Intermezzo: Another Perspectives

[Brianna Johnson's POV]

We have spent our time in this new world for two months. To say that what has happened for the past two months are wild will be an understatement—it is fantastically wild.

Boys being boys, all of them were extremely excited when they found themselves resurrected in another world. All of them immediately thought of the great things they could achieve in this world, forgetting what had happened a few moments before.

Layland ... To think he would ever do that—I was really shocked. I knew him as a quiet, kind, and passive person, so never did I expect him to be a school shooter.

I hate—I abhor him for the psychological trauma he has caused me—I still dream about that day every night—but I can't blame him, really. What he did back then, after all, was all caused by what I had done to him.