The Art of Paranoia (End)

The taste of defeat is unsavory. As someone who has tasted it quite a lot, I know it well. What is more frustrating, however, is having a standoff with your opponent. Lying in my own pool of blood, I get to understand that feeling.

I have been fighting for half an hour, but other than getting injuries and power-ups, I haven't done much harm to my assailants.

All of my injuries have always been healed by the power-ups, meanwhile scratching them is all I have done to them. It is, indeed, a complete standoff.


"It's my sixth power-up, but I don't think anything will change soon," I mutter as the injuries I have sustained are slowly healed. "These bastards... They are purposely holding back."

I initially guessed—after knocking out the Warrior with the worst reflex—that all of the Warriors in the Arena were using a Spell similar to [Virimisce], which allows you to combine your power with your partner(s).