How It Should Look Like (End)

"That was rather easy, wasn't that?" I mutter to myself.

The way Velucan told me about how dangerous Paladins were made me believe that they indeed had a power I should be wary of. Because of this reason, I was extremely wary of the female Paladin I just killed.

Although there is a possibility that Velucan was just trying to mess with me when he told me about it, there is also a possibility that I just met a weak Paladin, which is why I could kill her easily.

With that said, instead of getting cocky now that I have killed one of the Paladins, I became more wary of them. There is no way they are not enraged after knowing I have killed one of their friends, so I am sure more of them will come at me.

"Oh, by the way, nice assist, Luxia."

"I can do much more though."

"Can you make a Golem?"
