become a loner!"

"... You can't not be what you essentially are unfortunately—let go of me," I comment dryly.

"O-Oh, I'm sorry if I bother you somehow." Vibiane lets go of me, looks at me briefly, and thinks to herself until a realization hits her. "I thought loner was just a status! Am I cursed to be a loner for the rest of my life?!"

"If you keep being the way you are—yes."

As the harsh reality hits Vibiane, the half-Banshee half-Spirit's eyes darken. She looks like a person who has just found the source of her problem, but still has no way to fix it despite so.

In short, she looks like someone who has fallen into a state of absolute despair.

I slightly pity her for being stupid enough to believe it, but I am not kind enough to tell her I was just joking after what she has made me go through. Besides, there is a more important thing I and everyone should be concerned about.